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Delicate Dave

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Everything posted by Delicate Dave

  1. YES ! that's point I'm making, playing though injuries. Try and do it in FM24.
  2. I think maybe long term injury rate are lower than IRL but for me match fitness is all over the place. As I say, IRL I've never seen players get injured if theyplay too often, of course it happens but in FM24 it's all of them. I see no reason why the game can't allow playing the same team game after game and the players performace levels drop, no need for them to fall down injured. I mean if you have 4 game and each game is 5 days apart it's not possible to play the same team and get the same performance levels in in FM24. IRL the games could be 3 days apart and performace levels would be the same for almost all the players. But injuries are an odd thing in FM24, anyone else notice that when young players are out with a injury for a few weeks they come back better? The seem to put on a "progress" growth.
  3. What I'm saying is the basic fitness system is all wrong. There may not be a player in the whole football league who can't play 90 mins without getting injured. In FM25 you can't play 2 games in inside 7 day without at least one or more likely 5 or 6 getting injured and they have to come off the pitch. That just does not reflect true life. Most players could play every day of the week and not get injured, yes they would get tired and they that would be reflected in their performances but not very likely to get injured. And BTW in real life if a manager doesn't have another full back on the bench the one playing isn't knacked after 50 mins as in FM25. Have you notice the first to get tired is always they one you can't replace with a sub? :-) I don't care how many injuries or how bonkers the players get, I can cope if the are tools to help. In FM25 you know the is no answer so often and that spoils the game.
  4. I think SI only get away with it because most buyers play the top teams and are able to buy their way out of trouble. I don't want the game to be easy, these things should be part of the mager experiance but SI need to give managers the tools to deal with far more of them and far fewer of them should have such an effect on the team performance. As for the rotation, FM seem to be in some sort of world where players can't play more than 60 mins a week. That too is nonsense, I can't see any of them teams who won european titles in the 1970-80 ever winning anything in FMworld, can you image using 16 players in a season of 60 games.
  5. In FM24, I'V FOUND - If the players go off the boil it's down to a mental or fitness issue. I would check their happy, check the fitness level esp matches. Failing that look at the indi training - take them off that. Insert game reviews ect into training. On top of that you can discuss with the players, praise them when you can. I've even resorted to putting a player on the transfer list and hoping they moan about it so I can tell them I'll take them off it and they get happy. The last thing I would change is the tatics unless I changed the players. Other things you could do is send them out on loan or holiday or train them in another position and accept that they have reached their potential.
  6. Generally your machine will run much better with 16gb of ram. For the price it's the best upgrade you can do. The graphics is something you can cope with because even with 1gb you can reduce the setting in FM and still get it to produce decent results. Remember it's only the playing of the matches that benefits from the graphics ram. Where you will see result for adding Ram is the data processing between games. Of course all that depends on the ram being available to be used. So things that start-up with your computer or are running during the playing of FM all have an affect.
  7. Excellect processor, excellent make, excelect screen. Will make you macbook seem like a 1980s calulater. BUT ! what I don't understand is why John Lewis is selling this £500 less than than manufacturer. JL only say it's i5 but the part number says it's Ultra 5 125H. Make sure before you buy it that's the processor.
  8. Well now you have had confirmation from a Baggie so you know it's true :-) Yea I think with these Laptops Dell are looking to feed off the kind of thing Apple have for the last ten years.
