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Delicate Dave

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Everything posted by Delicate Dave

  1. I think it's very kind of Gareth Southgate to show today's England supporters what they missed under Graham Taylor. On a scale of "They are growing into the tournament" England is at the "future dad's having his first pint while he waits for future mom to arrive" Stage.
  2. Blimey that sounds like a right pain, My 8th gen i7 is from 2019 and faster than that, doesn't get hot and doesn't make a noise. I have about 50 leagues loaded, 60,000 players and although I don't holiday full seasons I sometimes do about half a season in 15-30 mins (guessing). Mind you as the crowd are just daft in FM I have all the detail turned off but play in 3D.
  3. It's a game and the are so many ways it gives that away. At the moment my save Accrington are on this Disney ride where each season we start well winning perhaps the first 5-10 games, I scored 37 goals in the first ten games last season. But sure enough, then it hits and they lose & lose & lose even to the worst teams, 1-4 at home, 1-3 playing ten men for 80 mins, down the table they drop. Nothing can stop this it seems, the players are happy but slowly start complaining. You put them all on the transfer list and then things improve slightly, but no one wants to buy any of your players and you go on holiday for the last half of the season and your staff sorts the results out for you to start the next season and away you go again. I've played FM for years and seen this with other clubs. Of course, FM is broken, it's the buggiest software I've ever used and I go right back to Windows 2.11 :-) but that doesn't mean it's not the best football manager game on the market. I just wish they would fix the little things so easy to fix. And I'm guessing nothing will be done on that in the new version because all we'll get is flashy graphics of video-quality goal celebrations.
  4. I suspect you need the second hand market. If you choose wisely for that price you can get a very decent Laptop. If you are really stuck and want to go down the ebay route let me know and I'll be happy to search for some options on there based on critia you give me.
  5. For business type laptop I prefer HP, take a look at HP ENVY 17t but any Laptop would be fine if you used a USB numeric pad with it.
  6. This kind of data is very subjective, it's what we would call dirty data because not all things are equal in each unit calculated. For example if you have a few teams running away with the league, a few teams with high injuries and a few team with very poor financials all this has an massive effect on this data but it's not accounted for. In the real world all those even would be removed and only like for like games for count. I totally ignore ANY data in FM.
  7. Play him constantly is the right role - that's not always the role your staff chooses so put them on default like MC, DM CB etc. ie I think you can also look at adding traits and the discipline & motivation of the coaches, one other thing you could try is training double - set the last two options to double. Also don't take full account of stars, look at his progress report and don't training individually on a skill of that skill is combine with any other he is already competent in. And don't expect him to import more than 4-5 in any skill. That's my take on it, some say age comes into it but I think myself that only effects stars when it come to real playing skill I've seem 2 star 30 year olds improve massively depending on how many games they play in a short time.
  8. Yes, he would tend to give away more free-kick and penalties as he goes to tackle from the wrong side and also he would be slow to take up space on his wrong side. Thats what I find anyway.
  9. Well yes and that would be the way to go to produce real power but it'll be just as or if not more expensive than what it's replacing. Which is a two card system but just one does 3D and the other is for general apps. The thing I was say is, with luck, these will reduce the cost, esp for FM players and most current dedicated cards are overkill. So perhaps no need to buy a laptop with a dedicated card if you only want one to play FM and use as your general purpose PC. Should make them lighter too.
  10. I've looked a bit at these new processors. They should fit in well for games like FM if their price is sensible. But they'll never be as good as a dedicated graphics card so if you play more tasking games they should be avoided imo. The certainly is a gap for them as the market being driven by games doesn't help this market.
  11. You reallly need to read the full conditions of the policy, but of course, you never get the time and often the salespeople don't even understand what they are selling. They'll say all sorts of rubbish to sell these policies because they get a bonus or need to maintain a level to keep their job. People are sold warranties for 20% of the cost the item and all it does if give them an extra year on their rights. Others think they are being sold accident insurance but it turns out it's just a warranty. My own story is a long time ago from what used to be Dixsons, I bought a 286 computer and was sold "assurance" except when I came to claim they refused because I was self-employed. They didn't give me back all my payments though. Most insurance is the same as walking into a bookmaker to place a bet. The odds are very much in their favour but nowhere near as good as an insurence companys.
  12. This might help, I've not read but the first bit so if it proves me wrong fine but it's another voice for you mate - https://www.which.co.uk/news/article/worthless-warranties-are-you-overpaying-for-faulty-goods-cover-aMZVW0X0eSLn
  13. I didn't say what you think I said. Your opinion is as valid as mine, All I said is that's what a salesman would say. The fact you were lucky (in some respect) to benefit from the cover clouds your judgment. As I say 3 in 100 benefit.
  14. That's the class half-full view from the salesman speech. The real-life view is I can tell you the exact percentage it was in the 1990s that 2.7% less than 3 in 100 of those people who take them out make a claim. To put that in perspective you have more chance of dying in an accident while traveling on a bus in the UK than claiming for a laptop repair.
