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Training and Role Ability Spreadsheet

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Nice work!


I am on FM23 so I couldn't get the view to work - I don't know if that is an issue with me or the game ;).  Here is one for FM23 if anyone is interested. (if anyone sees anything wrong just let me know):


2023 View for Calculator.fmf

Something to consider: I see on other websites they say that Pace and Acceleration are by far the 2 most important attributes for any player, maybe consider that for an impact on training focus?


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2 hours ago, Andros said:

Here is one for FM23 if anyone is interested. (if anyone sees anything wrong just let me know):

Thanks for making this! Presumably you looked at the City squad example and put the columns in the same order? If so, then it should work fine.

All the ‘default’ attribute weights (including Pace and Acceleration) are taken into account by the algorithm. 

Total Weight = Position Weight + Role Weight * 5

The role weight is 1 for a blue preferred attribute and 2 for a green key attribute. The position weights are typically in the range 1-10, so a green attribute will be +10 and a blue attribute +5 compared to the standard position weight.

If you have a slow player playing AMRL as a W(A) then I suspect it would suggest quickness training (assuming their crossing isn’t even more of a weakness).

If you come across any training suggestions that seem very counter intuitive then please let me know and I can investigate the algorithm.


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I am playing with St. Pauli in Bulli-2. I have setup my training based on spreadsheet suggestion. I will keep an eye of the progress of the players. Few of the players are in early-20s, I am excited to see them improve a lot.

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20 hours ago, CAE82 said:

Thanks for making this! Presumably you looked at the City squad example and put the columns in the same order? If so, then it should work fine.

All the ‘default’ attribute weights (including Pace and Acceleration) are taken into account by the algorithm. 

Total Weight = Position Weight + Role Weight * 5

The role weight is 1 for a blue preferred attribute and 2 for a green key attribute. The position weights are typically in the range 1-10, so a green attribute will be +10 and a blue attribute +5 compared to the standard position weight.

If you have a slow player playing AMRL as a W(A) then I suspect it would suggest quickness training (assuming their crossing isn’t even more of a weakness).

If you come across any training suggestions that seem very counter intuitive then please let me know and I can investigate the algorithm.


Perhaps consider having a look at:





TLDR: Speed (Pace and acceleration) affect results the most of any attribute.


Now, their testing is not perfect, but worth discussing.


I also wonder if age should have more of an affect on training, eg younger players focus more on physical attributes and older players less.  Let me give you an example:


I am using Liverpool on FM23.  Ben Doak is 17 (IIRC) and the spreadsheet suggests this:




I would suggest focusing on stamina would be of more use.  

 Anyway, I guess the obvious answer is make my own decisions as I am the manager! Just a thought though if you are interested ;)



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3 hours ago, Andros said:

I also wonder if age should have more of an affect on training, eg younger players focus more on physical attributes and older players less.  Let me give you an example:

Good idea, will consider it!

Are you using Excel by the way? The image has some errors (no blue cells and crossing showing as 100%). Some of the Google Sheet equations are not compatible with Excel it seems. Maybe I will make an Excel version today.

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2 hours ago, CAE82 said:

Good idea, will consider it!

Are you using Excel by the way? The image has some errors (no blue cells and crossing showing as 100%). Some of the Google Sheet equations are not compatible with Excel it seems. Maybe I will make an Excel version today.

Yes I was using excel.  Also remember that i was using FM23 so there is a chance I have screwed things up when making my own view! ;)  Thanks for the update.

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You wouldn't have messed anything up. Excel isn't compatiable with the ISERROR function so when you open the .ods version the 'weakness rating' vales don't update. Should do with the .xlxs version above.

I'm looking forward to the upcoming Excel update that integrates Python - should open a whole load of new possibilties with FM.

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Thanks for sharing, just used it to setup my individual training. Look forward to seeing how it pans out. Also, do people utilise individual positional training in addition to the individual focus? Or is it better to use one OR the other? 

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Good luck @mellman. I personally use both in general. However, presumably that means each attribute will get less attention. So if a player has a serious flaw, then I may focus on that with no position training. Or if a player needs a rest then you can lighten the load by just using one.

It is also worth paying attention to training units. I often use SV(A). DM players usually start off in the Defensive Units, so I’ll move someone playing and training as a Segundo Volante to the attacking unit. 

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  • 1 month later...

Great, let me know how it works out.

I think the Google Sheet version is messed up. Didn’t know how to share without giving edit access so think someone has messed it up by accident. 

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Hi @CAE82 - Loving the spreadsheet. If the public one has gone wrong you can cycle back through previous versions to find the one that works. If you then lock the sheet you can share, but set people to View Only. Then, if anyone wants to edit - they will have to download a copy to their own Google Drive. Works much better and keeps your work safe!

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Thanks for the tip @blakecarterrr!

Have you tried changing the position/role weight when you use it? I’ve started to make that number higher so give more weight to the role as found DM usually suggested defensive positioning but that felt ‘wrong’ in some cases for SV(A). 

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  • 2 months later...

This is a fantastic tool - great work!

I've always had to ignore the coaches suggestions as they seemed rubbish, so I will definitely be using this and adding it to my variety of squad building spreadsheets (I have ones for squad planning, position/role suitability, wage structure, and now one for training suggestions!)

As a suggestion, it could be useful to also consider a club DNA, rather than solely relying on the in-game attributes for the default roles. Maybe allowing for 4-5 attributes to be given added weighting to suit your play style. These DNA attributes could be given a 0.5 boost or something to make them higher on the priority list and address any weaknesses in regards to the team style of play. For example if you play a high energy Gegenpressing style you might want to prioritise a weakness in Endurance if their Stamina and Workrate were comparatively low.


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