  9. My experience with Dells is mixed. I bought 1000s of the when swopped from compaq but when I partner wanted a powerfull laptop we bought an XPS and to use it was great but in the 2 years after the warrentee we switched out 3 adaptors, 2 switch cables inside, 2 batteries and finally the hinges broke. I bought 2 more XPS laptops just to keep that going. Oddly enough during this her XPS she got from work had to have the MB replaced too. Leaves me thinking their business machines are given better attention than their retail machines. The issues were just so difficult to track down too. But the are worse then DELL, don't want to put you off. For high end gaming I've always liked these but never had the reason to buy one - https://www.xmg.gg/en/gaming-laptops/
  10. Sadly the way of our world now is, everyone will lie to you. Even our polititions will say something knowing you'll take it as one thing but they'll be able to say later they meant something else. And everything is overstated for effect. In the 1990s this was could "spin". The term Powerful is spin means nothing. Could be a 2010 i3 that got the power to write notes or able to play UT videos. The details you need are first in look and feel and if that's not posible the reviews and secondly the spec sheet - not the product details at the retailer - the specifcation sheet issued by the manufaturer for that exact model number. Then you compare and learn while trying to hold off you eagerness to buy. It helps to look at computers from a manufaturer's point of view. The best interests are not allways servered by designing the most powerful or the best value. The best option we have to determine if a make is good for not so good is build qiality. That's because all manuafuteres have to give a warretee by law so their starting point is "will this last the warrentee. So that's where all buyers should start. Next perhaps the business can be seperated by design quality - Some manuafurures like DELL & Apple sell on the look so this would be high on their design path. From this point we get into value for money, features and specilaty use. When buying a laptop these are the manuafatureres that offer the most value in terms of usage but remember you scarfice some build and perhaps your laptop won't look a sleek as you might like. For me, having used most brands I now for for build quality over everything, I want something to last. But I also need it to do the job and I don't want a house brick sitting on my laptop. Hinges are the most important here as thats where Laptops tend to suffer most. Then it's the keyboard layout - it's a personal pereference but I like seperate mouse pad button and I like them to click. Once I've got a list of modals that fit those need it's down to the goodies - What you can afford under the hood so to speak. 1. Dedicated graphics. 2. Processing power. 3. Screen quality. The rest I can live with - can always upgraid ram, HD etc. The brands that fall in to my own needs are MSI, HP & Asus.
  11. Someone asked me to find a laptop under 300 that would play FM24 and give them a chance of playing FM25 if the specs are not too much greater. I've done that for them but thought as this seems to be an hot topic on here right now, I would post the eBay search. Please anyone with ideas on how to make the search better feel free to change it and re-post I'm not saying its the easy answer to the problem just giving it as a place to start that narrows the options down a bit. The search will still throw up unsuitable options but should find the bargains. It is limited to all listing that will "accept an offer" and I advise anyone using it to make their first offer at least 25% less then the asking price. Just hope this helps someone; The search wil find all "accepts offer" "gaming laptop" between £150 and £500 sorted on most recent listings. I would restrict it to non business listings but it seems eBay have deleted that option. General advice is look at the seller's profile and their other items listed to determine if they are a business or if they seem like someone you want to deal with. Often their reply to an offer is a good indication but you could also ask them questions. https://shorturl.at/uiHkI
  12. Christ on a bike ! slight over kill imo but your money your choice. Be awear they are pricing this up on a 2TB HD and 8GB GPU - the price for this on the dell site is £2,179.01 not £2,499 As I said before, I've been around since before Amazon and never seen a computer at a REAL bargain price on there, the profit margin doesn't allow for it. For retailers Amazon is very expensive to sell on, therefor it's full of chuck, iffy products, failed products and lies. Be very careful. Just checked Dell "refurbished" for you the is a 16gb ram version for just £1,572.00 :-)
  13. When I worked in IT having to buy maybe 2,000 computers a year people used to come to me with requests for different things they wanted. Most times anyone came for a Mac even for graphics I would set up a demo with the Mac the wanted and my choice of PC build. The only time they stuck with a Mac was if they were a company director and to be frank most of those are complete A holes and you can't tell the sky is blue if they think it's green.
  14. One thing I've missed is using Wide Centre Backs on Support. Seems FM24 just killed the idea of CB supporting the wing backs which is sad. Perhaps its because they wouldn't work with the new inverted movements but I don't like using these inverted options. But as I say in general it's player revolts that have done me.
