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[FM24][SKIN] Rensie Custom skin - Updated 14/02/2024


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33 minutes ago, snowofman said:

FM24 Rensie v2\settings

the settings file

Apologies I did look in there but there were no scoreboard text in that. Will give something a try.#


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  • 2 weeks later...
在 2024/1/5 在 PM2点45分, keysi说:

没什么大不了的,但如果你们中的一些人想在收件箱标题中拥有员工唯一 ID(如下图所示),以便能够编辑所有员工的面孔,只需下载附加的 inbox_item.xml 并将其复制/粘贴到皮肤文件夹/面板/人类并重写现有文件。(或先备份原始文件)。然后重新启动游戏。 

您将看到主席、私人助理和其他工作人员的唯一 ID,这些工作人员的个人资料和唯一 ID 是无法看到的。这意味着您可以在配置文件中创建与玩家或其他工作人员相同的行。

<record from="你的照片名称" to="graphics/pictures/person/r-工作人员ID /portrait"/>


收件箱项目.xml 10.73 千字节 · 70 次下载


谢谢, @BouFitty 对于这个想法。您可以简单地突出显示 ID 号并将其复制为任何其他文本。我做的唯一更改是我没有使用出生日期小部件,因为传统配置不需要它。 


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17 hours ago, mijasso93 said:


How add picture stadium in this place? Or change colour?

It's set to use primary and secondary colours. That means if you play for a team with a different primary colour (yours is black), it will use, for example, a blue colour and white text. 

you can change it in the panels/team/team upcoming fixture info manager home.xml

  • you have to change the main contrast box in line 4
  • you have to change all the text from secondary to another colour to avoid colour clashes. 
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2 hours ago, keysi said:

Jest ustawiony na używanie kolorów podstawowych i drugorzędnych. Oznacza to, że jeśli grasz w drużynie o innym kolorze podstawowym (Twój jest czarny), użyje na przykład koloru niebieskiego i białego tekstu. 

możesz to zmienić w panelu/zespole/menedżerze informacji o nadchodzących meczach zespołu w pliku home.xml

  • musisz zmienić główne pole kontrastu w wierszu 4
  • należy zmienić cały tekst z drugorzędnego na inny kolor, aby uniknąć konfliktów kolorystycznych. 

Thanks for you answer.

It`s possible add photo stadium?

Btw it`s my favourite skin. Good job.

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21 hours ago, mijasso93 said:

Thanks for you answer.

It`s possible add photo stadium?

Btw it`s my favourite skin. Good job.

For sure, it's possible. You just need to find the right stadium picture widget and place it in the right place in that "team upcoming fixture info manager home.xml"

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10 hours ago, One hell of a keeper said:

Evening all, How can I get as much of the themed panels (if any) and scoreboard back in for the legit competitions when playing games on match day? 

I'm not sure what you mean by "the themed panels" :-) 

In terms of scoreboards, go to the skin folder/panels/match and delete the "comps" folder, it will delete the customised scoreboards for the Champions League or Bundesliga. 

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11 hours ago, keysi said:

I'm not sure what you mean by "the themed panels" :-) 

In terms of scoreboards, go to the skin folder/panels/match and delete the "comps" folder, it will delete the customised scoreboards for the Champions League or Bundesliga. 

Apologies! Thanks for the reply though 


So if I wanted to bring them back into the game, what would I need to remove/delete for these to show again on match day? 

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13 hours ago, One hell of a keeper said:

Apologies! Thanks for the reply though 


So if I wanted to bring them back into the game, what would I need to remove/delete for these to show again on match day? 


On 26/09/2024 at 09:35, keysi said:

I'm not sure what you mean by "the themed panels" :-) 

In terms of scoreboards, go to the skin folder/panels/match and delete the "comps" folder, it will delete the customised scoreboards for the Champions League or Bundesliga. 


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1 hour ago, canry said:

How can I move this section to the left?


Go into the Client object browser and search for tbar


replace the current container with

<container navigation_container="true" id="tBAR" >
	<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" />
    	<container class="sections_menu_strip" id="acse" />

I believe that should be enough to make the menu as default

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Am 15.9.2024 um 18:31 schrieb mijasso93:

Thanks for you answer.

It`s possible add photo stadium?

Btw it`s my favourite skin. Good job.

I tried this one and had some success. What I did:

You need to get "team upcoming fixture badges manager home.xml" from the base skin. Stadium picture code is already there but commented out. I replaced it with this tho:

	<!--stadium picture-->
	<widget class="stadium_picture" id="STAp" image_alignment="bottom" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true">
	<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="-187"/>

						<record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt"/>
						<record id="default_properties" image_alignment="centre" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true" transparency="1"/>

						 <widget class="picture" id="bkgd" file="pictures/stadiums/stadium_bg" image_alignment="centre" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true" hidden="false" transparency="1" />
						<widget class="picture" id="bkgd" file="pictures/stadiums/none_base" hidden="true"/>
						<widget class="picture" id="STPC"/> 

After that I went to "team upcoming fixture manager home.xml" and commented out the main contrast box and put

<container class="client_object_viewer_xml_panel" file="team/team upcoming fixture badges manager home" id="tmbp"  />

from the bottom to the top there.

