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Delicate Dave

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Everything posted by Delicate Dave

  1. I think you've already got the minimum setup, it's about what I use and I don't intend to buy another laptop. Obviously a new laptop is nice to have so I'm not trying to put you off. But perhaps a complete re-install, perhaps an up to date SSD drive might be worth giving a try. If it delays just for 6 month or a year it'll be worth because you'll not only get better again for £800 but also you'll know the specs and the situation is FM25. I find cleaning out my laptop once a year makes a big difference to performance but also on these older laptops the video upgraids can have an adverse impact on performance.
  2. I am of the opinion, having played many hours and many years of FM, that each and every additional assignment to a player has an effect on their energy and maybe morale too. So I only put players on individual training if they have a weakness and if it's not working I'll turn it off again. It's easy to see what might work because all the attributes are paired with one or two other attributes. So for example, if you want to increase HEADING ability you would also be trying to increase BRAVERY. If Bravery is already a lot higher than heading then it's pointless as the bravery setting will limit the heading setting. Well that is what I've found. I wouldn't worry too much about find training, it won't make a big difference. What matters above all is playing time, even better if you can play them in their best position, roll and against "better" players. For that reason putting players out on loan at the right club, at the right level is a massive bonus.
  3. You can always try the code WELCOME in the checkout, sometimes give 20% off first order.
  4. I'm amazed at the number of people who don't have anything to contribute to the discussion except slagging off those who do.
  5. I don't think that is fair at all. Having worked in development I assure you it's much much better they allow more time than to rush out a product even less finished than FM24's first release. At the start of it they could only guess the problems they would have and I'm pretty sure those hoping to benefit from the move to a new model would have laid on plenty of sugar too. As for your comments on the release date I don't see it as an issue. As it is they still hit the Christmas market but I suspect it'll slip again that will be disappointing but damaging as a) FM has a massive update base whatever time they release and that's only going to grow with the release of FM24 free (if I heard right). I for one would wait another 3 months if when it arrived it managed to get the accounting side right.
  6. God I hate the term woke. I suspect that women don't want their weight published or estimated but this is just a small part of the reason why women should not be playing men's football. Now, before people jump in let me explain; Women should be playing women's football and if they did I would be more interested in it. As it is they are expected to use the same setup and the same rules as men most importantly the size of the pitch and the height of the goals but also the size of the football. I applaud them I do but it would be so much either and their game would advance so much faster if they played what suited them. Men, on average, are about 15 percent to 20 percent larger than women. This means all the items I've mentioned are that much too big, too high, too long. Women must run that much further too. And it show in their game. I've seen a lot of very talented women footballers but they can't kick the ball as far as the pitch needs and they can't reach the ball in goal because the goal is not their size. Like it or not women are made differently than men, I know that might surprise some of you, but all that's going to happen when women play men's football is the sport will follow the same trends as the men. All the shorter women will be disregarded no matter how talented they are. All the weaker women will be disregarded no matter how skillful they are. We are only at the start of this now but what we see in the men's game will be repeated and although in the men's game now it's still possible for a real talent to force their way regardless of size it's going to be harder for women. It'll be harder be women are starting from a lower base average. So if they want to play the men's game they should get used to people talking about their weight. But that leads to a whole different ball game and society in general.
  7. I've played international a lot and always found it lacking something, I've said before FM really do need to look at how they determine energy. It's not even close to the real world. Just look at the tournament just gone 90% of the players who made it to the final had played all the country's matches and maintained a level of form. The is no way you can do that the way FM is set up, in International, you play one game and 3 days to the next one most of those who played are only 50% fit and would need to come off early if played. When playing in football this is the game you have to deal with and it's just annoying.
  8. I'm currently doing West Brom as of this year but start my FM24 install with them last year. It's difficult but not as bad as FM23 were you had no money and all the players were total rubbish in FM. Last year I had a great time, I cleared out all the players because none are good enough for the Prem, I think Ajayi, Swift and Malumby made it to the prem with me. But a lot depends on what system you use, for example, Swift will never win a tackle but his best position is CM so a lot of the goal started with him failing to intercept. But I did do well in the I won the double twice in a row and only gave up this save because I got to 3 Champions League finals and lost them all badly. My current save revisiting West Brom is about the most annoying save I've had. I'm just not enjoying it because it seems I can't find consistent players. Having got the prem winning the champs with record point and something like 145 goals I thought a few additions and maybe 2-3 years to win the title but it's been hard graft, stayed up in mid-table 2 years but now I've been relegated. Just couldn't push on and fell from 7th mid-season to end 18th and just can't buy a goal. Back in the champs now preseason, I don't want to give up but my reputation is now back down to less than 3 stars so even if I get up it'll only be 3 stars and I won't be able to sign anyone with enough to push on. But I suspected this might happen so I've been stocking up on kids. Need at least 5 of them to be 5 star when I get back up. I sus
  9. I've had this said to me recently, It should be different because there are more ways to play the game and more than one way to win. If they want to fix FM25 in a point in time then making it work only for top premiership styles of this time is the best way to do it. What even would be the point in having 90% of the setting if the only way you will be successful is to play one way. The really would be no point in most of the game. I'm more concerned with the way the general mentality works in the game. What I see if if you start on anything lower then very attacking and change up to more attacking the result is most often you will attack more and score goals. But if you do it the other way starting anything way and turn it down to defending you almost certainly concede goals more than not. This needs attention.
