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Problem with scouting

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Depends how many players there are in Austria, what team you're playing as and whether any of those players want to sign for you.

Scouts don't usually give you reports on players who aren't interested in your club. 

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9 hours ago, turnip said:

Depends how many players there are in Austria, what team you're playing as and whether any of those players want to sign for you.

Scouts don't usually give you reports on players who aren't interested in your club. 

While technically true - its definitely not right. This is apparently what SI want but they've seem to conflate recommendations and actual scouting.

It'd be fine if a recommendation didn't have any suggestions because players don't meet the ability level or were wholly uninterested in joining.

It's not realistic and very annoying to set broad parameters like this and literally get nothing back in terms of actual scouted players. The game simultaneously knows and doesn't know which players are good enough for you, which players are and are not interested in joining before even scouting them. Logically that doesn't make sense.

SI claims the restriction is to slow the player down more or less from scooping up all the wonderkids. That's fine I guess but there's still the player search capability in the same scouting tab where you can literally make a filter for whatever you want. You can also queue players to be scouted from that screen so the scouts will scout them if asked.

In my opinion, someone changed something and they're not sure where or what happened and therefore can't separate the recommendation from the scouting modules. It's severely affected my interest in any long term saves. Either I use player search and filter which feels like cheating because you're effectively bypassing scouting, or fumble along this awkward scouting module lose immersion in the game because I have no idea who players are.


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If he's managing a team in the National with a small database, it's quite easy to believe that his scouts aren't going to find anyone willing to join him, because most of the players in Austria will be a big teams and unwilling to join a small team that's possibly semi-professional.

Or, if his team is very good, the scout might not be finding anyone interesting enough to highlight. Other than RB Salzburg, there's usually not a lot of top-level talent in Austria. 

But if he's (I dunno) Amiens in the second tier, than yeah, his scouts should be finding a few players worth looking at. Or if the database size is big - there are usually a few players at non-league teams good enough to improve a National-level team. 

We also don't know how long the assignment has been ongoing for, although I'm assuming that Roger Schubert is an Austrian scout, so the Knowledge side of things should be fine. 

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After update, seems better.

For example:



My Recruitment Focuses are simple.

Scouting by age group and have one as "General" (All).

For example:

Age: 15-15
CA: 1* Star
PA: 3* Stars
Any Tactic, Any Position
Any Area
Specific Scouter / Specific Analyst

And so on, 16-16, 17-17, 18-18 y/o etc.

The "General" (All) one is:

Age: 15-50
CA: 1* Star
PA: 3* Stars
Any Tactic, Any Position
Any Area
Specific Scouter / Specific Analyst

My database setup is: All nations, leagues, players are loaded. Scouting Budget: World

I have tried in lower leagues and was worked there as well. Ongoing takes much more time to start and produce results, but I have setup once and I don't touch it; unless new scouter has been come or I am changing a club.


Also my Filters Setup:


Edited by fc.cadoni
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16 hours ago, turnip said:

If he's managing a team in the National with a small database, it's quite easy to believe that his scouts aren't going to find anyone willing to join him, because most of the players in Austria will be a big teams and unwilling to join a small team that's possibly semi-professional.

Or, if his team is very good, the scout might not be finding anyone interesting enough to highlight. Other than RB Salzburg, there's usually not a lot of top-level talent in Austria.


But players who are either too good and won't join or not good enough (as deemed by the scout after scouting) should still be scouted and given a letter grade of E, F or D and placed in you scouted players pool for reference. This doesn't happen currently. They just disappear or aren't scouted at all.

If a manager sets a scout like the OP example above you should be getting inundated with reports. 95% of them will be useless because the focus is so broad with the CA/PA levels set. Your scout should be reporting back X number of scouting cards on a regular cadence and its up to the manager (assuming you're in control) to acknowledge (defer), keep scouting (prioritize), or discard (stop scouting completely).

If SI want to up the challenge for managers finding players and prevent/slow down obscure wonderkid hunting then you should have to be intentional about what it is you're scouting and where. Otherwise you're going to get buried in a bunch of scouting reports that are useless to you. No more scouring the world freely with your scouts only sending you reports of relevant players/wonderkids.

For example:

If you're a top level club you're not going to scout all of Austria - maybe you only scout the Austrian Bundesliga and look for players with a CA/PA of 2*/3* or maybe you only scout RB Salzburg, Rapid Wien, Sturm Graz, LASK matches.

Or if you're a League One Club you don't scout all of England because you're going to get everything from National League to Premier League level players. Instead you focus on Championship, League One, League Two and maybe U21/U18's for youth loans so you're finding relevant players for your team's ability.

So naturally you're going to miss players because you can't possibly scout everywhere without creating a load of junk. You also may not have a complete picture of a player when you see rivals are interested in them. Do you buy them with only 30-50% knowledge and wide ranges of attributes only for them to turn out to be a dud? Or do you let your rivals purchase them and miss out on a potential star?