I also commented out the the backgrounds pattern home pictures on the bottom of this file.


Did the same with the game processing panel.xml


start screen.jpg

progress screen.jpg

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On 09/10/2024 at 17:01, Holzi said:

I tried this one and had some success. What I did:

You need to get "team upcoming fixture badges manager home.xml" from the base skin. Stadium picture code is already there but commented out. I replaced it with this tho:

	<!--stadium picture-->
	<widget class="stadium_picture" id="STAp" image_alignment="bottom" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true">
	<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="-187"/>

						<record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt"/>
						<record id="default_properties" image_alignment="centre" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true" transparency="1"/>

						 <widget class="picture" id="bkgd" file="pictures/stadiums/stadium_bg" image_alignment="centre" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true" hidden="false" transparency="1" />
						<widget class="picture" id="bkgd" file="pictures/stadiums/none_base" hidden="true"/>
						<widget class="picture" id="STPC"/> 

After that I went to "team upcoming fixture manager home.xml" and commented out the main contrast box and put

<container class="client_object_viewer_xml_panel" file="team/team upcoming fixture badges manager home" id="tmbp"  />

from the bottom to the top there.

I also commented out the the backgrounds pattern home pictures on the bottom of this file.

Did the same with the game processing panel.xml


start screen.jpg

progress screen.jpg

It's so good and refreshing to see someone make a real effort to make and edit something themselves. Great work, Holzi. 

I have it like this right now btw., with 0.2 transparency.



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vor 2 Stunden schrieb keysi:

It's so good and refreshing to see someone make a real effort to make and edit something themselves. Great work, Holzi. 

I have it like this right now btw., with 0.2 transparency.

Looks great! Maybe time for a new update? ;)

Btw how did you add the transparency? Directly to the stadium picture?

I had to add a class="inner_contrast_box" transparency="0.6" container otherwise it gives me problems if I want to use also a generic picture for stadiums without real pictures.

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2 hours ago, Holzi said:

Looks great! Maybe time for a new update? ;)

Btw how did you add the transparency? Directly to the stadium picture?

I had to add a class="inner_contrast_box" transparency="0.6" container otherwise it gives me problems if I want to use also a generic picture for stadiums without real pictures.

I have just this within the 'team upcoming fixture badges manager home.xml'


31 minutes ago, Holzi said:


Do you still remember what xml controls the stuff inside the red box? Thanks!



'match/match touchline table slot middle.xml' - container in lines 8-120.

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hace 6 horas, keysi dijo:

It's so good and refreshing to see someone make a real effort to make and edit something themselves. Great work, Holzi. 

I have it like this right now btw., with 0.2 transparency.



How can I put the background you have on the Fixtures and Team News panels?

Thanks :)

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18 hours ago, Resaconing said:

How can I put the background you have on the Fixtures and Team News panels?

Thanks :)

you have to edit the appearance of that box. 

it's in the 'manager upcoming fixture.xml'

If you edit in my skin, it's line 32 where the container with the home/away news starts. 

I have this: <container class="main_contrast_box" red_replacement="blue grey 800"> (if you want different colour, just change the red_replacement)

If you would want only a subtle box as Holzi has on his screen, you have to use for example this  <container class="main_subtle_box">

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1 hour ago, uroszila said:

Can anyone help me please, I would like to have original octagon for attribute analysis on outfield players. What I need to remove to get this one working?

Thanks for your help.

open the skin folder/panels/player and there are these two files. 


If you delete the 'player attribute analyser outfield' and reload the skin, the polygon will be reverted to the original.

Or, delete this file and rename the first one without the word Original. That will do the same trick. 

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On 9.10.2024 at 17:01, Holzi said:

Wypróbowałem to i odniosłem pewien sukces. Co zrobiłem:

Musisz pobrać „team upcoming fixture badges manager home.xml” z bazowej skórki. Kod obrazka stadionu już tam jest, ale został zakomentowany. Zastąpiłem go jednak tym:




Następnie przeszedłem do „team upcoming fixture manager home.xml” i skomentowałem główne pole kontrastu i umieściłem


od dołu do góry.

Skomentowałem również wzory tła na zdjęciach domowych na dole pliku.


To samo zrobiłem z panelem przetwarzania gry.xml


ekran startowy.jpg

ekran postępu.jpg


It works.

Thank you very much :)

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