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17 hours ago, sanx said:

probably a placebo in my honest opinion. I need to see if theres a new ME first

Given SI are completely replacing the entire game engine with Unity, that's going to, by extension, require a change in ME.

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7 minutes ago, jcafcwbb said:

Not too sure if this is old news but Football Manager has been confirmed as being at the Tokyo Games Show as part of the Sega Atlus presentation tomorrow at 11am UK time. Not sure what will be revealed at this presentation.


Nice Find. Shame the Page 404's but its certainly a placeholer of sorts.

Edit: Unrelated, but a glimpse into my Mindset, I dont fancy the Penis dog that is available.


Edited by KillYourIdols
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2 hours ago, forameuss said:

I have no real idea, would only be going by hunches to be honest, but at best (mostly uneducated) guess, the ME would basically be its own standalone module that accepts inputs and gives outputs.  Unity will be in some way responsible for both of those.  The front-end will give some of the inputs (along with the database, which will also be separate from Unity I'd imagine), and the output will also be displayed by Unity. 

Think of unity like you would of flash and as3. If the as3 code is ****, then flash wouldn't save or do bugger all for it. Unity is there (like flash) to enable easy(ish) multi-platform development. It has got a ton of third-party modules (most unusable by professional developers) that help you build, much in the way of building-blocks. Unity's real strength is that it makes it a lot easier to build for multiple platforms using the (nearly) same code. That's where it really excels. (For indy developers also gives you a framework to work on, with a lot of automated stuff and third party modules you can re-use, which why indy developers flocked to it. You can build a basic FPS in a fraction of the time it would take you to do it from scratch.)

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3 hours ago, forameuss said:

that's all very Thick of It

"So that statement about the player roles was the invention of a disgruntled game developer was actually the invention of a disgruntled game developer. No, there's only one disgruntled game developer. One of them's... One of them's an invention... by the other one, you see."

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2 hours ago, PotatoFC said:

It might be unacceptable to you, but almost nobody uses international mode. As for women’s football, it might be good for you to have  in your life *some* interaction with the existence of women.

I thought this had been covered to death to be honest - you don't know how many people use International management, you are just guessing and making half-arsed statements. It's as bad as other people coming out and saying almost nobody will play women's football on FM25 - we don't have a clue. 

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1 hour ago, astrocreep2000 said:

I'm aiming to remain optimistic that we get info tomorrow from TGS and don't have to wait until Monday. 

Hum... still a bit unsure. If SI were aiming TGS release stuff would make sense Miles be the one presenting it. I mean the guy likes this kinda of "exposure" for the lack of better word. We know he isn't going, making me unsure what exactly they are announcing at TGS.

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19 minutes ago, soablacksmith said:

I'll be more than happy to be wrong but previous years taught me to lower my expectations.

So what I expect from Sigames:

STEP 1: 30 seconds teaser where we just get the motto of this year but no gameplay footage (f.e. "Make Dreams Come True" - "Lead to Glory" etc)

Pre-orders are open with 30 seconds teaser. People will complain about how we don't still see any gameplay but SI expects us to preorder as loyal players.

STEP 2: Bunch of blogs showing us new features. We still see a very minor gameplay. %80 of these new features don't excite players but we get a "this is just a first step to new era, upcoming years will be better" type of explanation.

STEP 3: Finally we have a gameplay stream or stuff like that where game looks kind of nice but doesn't make the huge brain explosion type of feeling.

STEP 4: We love the game and we buy it anyway.


I just want to be wrong. I just want to be surprised and shocked by Sigames which they fail to deliver on last years. I'm sitting infront of my PC like "The Special One" with an arrogant smile on my face where nothing can surprise me or catch me offguard by my opponent. But I want to be feel the shock and joy like seeing Louis Van Gaal substituting Cillesen with Tim Krul before penalty shoot-out.

I hope Sigames can deliver this time.



LOL at #4. I already skipped two in a row, then got the current one for free from Epic, and reminded myself what a chore it is to play, with seventy billion pointless interruptions between matches.

I most definitely am not preordering nor buying FM25, unless the demo convinces me otherwise somehow, and I honestly advise everyone to do the same. Nothing they said about FM25 so far seems like it's worth it over any older edition.

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On 25/09/2024 at 07:11, trevjim said:

I've been playing since CM 99.  These issues were improving until FM 11 and then have not changed since. So after 13/14 years with the same issues, I feel we are allowed to vocalise our unsatifaction about these aspects within the game, especially on a public forum designed for just that.

Not sure what other "bollocks" I am supposed to have posted but if you don't like something, perhaps either give a constructive counter argument or just move on. No need for a tantrum and I am not going anywhere kid 👋

My apologies on this one, I mistook you for another user, the "bollocks" talk was out of line. 

I stand by my point about there being no need to make assumptions just to drag the general vibe about the game down (which admittedly isn't great anyway) but apologies again for the insult.

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42 minutes ago, Craigus89 said:

My apologies on this one, I mistook you for another user, the "bollocks" talk was out of line. 