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Whatever the intention, it is absurb that my Liverpool scouts apparently have no knowledge of any Man City or Arsenal players until I have them individually scouted. Apparently my scouts don’t even watch Match Of The Day :idiot:.

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6 minutes ago, NineCloudNine said:

Whatever the intention, it is absurb that my Liverpool scouts apparently have no knowledge of any Man City or Arsenal players until I have them individually scouted. Apparently my scouts don’t even watch Match Of The Day :idiot:.

Yep that's 1000000000% by design. I don't think I've ever disagreed with logic in this game as much as this one.

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I know this isn't a bit constructive but the way SI have handled this whole scouting-debacle leads my thoughts to good old "bagdad-bob". "Everything's fine. You're doing it wrong. Fake news".

I know this was my last fm for a foreseeable future. IMHO si has gone stale being the only adequate football Sim out there.

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On 01/04/2024 at 11:33, turnip said:

Depends how many players there are in Austria, what team you're playing as and whether any of those players want to sign for you.

Scouts don't usually give you reports on players who aren't interested in your club. 

I wondered why I found less good talents in FM24. Then I realized that the reputation of my favourite club had dropped a half star in FM24 from FM23. Less better talents want to join my club atm. So I hope to see more great scout reports with time and better reputation.

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It is obvious, that SI f'd up the scouting in FM24 ...

But there ist a somewhat sketchy but workable solution (at least for me), which provides a bit of realism and avoids the searchfunction and is entirely possible without recruitment-focuses.

I think many FM-players, including veterans (I consider myself one), dont rly know about the possibility to get teamreports from your scouts. I learned about them some months ago ...

If you go to another team, you can get them for there first, second and youth-teams (you have to get them seperately). You can assign one scout and depending on there adaptability (and maybe knowledge but I doubt it) they get you the reports in 5 day to weeks. In there you get player scouting-reports which give you (depending on their ability) a good guess of the players which you maybe wanna scout further.

It is of course heavily dependend on player input, because you have to demand the reports for yourself and cant automate the process. The good thing is, that you cant scout teams (without costs) out of your scouting-range. So this method can be used in LLM as well on teams in your division/lvl. I exclusively scout like that for the last few weeks - every now and then I take some time and scout systematically teams from different leagues (all of their teams) which takes time and doesnt give you guaranteed success. And you obviously scout many players without interest, if you are not at the top of the food chain. I like the process of assessing the players myself because there is the element of failure and you are defintily dont catch all wonderkids that way. You have to have good scouts and many of them - but the downside is obviously, that with more scouts you take hours to evaluate the reports. 

I like the method, because I plan meticously and sometime can take an hour for assessing just one player and if he is worth to get on my shortlist :D So I guess it is not fpr everyone, but at least it provides us with a somewhat realistic approach to scouting ...


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On 10/04/2024 at 05:46, Spallo said:

It is of course heavily dependend on player input, because you have to demand the reports for yourself and cant automate the process.


The manual part of this is way too painful when you're at a bigger club with 15-20 scouts in my opinion. LLM its maybe a little more practical and maybe more realistic than saying to scout the whole area you've assigned.

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  • 5 months later...

As I have been so frustrated by the scouting on FM21,22,23,24, I have read many a discussion on this topic.

It usually starts with someone posting about their frustration and complaint only to be blitzed with others trying to tell them that they are doing it wrongly (cannot they bare the thought that something could be screwed up with the game). Well, I am confident I have tried most, if not all things, after reading these posts and have still got very few results in my scouting jobs. It seems to me there is a dearth of good players at most levels. I only get a few results when I drop down the requirements to a point where it becomes pointless because the star ability of the players in the scouting results is not even close to being an improvement. And yes I have a database of easily over 100,000 players.

I used to play FM back when it was CM and for a few seasons after it went to FM, and in terms of scouting/searching for players and buying and selling I miss those editions of the game.

I returned to FM a few years ago during COVID, but after a while of trying to get the feeling of careful buying and selling I could craft a team to get promotion, but the searching for players is boring and onerous - takes too long. Therefore, I usually give up on playing FM and move onto spending my time doing something more enjoyable.

It's gone too far. How is it my scouts don't have a wealth of previous knowledge? It's ridiculous that one commenter says he needs to scout Liverpool and Man City players when his club are their rivals. How do scouts gain knowledge of areas they are not familiar with, if you always need to send scouts who are familiar with a set region or country?

Trust me, I have not written everything I could have, and probably should have because some FM fanboy will probably say maybe i haven't done X,Y, or Z.

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FM is a complicated game, so it's hard to know why scouting isn't working for you in the absence of any details.

I'm in my 25th season of my current save, and scouting is... fine. It's not as strong as it was in previous versions, and it seems to be over-impacted by Reputation (like I'd argue a lot of things in the game seem to be) but if you have enough scouts and cast a wide enough net it seems to do what it's supposed to do. 

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