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Delicate Dave

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Everything posted by Delicate Dave

  1. Just to let you know Currys have the same Laptop - I think - On eBay refurbished c grade so it has marks £509 and about the cheapest you get that for but it might be worth noting that listing in case eBay or Currys put up a discount code in the next few days.
  2. What about this, others can comment, I'm more a secondhand operator myself - https://www.laptopstation.co.uk/products/msi-gaming-laptop-cyborg-15-12th-generation-h-series-i5-16gb-ram-512gb-ssd-4gb-nvidia-rtx-graphics-15-6-144hz-fhd-screen?variant=47879863894308&currency=GBP&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1 Might get it cheaper or find a coupon perhaps.
  3. In basic terms I would try to find one with a dedicated graphics card. Not that I think this won't cope but in terms of value for money and long term use.
  4. It's a wonder you don't get the bill for wearing out the centre of the pitch :-) In FM23 I had a lot of success with slow-paced football but in FM24 it seems a non-starter. I would like to hear from anyone who had success esp at the international level. You are playing high up the pitch so I would take "pass into space" off. You don't have any width so you are also not using that space. These two things should mean that when the ball is passed into space your players will have compete to get it and when they have it will be crowded. You'll lose the ball more often and they'll break on you more. The slow temp is not helping with this either as you give the other team time to organize. "pass into space" really is for trying to break on the other team when you have the pace either wide or upfront with a striker who plays on the shoulder.
  5. ARE ! The ever-lasting misunderstanding of benchmarking, you have love it. CPUs are not like a tap, they don't process faster the more you turn the nob. Any software of any extent should be tuned to throw work at the processor in such away that it doesn't demand everything so the CPU is unlikely to spike. Having said that Microsoft are very hard at understand that simple thing and so some of their code can break loose and hang up esp when interacting with sound, vision and file transfer. The are three key parts to deciding if your machine is capable of running FM; 1. In what detail do you want to play the game - including the number of league loads & playable? 2. The roar spend of the CPU on top of its basic model. 3. The speed, function and type of memory in you graphics card. These are then supplemented by type of storage and it's bus capabilities, screen /monitor capabilities and even sound to some respects but most the time these can be ignored as they all should be up to the job today. In my experience, the game only lags when accessing data. I know know but I suspect the code could be redesigned to store more in the memory rather than in the hard drive or it needs to use more threads - not really an experts on that sort of thing.
  6. I tried your idea and the monitor, keyboard, and mouse just would not fit on my lap while lying on the sofa :-) Of course, it's horses for courses, I agree if you are going to be sitting at a desk then a PC is far better and easy enough to build. Not sure about the savings you'll make today. I used to manage a IT dept serving 25,000 staff and I'm pretty sure I've built more PCs than most and servers, firewalls, ACE servers, DNS servers you name it I've built it. Another way to go is to buy secondhand and add better parts. You can do that in both PC and laptops. But most people enjoy the idea of "new" and that's what costs them the most. Laptops, PCs, TVs, Phones, etc like cars once bought lose 30% of their value. No one would buy the Laptop I play FM on it's too old and has bits glued onto it to keep it together. I think in the next few years a lot of people are going to have learn the real value of money, hard times are ahead here in the UK.
  7. Well good it's the one I've been using for a while and it's on it's 3rd case, so I know for a fact the socket is just a cable you can buy for a few quicd. In fact, you can get a replacement motherboard for around £100 on eBay. It's not a hard job and may be worth investigating on Youtube and checking the cost of the part on eBay. That Laptop is more than capable for FM24 and I assume FM25 as well. You can even overclock using the MSI afterburner. What you got to loose by having a go? £5 Man, I really hate computer repairshops, they are the new car mechanics and will rip off anyone if it saves them doing work, The reason they have told you that is the MSI is a bit time consuming so they expect to spend 1-2 hours to change a part that cost £5. I suspect they think you won't pay £100.
  8. What is the model of the old laptop, It's extreamly unlikely you can't change the socket. This is often just a un-do screws job I've done loads and they cost of the part would be about £5.
  9. UHD Graphics 620 way less than the 950m. But he's a kid, perhaps he would enjoy playing in 2D :-) other options are using a full size case and putting it the other side of a wall in the hall or another bedroom or even loft and then run a long HDMI cable though a small hole. My kids are grown up not, in fact my daughter was 36 yesterday but if it was me I would do my best NOT to spend any money in hope. Also I wonder if you could run FM via remote desktop. Thereby having it on your PC but just puttin a shortcut to FM on his PC.
  10. I suspect the problem you will have is finding one at that price with a suitable graphics card, as that alone would cost £100 or more. Might well be better to look for a secondhand laptop, perhaps one with the screen not working even. I've said on other thread I use a 2008 laptop with 8th gen i7 and a GeForce GTX 1050 4gb. That runs the FM24 with all the leagues just about comfortable. But I've also run a few leagues with an older i5 with a GTX 950M. I would go below that.
  11. I use a halfback at the moment but I play either a 4-1-2-2-1, 4-1-2-1-1 I play the WB of attack, CWB on attack or support. The thing I might do that makes this work for me is in player instructions I set the WB to mark tight but NOT press. This seems to make the space behind the WB less vulnerable and when I take this instruction off I ship goals from crosses.