  10. Try a transfer where you remove everything except the wages. Or.. as FM24 is rubbish at maths - Can you send some unneeded players out on load with the loan club paying the 100% of the wages? if so the money saved will go into your wages budget. I've also released players who have no value to recover their wages depending on their contract.
  11. Well I don't know but if I had to buy one I would buy Song Bumkeun if all the other questions don't matter, like does he hate High profile game and can he settle in the team. My reasons would be although Renato Solis looks strong in some attributes that I think matter, there are complimentary attributes that mean he might perform lower than expected. Example follow; Passing 15 - Flair 3 - First Touch 3 - Have to control the ball and see the pass Positioning 15 - Aggression 6 - Can be in the right place but might not fight for the ball Concentration 15 - Determination 5 - Can see danger but might not want to do the work Pace 13 - Off the ball 2 - Can run but doesn't know where to run Jumping Reach 15 - Strength 9 - Can get very high but will be be knocked out the way.
  12. IMO - I suspect this is a combination of budgets and the total transfer cost for the year. Keep an eye on the bottom figures that show the real cost of the player in the year. Your biggest friends in any transfer that you can't afford is offering a percentage of the resale value and bonuses the player is unlikely to hit. If you have transfer money but low wages budget and can't move those amounts around then offer more upfront to the player in the form of a loyalty bonus. Also, this bonus can often be removed allowing you to maintain your transfer budget longer.
  13. I've seen this happen when ingame tactics are set up & staff are responsible for tactics. I think it's a bug but one no one is interested in.
  14. The are hundreds of things wrong with the game, but that doesn't mean it's not playable and I would expect the next version not to have as many. I do expect it to not have the same ones. I have seen a lot of the year about graphics problems, formation & attributes being overpowered but I don't care about that much. I want the "computing" problems to be sorted. The accounts side is an absolute joke and the game does not display data correctly - I recently noticed one of my player's match form doesn't display the correct data in the tactics area without refreshing it. Form is a pretty important area when selecting a starting line-up.
  15. With respect I'm not "going on about it" I said what I said and then only responded due to you objecting to what I said. Now I'll respond to your further points about the budget; People looking to pay under around £800 today should look in the second-hand market (even more so for games like FM) and it's not simply because it's cheaper than new; If chosen with care used have already passed the usage test. The choice is buying a 2-3 year-old laptop that's fairly used or one that has been sat in a shop or storeroom for 2 or even 3 years. And you have no way of knowing why it sat there. Was it a returned sale, was it just over stocking or was it a late production because the production line had a problem with a batch and set them aside to fix? Why is it cheap? the answer to that is seldom good in new products but almost always "I don't need it" in the second-hand market. In some ways buying a used Laptop is less of a mystery than buying a dated but new stock one. Don't fret chap there is no right or wrong just opinions and choices so stay lucky.
  16. As I've said before, in my old job I bought 1,000 of computers, we used to have a contract with Compaq but switched to Dell for the price advantage. Yes the Dells were almost just as good but these were business computers. Whenever I've used the retail side I have seen issues, and I'm ok with computers getting faults, but I want it out of use not simply because of design. Dell's laptops are great till they go wrong and for that reason, I regard them as the most expensive on the market. MSI, Asus, HP are also great but when they go wrong they cost far less to fix and you only really fix them once. Look up the stories of people having to replace Dell MBs, adaptors, and power sockets it's horrendous, and mostly because Dell makes it that way.
  17. They are still two separate companies and from what I hear the reliability is still not great. But do your own research, I just would buy one, mind you I wouldn't buy another Dell either :-)
  18. We;ve all been there :-) I got the info from the manufacturer's spec on that model, they made it with a few CPUs and that was the only i5.
  19. Very sneaky marketing this "Intel i5 | upto 4.5GHz (10500H) - Six Core" this is a 2.25GHz processor Will be ok for a while but honestly second hand you could get this for under £200 it's a 2021 model. You can get much better.
  20. For that price, you are going to have to look at the second-hand market. Don't worry about the 16gb ram you can always add more. I would look for an MSI laptop, 4gb video RAM. Others HP, Asus.
  21. It really is worth contacting Lenovo, they are likely to give you a new coupon and you never know if they want the sale they give you a decent price.
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