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HELP! Negative Transfer Bug FM24 - S7 of save

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Hi everyone. 

I think my save has a bug, but I want to make sure before binning if off. HELP.

I am doing a Youth Intake only save with Excelsior Rotterdam. In summer 2030 when the board set the budgets they gave us a negative transfer budget of £4.6m to recoup - we only had £5m in the bank, so I didn't think much of it. 

Luckily, I was at the point of the save where I wanted to move a couple of original players off, so we made £28m in sales that summer.



We finished fourth in the league, qualified for Europe and at the end of the season, before the board set the budgets, this is our finances,


There is an outstanding loan from 2024, with three years still to run, but no actual debt.



One week later, on May 18th the board set the budgets for the 31/32 season.


Transfer budget gone. Overall budget up by 6m, an extra 50k in the wage budget (which we aren't using), but the kicker is the Negative Transfer budget, again.

I don't understand why the overall budget can go up, the transfer budget disappear and the board demand we sell more players.

This didn't happen for the first six seasons, despite the finances being in a worse position. 

I wanted to check what would happen, so I simmed through a season, and we sold £12m of players, finished third, qualified for the Champions League. The overall balance went to £43m but again the board gave us a negative transfer budget.

Is my save broken?

I can't make sense of why it would happen.

Any help, or confirmation that it's borked would be appreciated. 

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What do you mean by “overall budget”? Do you mean the overall balance?

It does look as if selling players is the only way you are balancing the books.

The info presentation and sudden appearence of the problem is odd though. Did you have a change if Board? Did they set new objectives?

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Yeah, overall balance. 

Same board all the way through.

It would make more sense if it had happened all the way through. We are making more money now than ever, but it's just started happening.

Board are happy to be mid-table, but we're constantly top 4/5. 

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