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Stealing the youth

Delicate Dave

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We often get messages about clubs poaching young players but have no real way to do that ourselves without a lot of effort & cost. I think it would be a good feature to be able to tag your scout to be on the lookout to poach youth players. Of course, the consequences of this type of behavior could be upsetting our managers & chairmen. I would like to see this implemented in a way that it runs as an attribute of a scout. So just like any other attribute the higher the number the more sneaky or dishonest this scout might be. And if you have a lot of sneaky scouts you could end up upsetting clubs enough that they won't deal with you. So dishonest scouts could also work against you and in more than one way. By them leaking the names of your best young players to other clubs in gossip or for other reasons :-) 

Another feature of this is the scout could send emails telling the manager how he managed to find & persuade the player to join the club. This could also be leaked in some way like transfers are now leaked to the press and in this way, you could find out which scout is leaking information and then deal with them.

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