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500 groups or 500 stages

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I need to make a competition with around 500 groups with individual rules (500 stages are also available) I thought about editing the XML to do this, but I don't know if that would cause many problems in the game

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I think the easiest way to do it would probably be to just split it into smaller preliminary competitions. eg. (Cup Name) Northern preliminary tournament, (Cup Name) Eastern preliminary tournament etc. Then have the required number of teams qualify from each of those to the main cup tournament.

Probably less likely to have issues that way, than by having 500 groups/stages in a single tournament.

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8 minutos atrás, rusty217 disse:

Acho que a maneira mais fácil de fazer isso seria provavelmente dividi-lo em competições preliminares menores. por exemplo. (Nome da Copa) Torneio preliminar do Norte, (Nome da Copa) Torneio preliminar do Leste, etc. Em seguida, faça com que o número necessário de equipes se qualifiquem de cada um deles para o torneio da copa principal.

Provavelmente é menos provável que haja problemas dessa forma do que ter 500 grupos/fases em um único torneio.

I think I'm going to do that, the competition regulations themselves already have a separation by regions

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