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Players to another editor data


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I wanted a way to separate my database into two parts, one with the competitions and clubs created and the other with the players created

Is there any way for me to create a player for a created club that is in another editor data?

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Don't think so, you wouldn't be able to set his club as the created club due to it not existing in the database. Likewise, you wouldn't be able to add him to the created club, due to the player not existing.

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9 horas atrás, MichaelNevo disse:

Acha que não, você não conseguiria definir o clube dele como o clube criado por não existir no banco de dados. Da mesma forma, você não poderia adicioná-lo ao clube criado, devido ao jogador não existir.

Yes, I imagined it, but maybe someone knows a way to do this. 😅😅

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10 hours ago, civilEN said:

Yes, I imagined it, but maybe someone knows a way to do this. 😅😅

Only way I can think would be to create the club names in the same order as the other database with the created clubs. This should hopefully set the UID to the same. Then you could add the players in and it would be compatible. I'm not 100% certain the UID would be the same though, just a guess.

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9 horas atrás, MichaelNevo disse:

A única maneira que consigo pensar seria criar os nomes dos clubes na mesma ordem que o outro banco de dados com os clubes criados. Esperamos que isso defina o UID como o mesmo. Então você poderia adicionar os jogadores e seria compatível. Não tenho 100% de certeza de que o UID seria o mesmo, apenas um palpite.

Ok, i will try

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Another option would be to manually edit the club information in the XML for the player's contract, but that's very error prone unless you live and breath XML (I work with them daily and still don't do it to that level).

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1 hora atrás, Wolf_pd disse:

Outra opção seria editar manualmente as informações do clube no XML do contrato do jogador, mas isso é muito propenso a erros, a menos que você viva e respire XML (eu trabalho com eles diariamente e ainda não faço isso nesse nível).

Posso tentar, mas realmente deve ser difícil 

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8 horas atrás, Wolf_pd disse:

Another option would be to manually edit the club information in the XML for the player's contract, but that's very error prone unless you live and breath XML (I work with them daily and still don't do it to that level).

Where can I find this XML file?

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On 27/05/2024 at 19:40, civilEN said:

Where can I find this XML file?

use export instead of save in file menu.

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Posted (edited)
1 hora atrás, Bigpole disse:

use exportar em vez de salvar no menu arquivo.

Oh, ok thanks

Edited by civilEN
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