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How are the pre-set tactics this year?


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I am pretty bad at making a new tactic and often get bogged down tweaking every single match. This never lets anything settle and I get frustrated. This I am going to just run pre-sets with minor tweaking here and there. How are the pre-sets performing this year? Anyone used them?

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There is a guy on FM-Arena who has submitted every preset tactic for testing, every tactic was used with a few different formations and tested over 1200 matches.

This is not the best method because the players used on FMArena are not suited for all playstyles. For example, the strikers are well rounded and pacy, but not super tall target forward types, so not suited for route one.

From best to worst, this was the ranking:

Gegenpress (by a large margin)

Vertical Tiki-Taka

Fluid counter attack

Wing play

Control possession 


Route One

Direct counter


Park the Bus

Take the list with a pinch of salt because there is more than playstyles that impacted the results, such as formations used. The best preset without a shadow of doubt is gegenpress in a 4231, 4222, or 433 type formations, nothing else was even close.


Edited by lied90
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8 hours ago, lied90 said:

There is a guy on FM-Arena who has submitted every preset tactic for testing, every tactic was used with a few different formations and tested over 1200 matches.

This is not the best method because the players used on FMArena are not suited for all playstyles. For example, the strikers are well rounded and pacy, but not super tall target forward types, so not suited for route one.

From best to worst, this was the ranking:

Gegenpress (by a large margin)

Vertical Tiki-Taka

Fluid counter attack

Wing play

Control possession 


Route One

Direct counter


Park the Bus

Take the list with a pinch of salt because there is more than playstyles that impacted the results, such as formations used. The best preset without a shadow of doubt is gegenpress in a 4231, 4222, or 433 type formations, nothing else was even close.



Absolutely, not using gegenpress currently and very successful. I did use it to rise up the ranks since you don´t really need to pay a lot of attention to which players you have apart from work rate and stamina issues. People often combine gegenpress with the highest tempo possible and I think the latter is actually more beneficial than the style itself, if you try gegenpress with a lower tempo to play a bit like f.ex. M. City which is a team that slows the pace down when needed it´s most likely to fail in FM, tempo is far more important in FM than the style itself in my experience.


You are very right about needing the right type of players for a certain style, I play "route one" currently but I have the people for it, currently on a 38 match unbeaten streak (cups and league), can´t afford to have small people upfront ... they usually play like crap. I switch to "direct counter" when I am 1 or 2 goals up depending on the opposition, gegenpress and offensive if I need to chase.

I have been very focused on the needed stats when buying, I don´t really need that many good passers which I don´t have.

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