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A snippet of your player attributes can be saved in their profile

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So, you buy a new player, you want to track his progress over time. Make an option to take a snippet of a players attributes and save it in their profile to compare with down the line.

Example, I take the snippet on the first day of pre season and it saves in his development section in the profile. Then 6 months or a year down the line i can side by side compare his old attributes with his current ones.

Currently i do this by screenshotting, then opening the screenshot up and comparing down the line... but as you can imagine it can become tedious once you have 30-40 players developing, looking through screenshots etc when a simple attribute snippet feature could be added into the player UI.

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Quite an interesting idea. This could be something that could accesible from the datahub where you could have a development tab where you can select a player and see their development in a select set of increment, 3 (?), 6, 12 months and the like.

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10 hours ago, GIMN said:

Does the progress graph not do that?  You can select a time limit and just to look at specific attributes:


Yeah but it's quite time consuming, same as the player graph thingy... if i do side by side i can compare in seconds... think of it like a really easy "spot the difference". Where as the screenshot you're posted you're basically going through every attribute reading them out. A side by side snippet comparison would be much more efficient.

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