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Delicate Dave

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Everything posted by Delicate Dave

  1. It's always good to get input. The image is my current tactics. The issue was more pronounced when I had a DM. I think the way it is now way I get enough early goals to win the game. This change has taken it from 1-1 & 2-2 results having been 2-0 up, to 3-1, 4-3 & 5-2 results all those with me scoring all my goals before the other team. I think that's odd, don't you? My first thought was energy levels, it normally is that, but this has me foxed. I know it's just a trifling odd thing and perhaps "boring" is the wrong word. But taking the lead and getting pegged back so often is annoying, and makes you change things too much when to find an answer. I should say I get my fun out of the building from lower leagues using my made-up tactics.
  2. I don't think you understand how computer coding works. But I'm not here to teach Computer Science so I apologize, what I mean by the story is how the game plays out. IE you go 2 goals up then draw the game. I'm not changing anything during the time of the score being 2-0 to 2-2 so yes the drew is predetermined based on my choice pre-game, but I don't know why. Could be stamina but that doesn't show on the player at the time. Could it be just the keeper's stamina or concentration? I don't know but the times this is happening in FM24 - I've managed about 12 clubs now - It's annoying and I can't seem to resolve it by the players or tactics. For those that think they are playing a "live events" let me explain how computer code works in all games (by the way I used to manage computer coders, not an expert in code but know how it works). You as a player are offered choices, this produces actions and then those actions are executed along with existing pre-coded actions. In Football game terms all that FM does is produce a set of different ways games will be won or how many goals will be scored & many other events. At the start of every game yes the result and score are predetermined to the extent that only you making changes during pre-set periods in the game will change that outcome. The pre-set periods are the spaces in actions that have been stored now being processed. You interrupt these when you click pause but the game doesn't re-calculate till the end of a process. That's why you see delays in instructions you offer and why you can't do things like "shout" instantly from the touchline as a real manager can - IE your action choice needs to be processed, calculation re-done and slotted into the preset period.
  3. I confess I don't know if this is a call for help, I've played FM for around 5 years and always notice games have a set number of regular stories. But two are really making FM24 boring to play. It seem at least 75% of the games I play have these two stories - 1 - You dominate the early stages but miss chance after chance. Then the other team scores but you end up winning easy. 2 - You again dominate the game but it more even, you take a 2 or even 3 goal to nil lead. They come back late in the game to draw, even with your player still a lot fresher than theirs. This particular storyline I see most and it can run for 3 game where I take the lead by at least 2 goal but draw all 3. Does anyone have any ideas on the reason? This is even worse than the regular FM thing of you always lose the 10th game on an unbeaten run if you're playing the bottom team.
  4. I've moved on to another club, Doesn't seem as big a problem so perhaps its been fixed but to answer the question no "keep reports up to date" is not turned on. Play this game for years and used every setting I could before eventually just turning scouting off and sacking all the scouts.
  5. I thought this was happening in the past but put it down to my mistake in misreading the transfer form, but I just caught it and I've included the images to show what I mean. An offer comes in for a player, you agree to the deal without agreeing to continue to pay the player's wages - the buying club didn't even ask for this! You agree the deal and then when you look in the transfers window it shows you have agreed to pay the players wages. Look at the images.
  6. Has this been fixed yet? I've managed two teams and each has had this issue. Both are low league - Dover & Darlington and nothing, including removing the recruitment staff, and deleting all assignments makes much difference to money being deducted from the scouting budget. current season with Darlington, no scouting, only a chief scout, and no assignments started with a scouting budget of £20k, and after 30 games they've spent £30k doing no scouting at all.
  7. Same here, came here to report it. The lower level at Dover budgets £20,00. After 30 games it had gone to £87,000 so I sacked all the scouts and that stopped it from increasing. But next season after hiring new scouts it's starting again, 10 games in and already 29,000 without buying any packages. My scout don't earn wages either so where are these cost coming from? I've been using FM long enough to know how to turn everything off.
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