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Posted (edited)

It depends by what phase of the match you are. Pump Fists is more like "Encourage". Outstretched Arms is when things going well.

From the options, you seem like you win. Maybe "Point Finger".

When you choose a Gesture, some options are being disabled and leaves what is appropriate for such a "tone".

Your Motivation attribute and players personalities kick in here.

Edited by fc.cadoni
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14 minutes ago, fc.cadoni said:

It depends by what phase of the match you are. Pump Fists is more like "Encourage". Outstretched Arms is when things going well.

From the options, you seem like you win. Maybe "Point Finger".

When you choose a Gesture, some options are being disabled and leaves what is appropriate for such a "tone".

Your Motivation attribute and players personalities kick in here.

Please some examples when you win

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32 minutes ago, Heavyman39 said:

Please some examples when you win

It depends of score and opp. team reputation, ability and if it's home or away.

For example: Sheff United - Man City

You play as Sheff United in your home. In half-time you win 1-0.

I would choose Pump Fists and the first option available (from top).

At the end of the match, you lost 1-2.

I will choose "Unlucky boys..."

Be more cautious when you lose away.

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Your question is too vague/broad to answer properly. The ‘right’ answer varies depending on your attributes, who you are playing, the state of the game, the personality of the squad, who you are saying it too and about a billion other things.

Don’t overthink it. Say what you believe to be the right thing to that player in that moment in that match. Take a note of their reaction. If what you said had the desired effect, great. If not, you learned something about that player and you can say something different next time. 

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