  15. NO NO NO ! if you want to insure you laptop do it with the house insurance but its already covered for loss and damage on that probably anyway. These shop "assurance" scenes are a total rip off. I know, I worked for a company that designed the software for them. You could if you wanted to, put money away each week in savings to pay for any repairs later. If it doesn't break then you have a lump sum start to buy your next one or an holiday :-)
  16. Well, I would repair but if that's out the question, the MSI is a decent option and would be a different world to what you already have in terms of performance. One tip to save wear on the fingerpad is when you get the laptop new stick some wide sellotape over the pad. If you cut it neatly it's not noticed. I started doing this many years ago when I almost dug a hole in the plastic over time. I also sellotape over the labels on the back so the print doesn't rub off.
  17. Both are not great but without testing and with little research I would suggest the AMD would be better because it's 3 times as fast at processing. However gameplay in matches might see the other card perform much better there. So either slow processing results or lag during playing out games. 2D the AMD would win easy imo.
  18. As said, best to wait for FM25 to be out and then see the specs they say should work. I know if you lack the experience to understand it can be hard to avoid making buying mistakes, esp when you have places selling what are in effect cut down versions of processors and graphics cards of better machines. But that's, from what I understand, this thread is all about. If you have issues post them, there are some talented people on here who will be able to dianoise what the issues is and where to look. But if you want to go the route of throwing money at it then fair enough. For ref I play FM24 with all leagues loaded on my laptop MSI PE62 8RC - 8th Gen i7 875-H - 16bg 2400 MHz DDR4-SDRAM - 2GB Nvidia GTX 1050 - I play in windowed mode, all fast options but I turn the crowd details down and sound off. While playing I have MusicBee playing music and the web browser open with 2 email accounts & one news feed open. I don't suffer any delays that make the game less enjoyable. Tend to run the games in comprehensive.
  19. I'm not up to date, so others might disagree but there is more to just buying the best parts to build a PC if you want the best for a purpose like playing FM. Parts may be marketed as the best or fastest etc but they might not all play well together. I used to build PCs and servers for a major utility company and naturally, I built my own at home but when I set up my business I bought a workstation designed for the job because people like HP, MSI understand and have tested what works best. A quick search says the MSI Infinite RS 13th is the best gaming PC at the moment. I would go for something like that and from the looks of your shopping list it's way overkill for FM, for a start you'll have 5.7 TB of disk space never used except the OS would need to maintain all that. Also, FM will never make a processor run very hot because it just would never thrash the graphics & processing. It's not "active" gaming it's pre-set, what I mean is you are not sitting there constantly making processor requests shooting alines, and moving around a world space. You select the options and those options then play out in front of you with little input till the end. I would put money into a good screen and yes future-proof with the graphics card by all means. Just my P" worth feel free to ignore.
  20. It's better than the laptop I run FM24 on and I can load all the leagues playable if I wanted. Yes, that would be a slight delay in processing data but seconds. I choose to load them all and only make about ten playable. I have no intention of buying a new laptop to play FM25 and I'm sure this will run it. Without seeing what's being loaded when your laptop starts it's hard to give advice but I suspect as you mentioned office then all the bunk it'll load might be the problem. But also we need to determine when the slowdown occurs - Is it a) during management when you move from day to day and the processor is working its job? If it's processing then perhaps your SSD drive is on its way out or something has taken ownership of a large junk of memory (office, Crome etc) or b) during matches being played when the video card is working it's job. If it's during playing and you are getting lag then you might have your driver settings wrong and perhaps it's running the game off the default video card which I suspect will be an intel not the dedicated Nvida. You could try removing all the nvida software and rebooting to let windows install a default driver. Then run the game and see if it's the same.
  21. Perhaps if you give us the model and make we could make suggestions on how to speed it up?
  22. Sadly Computer repair shops are now the new car repair garages for trust. Not many really know what they are doing when it comes to repairs. MSI laptops are pretty easy to swap parts, the only really problem is the plastics are a bit delicate and the mouse pad is glued in so if that wears out its a problem so I cover that with wide tape to give it some protection. I currently use 2, one for video watching and one for FM game-play and neither one is worth £150 but do the jobs needed.
  23. As with others who have posted what seems, well to me anyway, slightly old stock or more basic laptops, I would say you'll get far better value spending £500 on the second-hand market. No question it'll run the game now and almost certainly the new version but ... One minute eBay search throws up for £440 - ASUS ZenBook 14 OLED UX3402VA Intel Core i5 13 Gen 16GB 512GB SSD as a posed to yours - i3 12 gen poor display laptop. Not saying the Zenbook is the way to go but hope you see where the value is between the two. Best wishes,
  24. You are never too old to start anything. I worked with my hands till I was 45, then moved house and decided to go to Uni as a mature student. From there I got a job sitting at a desk but earning 3 times as much messing with IT and Internet things. I left that to start my own business selling football memorabilia. Now coming up to 65 I would do streaming but the only things that stop me are a) I'm dyslexic and b) I'm a Brummie and that accent just anoys the hell out of people I'm told :-) Its you life mate, and you only get one so do what you want to do, as long as you are no harming anyone else get on with living life not reacting to it. Now as for your PC, if you are spending £1500 on a system produced for games it should run anything for the next 5 years.
  25. Thing is with Laptop processing and graphics tend to get matched to a games laptop. Perhaps you should look a the business end of HP or Lenovo where the system is designed for Exel spreadsheet work. But really you aim is ideal for building a desktop where you can pick and choose parts. You could get 36gb ram and fastest SSD inside your budget I suspect.
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