I stand by my point about there being no need to make assumptions just to drag the general vibe about the game down (which admittedly isn't great anyway) but apologies again for the insult.

Fair enough mate! No harm done and good on you for being upfront.  I respect that you see things differently and at least we both want the best for the game even if coming at it from different angles 😊

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5 minutes ago, trevjim said:

Just remaster CM 01/02 with a modern database and some QOL improvements and they will be onto a winner lol

I liked how in older version the skins adapted the color of the team you managed...

The earlier versions were very good with colors... Especially the CM versions

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1 hour ago, trevjim said:

Just remaster CM 01/02 with a modern database and some QOL improvements and they will be onto a winner lol

Such things do exist for those inclined. Obviously can't post links here but the internet is your friend for this.

EDIT - I've inboxed you.

Edited by Lord Rowell
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38 minutes ago, delpiero19 said:

There could always be another delay…

I like to believe there won't be... But if there is, it means the game isn't ready. If SI are honest, and transparent about it, it is okay in my books.

I have no issue with waiting a little longer. if there is a need to release official 24/25 DLC, I will buy it to support FM.

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6 часов назад, Zoolok42 сказал:

LOL at #4. I already skipped two in a row, then got the current one for free from Epic, and reminded myself what a chore it is to play, with seventy billion pointless interruptions between matches.

I most definitely am not preordering nor buying FM25, unless the demo convinces me otherwise somehow, and I honestly advise everyone to do the same. Nothing they said about FM25 so far seems like it's worth it over any older edition.

This. I started buying FM with a break after a year. More novelty, and the saves are leisurely and deep. In addition, fm is waiting for patches and all sorts of fixes for half a cycle. No reason to buy this asap. Actually steam games CHEAPER during patches l , it's calling early access. 

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11 minutes ago, Malicious Penguin said:

Oh, I know - just meant the disaster! (Although CM4 was pretty poor on release too!)

Yeah I think it featured on BBC Watchdog show at the time.

I hadn't bought it early though and I recall it was bug-ridden - I remember I think (a long time ago) all the player histories being missing.
To me, it mattered not. I LOVED the first visual ME, top down, circles. For the first time, I could see what my players were doing rather than relying on commentary and a small amount of stats.

I got more absorbed in my save with Sunderland than ever. Watching full matches to gain even the slightest insight and make the slightest tweak.

No I didn't have too much time on my hands... I was working 60+ hrs a week.
I also remember the training module got pulled in later versions i.e. when CM became FM, as people complained it was "too complicated" - its actually pretty much the same idea as now - training by session with descriptions.

Many warts and all, but so so much good stuff that the dodgy bits didn't matter. Simpler times :)

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21 hours ago, Ti Ago said:

Yes I understood you but I meant that looks waaay complex for most users 

As FM is a Simulation games it should be like that in a sense as its aim is too make it as true to real life as possible so it’s only right we can try and us the formations and ideas that they use in real life 

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Hopefully those leaks are fake because it seems a bit too confusing at first. And usually when something is not immediately clear it’s because it isn’t! 

Take the out of possession roles for instance. I know it most certainly refers to when the team has the ball but it could also mean defensive behavior or when the team doesn’t have the ball.

Instead, two formations (with ball/without the ball) would be a reasonable start for the tactical creator, just like, guess what, back in the Championship Manager games..

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2 минуты назад, Mcfc1894 сказал:

As FM is a Simulation games it should be like that in a sense as its aim is too make it as true to real life as possible so it’s only right we can try and us the formations and ideas that they use in real life 

Simulators should provide detailed manuals and more feedback. In order to learn how to play FM I had to learn too much for a regular football fan. In fact, I lost the ability to watch football as entertainment, this is analysis. And even now sometimes I need to ask something about tactics in this community. 

Too much time is spent on FM, and not 100% of the time is pure gameplay. In fact, to get to the gameplay (tactics, transfers, player development) I need to go through an obstacle course, in every possible way skipping uninteresting aspects of FM. I can't think of a simulator with so much routine that I'd like to cut out.

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40 minutes ago, Novem9 said:

Simulators should provide detailed manuals and more feedback. In order to learn how to play FM I had to learn too much for a regular football fan. In fact, I lost the ability to watch football as entertainment, this is analysis. And even now sometimes I need to ask something about tactics in this community. 

Too much time is spent on FM, and not 100% of the time is pure gameplay. In fact, to get to the gameplay (tactics, transfers, player development) I need to go through an obstacle course, in every possible way skipping uninteresting aspects of FM. I can't think of a simulator with so much routine that I'd like to cut out.

I mean it is a fine balance to strike. I’m with you on the complexity and the steep learning curve, but it’s important for games to also be accessible for users who don’t want to spend hours understanding the complexities.

I think FM currently strikes a pretty good balance with this, where you can just download some meta gegenpressing tactic and focus on the other stuff, I have a friend who does this and has a blast on the game. It’s important that this is an option to keep the games appeal as wide as possible.

