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Is it possible to alter the nations which players from a given country most commonly transfer to?


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After replacing the nation of Malta with a custom nation I have noticed that the better players seem to most commonly transfer to Italian clubs (Milan, Juventus etc), I presume this is somehow related to the nation of Malta. Whilst not a critical issue it is something that I would like to alter.

Having checked the 'nation transfer preferences' for both Italy and my new country, neither nation is in the others so that obviously isn't the issue.

So I was wondering if there's any other method(s) to change this behaviour or if it is hard coded to the nation?

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17 hours ago, rusty217 said:

It's done through Nation Transfer Preferences etc.

Add Malta to the list for Italy etc. with a -1 rating. That should result in no transfer activity between the two.

Thanks, Ill give that a try and see what happens, might not be ideal but it's probably better than the current situation

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If you want activity, the numbers are explained in the editor. -1 is none, -2 is very limited. Every from 1 up to 20 means transfer activity with 20 being a constant buzzing of transfers.

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On 15/12/2023 at 18:07, Wolf_pd said:

If you want activity, the numbers are explained in the editor. -1 is none, -2 is very limited. Every from 1 up to 20 means transfer activity with 20 being a constant buzzing of transfers.

Ah that should hopefully help me fix it then, thanks for the info

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9 minutes ago, themodelcitizen said:

What about region? Presume they share "Southern Europe" or something and it's going off that

I altered the region of the nation to be in Northern Europe, so unless it’s hardcoded then it isn’t directly related to the region

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