  15. As we come to the end of FM24 I have say I'm very dispaointed in my experiances with this version. Having played other versions, over the past 5 years, I've always enjoyed those even if I wasn't always as successful as I wanted to be. But this one, although I've been as successful, won most things, taken lower league teams to the prem, won the world cup etc etc but the times I've almost just stopped playing out of pure frestration has been many and often. Tonight I packed up to wait for FM25 as I can't take any more. Perhaps it's just the way I am, being dylexic in a way that things that don't seem to follow logic affect me like polan affects hayfever sufferers. So the pains of being a FM24 Football Manager are many. The nonsense when players revolt, the pointless contract problems. Perhaps that really is how football is today But! - I mean why would any goalkeeper only sign for a club as a backup option. refusing to sign as first choice keeper? it's pure madness. I do hope FM25 had cleaned all this up and is it too much to hope that your season, playing for the game is not spoilt by the repetative themes if a team scores in the first 8 mins they conceeed 2 by half time. And the annoying habit of team going 2 or even 3 goals down and then coming back to square the game only to conceed in the 85 min. What I'm saying is the results are just predictable, well not the result but the way they happen. When goals are scored, how goals are scored etc. I guess the is only so many ways these can be coded. Anyway I'm disapointed.
  16. I don't knot to be honest I have no idea why anyone would want a Macbook, just as I have no idea why anyone wanted an Ipod, Iphone etc etc <- These are all product that do things that cheaper product so better. But in my day people wore flairs so who am I to talk :-) Perhaps a desktop and laptop that are able to use the same SSD drive for their system drive?
  17. No not at all, A licence is a right to use. So just get the activation number, a copy of windows and you are fine. You can download windows from MS. The are lots of ways to do it.
  18. I have no idea what the result or score will be. Finals are often no realation to early rounds so I'm going to sit and enjoy it as much as I can. My only hope is the players on both side perform on the night and we don't have the slow creep towards a penalty shoot out. Always said if England got to major final again in my lifetime I would be there. I was 6 in 1966 and really don't remember anything about it but that's mainly because shortly after I was involved in an accident and my memory just doesn't exist before I was arounf 8 years old. I had intended to go to the WC in Brazil. I was earning well in the years before but by the time the tickets where on sale I was more interested in keeping the roof over our head than going to football. Come on England ! But please please, if it's not this time can we respect the players and the manager.
  19. Have you tweaked the GPU using Afterburner? if so you might want to switch them back to default. MSI have software that will allow you to switch the performance mode, bestak not to above that esp if you have a full bank of ram. I assume you are able to clean the fans if needed, they do pull in a lot of dust, I have MSI and take the bottem on at least once a year to give it a good clean. Might also concider changing the thermal paste that is recommended ever 2 years.
  20. I've never seen a bargain computer on Amazon, I'm 65 this year :-) Have a look on ebay, can't go wrong with the MSI at about half the amazon price but if you want to pay £1000 you can do mcuh better than those to imo - https://ebay.co.uk/itm/156274367642
  21. Just want to say, if you have a current laptop or PC with windows on you can tranfer the licence over for the OS.
  22. I think that would depend on the type of laptop you have. If it's just happening with FM and if it just started happening. Because we need to know if you have a dedicated graphics card, if so remove all the drivers for it, reboot and run FM. The are a lot of settings in FM and I don't know where and what they are off the top of my head but I think it adjusts to what is available by default. I run it turning of all the crowd and visual effects.
  23. I think I understand what he means. The choice of the Chromebook was just a lack of insight, paying more doesn't always find better. People who can afford to buy the new models with the latest CPU from the last two years should have no problem but the market he's talking about is full of money traps. I think if you can't spend £1200 you really should be looking at the second-hand "games" market. But to be frank, for games like FM you shouldn't need to spend £1200 but no one is going to build a mid-range games laptop suitable for games like FM. Why sell a £500 item when people will pay 5 times that if it's the latest tech? So these people are left with searching the markets really intended for video playing and browsing the internet if they want new. Of course, this is no problem with desktops, you could build a FM24 desktop for £500 easy.
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