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Don't travel home for back-to-back away games

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Right now, the game mechanics set it such that all away games have two "Travel" slots in training, to travel there and back.

However, this is highly impractical when there are two games within a few days of each other. Why would I travel from London to Manchester, back to London, then to Liverpool 2 days later?

Of course, this would be more expensive as the team would have to pay for a hotel for all staff and rent a training ground etc. As such, this should be an option for teams to undertake.

It could come in the form of an assistant manager/personal assistant email, saying "Would you like to make accommodations for the team to remain in Manchester in view of the away game v. Liverpool on <date>?". Selecting Yes would cost some money but open up training slots and reduce fatigue from less travel. Selecting No would save money but the team would have to travel more, increasing fatigue and decreasing the number of training slots.

Furthermore, if the matches are very close to each other, an option not to rent a training ground and instead give rest days to all players can also be included.

Edited by boey
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Travel periods in general need to get reworked.  1, yes, no need to travel home and then leave again in many cases.  2, in many leagues "away" games with travel aren't any more "travel" than a team traveling from their training ground to a home match.  FM thinks Benfica needs to travel to and from Amadora or Sporting.  It's a 20 minute walk! 

I pointed out previously that this travel obsession makes the international tour feature unworkable.  If you go on tour, your team will travel to and from and then to and from again every match.  So there is no benefit to calling it a tour.

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Posted (edited)
On 16/06/2024 at 01:41, nms1987 said:

Travel periods in general need to get reworked.  1, yes, no need to travel home and then leave again in many cases.  2, in many leagues "away" games with travel aren't any more "travel" than a team traveling from their training ground to a home match.  FM thinks Benfica needs to travel to and from Amadora or Sporting.  It's a 20 minute walk! 

I pointed out previously that this travel obsession makes the international tour feature unworkable.  If you go on tour, your team will travel to and from and then to and from again every match.  So there is no benefit to calling it a tour.

This thread details a lot about FM not having a functioning map system. 

If there are already coordinates for each town, then shouldn't it be possible to calculate rough distances between towns/cities? From there, travel times can be calculated. 


Furthermore, matches that are further away should take way more than 1 training slot for travel. Flying to Miami from London takes a huge amount of time, and the players have to rest and adjust for jetlag. It should realistically take a MINIMUM of 2 days, not 1/3 training slots (which by my guess would be 2-3 hours?)

Edited by boey
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in addition to the championships where there is a headquarters and all the games are in the same stadium, there is no point going back and forth for the entire game if you can just stay there until the end of the championship

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