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"jump" a division


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I need some way to "jump" a division according to the team's performance in another competition for example, there is division A, B and C and there is cup X If the club wins cup X it will not be relegated from division A to division B, and if it comes last in cup

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3 hours ago, civilEN said:

I need some way to "jump" a division according to the team's performance in another competition for example, there is division A, B and C and there is cup X If the club wins cup X it will not be relegated from division A to division B, and if it comes last in cup

I haven't use this before, but this is what came to my mind first, just food for thought.


Advanced Nation Rules > (Cup) > Other Stage Rules > Stage Actions > Set League Fate



P.S. Just wondering, what you like the fate for last place in cup be? I have a feeling it would be a lot more difficult to set up though. If there is a need to get last place in cup, "Get Cup Round Teams", set your stage and team be "Losing Team" and it might work.

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Posted (edited)
8 horas atrás, Bentfi disse:

Eu não usei isso antes, mas foi o que me veio à mente primeiro, apenas alimento para reflexão.


Regras avançadas da nação > (Copa) > Regras de outras fases > Ações da fase > Definir destino da liga

Captura de tela2024-06-01110615.thumb.png.00d77224fa1d4492b8bf25e90bf8a0df.png


PS: Só estou pensando, qual será o destino do último lugar na copa? Tenho a sensação de que seria muito mais difícil de configurar. Se houver necessidade de chegar ao último lugar na copa, "Obter times da rodada da copa", defina seu cenário e time como "Time perdedor" e pode funcionar.

I don't understand how to go straight from level 0 to level 2

like, I can set the destination as "relegated" but then it will be demoted to the level below

Edited by civilEN
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