There are some really obvious issues with the tactics creator though and a LOT of obfuscation of information, so I agree with you there that the game should do a much better job of communicating what is happening. Figuring out the intricacies of the tactics creator itself is a completely separate ‘skill’. The trouble is it isn’t a rewarding one. All we want, for instance, is our DM to make some specific movement in a given situation. But figuring out how to make that happen ends up having nothing to do with actual football, but rather learning all about roles, mentality and what ‘layer’ of instruction you would achieve that in. 

Here’s hoping the tactics creator has been overhauled but still gets this balance right. 

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1 hour ago, Mcfc1894 said:

As FM is a Simulation games it should be like that in a sense as its aim is too make it as true to real life as possible so it’s only right we can try and us the formations and ideas that they use in real life 

But I think that FM is a computer game as well. We can't forget that.

For me, the best FM is the one that balances the simulation and the game sides. For me, that was FM07 with its dated technology from today's point of view.

I love the data side of the simulation, and I like to be as realistic as possible (it won't because we humans aren't perfect and we have skewed views of what the data represents the players. I don't have the same opinion of data, as anyone here... I mean, I consider Mbappé the most overrated player there is, and I have a skewed view of that player, others might disagree)... But I dislike some parts of the simulation of the side (like Press Conferences), that makes the football Manager an actual second job... I mean I played to relax, not to add another level of stress. I kinda dislike Weight being removed and if half of the database wasn't filled, that is SI's fault. I didn't use it, because Si never actually made any effort for Weight to be meaningful. Not my fault or yours... SI's... Just them. It is also SI's fault for the 5% of players who played International Football because they neglected it for more than a decade. That is why I hated Miles Blog post tone like it was our fault for only 5% played International Football...

I played with the unsaked option... Does that mean I'm lesser player... No. If I'm not doing journey save, but 90% of the time I choose a team and stick to them until I get bored. I still love the other 10%, no matter how a minority it is. I play to have fun... I get everyone doesn't share this view and that is okay too. FM is a simulation computer game, and we can't forget about that last part.

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8 hours ago, davehanson said:

I thought this had been covered to death to be honest - you don't know how many people use International management, you are just guessing and making half-arsed statements. It's as bad as other people coming out and saying almost nobody will play women's football on FM25 - we don't have a clue. 

We do know, as SI posted the figure in one of their FM25 development updates. 

We also considered the available game data. Only 5.6% of all FM24 PC saves have used the mode, which we feel validates our view that we need to do much, much better with the experience. That number is even smaller on Console.

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I'm open-minded. I definitely won't be pre-ordering, though. The last couple of iterations have been thankfully low on the bug register, but with such a huge upgrade to Unity, I'd say serious bugs can't be ruled out. A key for the way I play the game is adding fan-made mods that add extra or lower leagues. If we can port a savegame from FM24 over to FM25 that might speed up my purchase, but my general feeling is a 'wait-and-see', taking in a few weeks of feedback from here while I continue playing FM24 contentedly.

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1 hour ago, astrocreep2000 said:


Looks really crap that the best thing they can say for a new game poster is the looonnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggg announced premier league thing. Starting to wonder if Sega Sammy should not consider a 'restructuring' of their marketing department. Then again, monopolies tend not to bring best value for customers.

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16 minutes ago, jmlima said:


Looks really crap that the best thing they can say for a new game poster is the looonnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggg announced premier league thing. Starting to wonder if Sega Sammy should not consider a 'restructuring' of their marketing department. Then again, monopolies tend not to bring best value for customers.

You also have to keep in mind this ad is meant for a Japanese public, I mean they are into all manners of things which raises an eyebrow in the West.

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3 minutes ago, scythian12 said:

You also have to keep in mind this ad is meant for a Japanese public, I mean they are into all manners of things which raises an eyebrow in the West.

Have no doubt about that when there are 4 shirts on display and one of them is of Southampton and the other of Brighton. Man City? Man Utd? Ah, we laugh in your face. Give us sunny Southampton any day of the week.

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18 minutes ago, jmlima said:

Have no doubt about that when there are 4 shirts on display and one of them is of Southampton and the other of Brighton. Man City? Man Utd? Ah, we laugh in your face. Give us sunny Southampton any day of the week.

Endo, Mitoma, Tomiyasu and Sugawara are the 4 biggest Japanese names in the EPL. It's excellent if obvious marketing to have pictures of those four players to highlight the EPL licence to a Japanese market. It's also just a poster to advertise the showcase, so there it won't be until that happens around 11am GMT that anything if anything will be revealed.

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36 minutes ago, jmlima said:

Have no doubt about that when there are 4 shirts on display and one of them is of Southampton and the other of Brighton. Man City? Man Utd? Ah, we laugh in your face. Give us sunny Southampton any day of the week.

I was rather referring to the homeless Pepe the frog on the bench, to which I struggle to find a connection with football in general, let alone FM...

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1 minute ago, scythian12 said:

I was rather referring to the homeless Pepe the frog on the bench, to which I struggle to find a connection with football in general, let alone FM...

I think the bench is there for attendees to take selfies of themselves with the advert in the background. Obviously, this being Japan there are attendees in fursuits as well.

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