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I need help with a league with splits and regional leagues


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Hello, i have 2 different questions to ask and i dont know if these are possible to edit:


1. I am trying to make a league with a split at the end of it, sort of like the scottish league, i wanted to ask if there is a way to halve the points of both groups once the split happens to make it more interesting? and if the answer is yes how do i make that happen?

2. I also tried making a league that is above a series of regional leagues, i wanted to know if it was possible to make it so if Team X gets relegated that it gets relegated to the specific regional league it should be in, instead of ending up with a team from Y region playing in X League


Hope this wasnt too complicated to understand, i can always clarify if necessary

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Both are possible in advanced rules.

There is a setting in the advanced rules where you can halve the points going into the split. Check the Scottish rules to see if you can make it work there. It will help you understand how to do it for your own project.

For the regional relegation you can take a look at the dynamic relegation thread in the advanced rules section. Just know that it is pretty complex to get it to work.

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hace 11 minutos, Wolf_pd dijo:

Both are possible in advanced rules.

There is a setting in the advanced rules where you can halve the points going into the split. Check the Scottish rules to see if you can make it work there. It will help you understand how to do it for your own project.

For the regional relegation you can take a look at the dynamic relegation thread in the advanced rules section. Just know that it is pretty complex to get it to work.

Thank you for the help! where exactly in the advanced rules is it? im kinda new so i havent tinkered much with them

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This is where the split is setup, although now I think of it, you might be able to set it in basic rules as well. Haven't used those for a long time, so might be mistaken.


Need to check for the half points.

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7 minutes ago, Wolf_pd said:

This is where the split is setup, although now I think of it, you might be able to set it in basic rules as well. Haven't used those for a long time, so might be mistaken.


Need to check for the half points.

To do the split you can easily set it up in basic rules first then covert to advance rules if you want . Its then a good way to see how it's done in advance rules for future reference . I think Gibraltar use it too so it would be an easier league to practice on . 

As for the relegation issue you can't get it to work unfortunately.  You can try the dynamic relegation trick on this forum but it's hard and also not full proof either . 

Edited by alian62
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Oh, it seems to not be possible to do the regional thing yeah


I dont understand what im doing wrong with the first problem though, my league and the split works perfectly fine and i have the option set to only take 50% of points to the next stage but that specific part does not seem to work in any of the tests ive ran, what am i missing? (pictures are from a) before the last match before the split happens  b) after said match   c) after all matches have been played)





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hace 1 hora, themodelcitizen dijo:

Try with "transfer individual team results" checked, I think the following options might be based on that

Tried that now and its still the same, i had left it off because other leagues that worked this way had it off, i am not sure what effect it had (if it had any)

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hace 10 minutos, themodelcitizen dijo:

Under stage 0 try under "league settings" that box for "process results into stage" and put 1 (or pls1)

tried it and it causes an error when testing rules, the tournament does not finish in time for any date that i place for the season update day, i even put on the last day im allowed to set and it still does not have enough time (which im certain it does because by october there was only 3 matches to be played), once i remove the thing you said it goes away and it lets me verify regardless of date

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Sounds like there's another issue with dates or rankings somewhere so the comp isn't finishing in time. Unless everything else works perfectly except the points halving? When you actually test it in-game, not just verifying 

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hace 7 minutos, themodelcitizen dijo:

Sounds like there's another issue with dates or rankings somewhere so the comp isn't finishing in time. Unless everything else works perfectly except the points halving? When you actually test it in-game, not just verifying 

when i test it in game before this change you suggested dates work just fine and it finishes by early november, its only 38 games in a season without cups and international stuff so i dont see why it would require so much time

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The extra stage shouldn't add any games though? So I wonder what's happening. There's also something in the main stage like "take stage results into other stage" you might need instead of "process results", not entirely sure how the points halving works this year

Or does it add games? Then surely it's just running out of dates?

Edited by themodelcitizen
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hace 1 minuto, themodelcitizen dijo:

The extra stage shouldn't add any games though? So I wonder what's happening. There's also something in the main stage like "take stage results into other stage" you might need instead of "process results", not entirely sure how the points halving works this year

Or does it add games? Then surely it's just running out of dates?

it shouldnt add dates? like the way it works is its 12 teams that play each other 3 times and then at the end you get the top half playing 5 extra games and the bottom half another 5 games between each other, so everyone plays 38 matches, this works perfectly in my testing on the game the only thing that is missing is the point halving, i am not sure why changing this number makes it unplayable to be honest, it could be somehow doubling the match count? like playing the league twice? i am not certain but that would be my guess

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  • 5 months later...
Em 20/11/2023 em 17:08, marmotank disse:

desisti, tentei copiar direto de outras ligas e não sei o que faz não funcionar

I had the same problem, no Idea How to solve?

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i nearly had your file working tonight but I've ran into crashes now and I foolishly didn't do consecutive saves of the file. An error that kept popping up was the league has not finished in time for the season update day. I did get the half points to work for you. The screen is here on one of my files.... 


I fired up N Ireland top league in AR to check out the split rules. I messed up somewhere as I got crashes and alas I kept overwriting the edit file. Schoolboy error!

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