  12. Well worth pointing out, I merely gave the person a point at which to start - That being a laptop that now runs FM24 all leagues loaded playable. I also stated the price at which this could be had 200 euros or less. From there he can research newer laptops with better specs up to his budget and know his playtime will be reasonably smooth. Also, I agree with your next post - if FM24 doesn't run on even the old CPU I posted then their customer base will be cut in half. I know I certainly won't be spend £1000 or more to run FM25. Also I think we are coming to the end of the period where games forced the advance of computers, and the advances in interactions get lower each year.
  13. As I said before I would always go the processor before the graphics. Most people seem to want to run all the leagues, that needs a fast processor. The problem with only having 500 euro (£430) is your likely to be looking at processors that are around old stock. For that reason, I would recommend the second-hand market where you'll get a better price for the same thing. You can shop for processor & GPU combinations and maybe have some spare cash left to up the memory or SSD card even. Purely as an example - this is what I use now, it's old but I can load all the leagues playable. Yes, there is a short lag but only when moving from day to day when it's calculating the results around the world. Ignore the price, you can get this model for less than 200 euro - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/384905970595 What you could do is go on MSI website and and look for the next versions of this till you hit one you can afford. Just an idea.
  14. Problem - You are in the middle of the season or in close-season so you have no game. As a FM game player you need time to pass before then next game. But as a football manager you also need to do your job, so you'll most likely be scouting other players and researching your own players. But as it is now do this in FM24 time stands still. The only way to start time is to click continue or go on holiday. Why can't we have the option to let time pass while the manager continues to manage? Would this be a good idea, an option for the game player? So the idea being, while your players are away on international duty you are still working and don't need to click continue to get the days to move forward. Take it a bit further you could set up a process where you choose to watch the international games your players are playing in or players on your shortlist.
  15. I don't know, I'm not a current expert I prefer to shop second hand but this seems up there and has some decent reviews, you can confgiure it wthout the OS if you already have one and the are option to take it up or down in price. But others will have a better idea on it's value - https://www.lenovo.com/gb/en/configurator/cto/index.html?bundleId=83GSCTO1WWGB1
  16. You might want to checkout the Lenovo main site before you buy, the have a 24 hour crash sale on today.
  17. Sorry, all I did was read your first line "Star ratings for overall ability and potential have an error margin based on the ability of the staff assessing them." From that, I thought I would offer some insight into how people can find the rating of each staff member.
  18. I would agree but staff don't always seem to be as good as the attributes show. I find a better way of seeing who are the best staff is to insert their "rating". Now I have no idea where these stars come from but if you go into staff, right-click the table title and choose insert, then scroll to general and choose "rating". You can then sort all the staff into their rating and see any weak points in your staff for find decent staff available.
  19. Star rating is not a decent formula, it's very hit-and-miss. The most annoying part about it is it changes for seemingly no reason up or down - it changes from when you scout them to when they turn up and then it changes during the season and at the start of the next season. The only thing I know for sure is when a player has a high potential, he won't improve unless I play him. This means if I won't play anyone under 3-star level then the 2 star level players with higher potential all have to go out on loan to a decent club. If that fails there is no point hanging on to them so I sell them. But stars are less important for some duties, it's the attributes you need to look at, who cares if a 6ft 6in poacher can't cross, pass, tackle etc as long as he can head the ball and has decent strength and movement? If you want him to have 5 stars good luck with that one.
  20. It sounds like the current laptop needs the fans cleaned out and the thermal paste changed. That's not hard to do and there will be YT vids for your model. As for new I suspect any £1000 laptop will run FM 24 well and FM25 should be much more demanding. The way I would go is CPU > Graphics Card > Ram > Build > Warentee - All on top of your own usability requirements - for example, I hate loud clicks of the keyboard but I also like the mousepad buttons to be separate. Then the is glare number pad design to think about. Leave it as late as possible, the deeper into the year the cheaper things become up to Oct.
  21. As already As already said all these are easily capable for FM25 even on the wildest guess. I would always choose processor over graphics card but if you are going the graphics way it's also t what the panel is capable of and what sort glare etc etc. My advice and an old git is don't go into debt for a laptop. Perhaps you can try these before you buy?
  22. I didn't know they did that. But then again with all this stuff it is often used for PR and the person saying it hasn't even spoken to the people who know. Sure the will be an increase but I would be amazed if it was wide enough to rule out more than 5% of the existing FM users. But we'll have to see. I know I won't be too fused as I never buy the update till I can get it for a reasonable price, I didn't buy FM24 till I could get it under £20 :-)
  23. Only the highest quality ones, because I've found in general 90% of them are bad at both ends of the pitch. So depends if you want to defend with your WB or ATTACK if you don't have the few in FM that are really good.
  24. I've had these problems in the past, the players trying to make the cross have to be able to dribble, have decent pace & be able to cross. If you don't have that then you will need to play slower and create the space for them by using other players to take the full backs inside. You might also want to try removing the centre AM and having two forwards, and pushing the DM into CM as you are pressing but if you do that you want at least 3 of your defenders on defence. On defence your full back will still get forward if you are pressing because they'll always go into space created by that pressing.
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