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Question - Fixtures between stages


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So I'm experimenting with having Teams in different stages, but one of the stages hidden so that Only Stage 1 appears on the League Table. but i want Stage 1 to have fixtures between teams in Stage 1 and Stage 2.
Anyone know if this is possible, or do ye need me to add more details for what i'm trying to do?

Stage 1 = 10 teams
Stage 2 = 10 Teams. 

All teams in Stage 1 and Stage 2 play each other once for a Season of 19 games; but only the Teams in Stage 1 are in the league table, but the league standings are for all 19 games. 

Edited by ZahnZee
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  • TheDynamoFM changed the title to Question - Fixtures between stages

Stage 2 is the hidden stage? It can have everyone, doesn't matter as it doesn't actually show up. Then in the hidden stage, everyone plays everyone else using fixture plan rules under group settings. Then in the visible stage, under league settings use "get matches from other stage" and make sure "count fixtures" is checked (because you're getting all the results from only a partial amount of the teams)

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On 15/11/2023 at 05:00, themodelcitizen said:

Stage 2 is the hidden stage? It can have everyone, doesn't matter as it doesn't actually show up. Then in the hidden stage, everyone plays everyone else using fixture plan rules under group settings. Then in the visible stage, under league settings use "get matches from other stage" and make sure "count fixtures" is checked (because you're getting all the results from only a partial amount of the teams)

Perfect. Thanks for that. I wanted to make sure it was possible before wasting my time beating my head off a brick wall to nowhere.

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