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two divisions in the same year

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There's a championship that I'm trying to create (the Rio de Janeiro championship) where the first division takes place at the beginning of the year, the second division in the middle of the year, and the third division at the end of the year, and if a club was demoted at the beginning of the year, he plays in the second division in the same year, and if he was damoted into the second division he plays in the third in the same year, that is, clubs can play two or even three divisions in the same year, do you know how I can try to recreate this at the end in a way that the demotion works?

Edited by civilEN
translation error
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I think you could do it with stages, so it would be more like teams being "demoted" like how they drop from Champs League to Europa League. It wouldn't be treated as a relegation per se but shuffling between 1A, 1B and 1C throughout the year 

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6 minutos atrás, themodelcitizen disse:

Acho que você poderia fazer isso em etapas, então seria mais como se os times fossem "rebaixados", como acontece com a queda da Liga dos Campeões para a Liga Europa. Não seria tratado como um rebaixamento em si, mas sim como uma mudança entre 1A, 1B e 1C ao longo do ano 

I thought about doing it like this, but the team's division (in the database) would always remain as the first division even though it was relegated to the third or fifth

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I tried setting the competition update date to right after the end of it, it didn't work, does anyone have any other ideas?


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Would it work if u set up 3 separate competitions, Rio de Janeiro championship first division, second division and third division, all under the same parent competition - Rio de Janeiro championship and have the first division end before the second division starts, second division end before third division start? Long as u don't have a team in 2 divisions at the same time it would work no? (I am not very experienced in this, so I might very well be wrong, just food for thought)

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1 hora atrás, Bentfi disse:

Funcionaria se você criasse 3 competições separadas, campeonato carioca primeira divisão, segunda divisão e terceira divisão, todas sob a mesma competição pai - campeonato carioca e terminasse a primeira divisão antes do início da segunda divisão, final da segunda divisão antes do início da terceira divisão? Contanto que você não tenha uma equipe em 2 divisões ao mesmo tempo, funcionaria, não? (Não tenho muita experiência nisso, então posso muito bem estar errado, apenas alimento para reflexão)

it doesn't work because the game only changes the club's division at the end of the season

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