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0, 1 or-1 for Club Balances and Budgets in the Database


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I tried asking this in another thread, but it has received no answer, and I'm not sure if people noticed the question. In the FM database, there are many clubs with a 0, 1 or -1 for their available funds and/or their transfer budgets. I believe these are numbers that FM uses to calculate a random balance or budget, based on what each of those numbers represents. For example, a 0 might mean that FM sets a random number based on the club's size and division. Maybe a -1 gives the club poor finances, and a 1 gives the club relatively stable or good finances. But I'm not sure, and I'd like to know exactly what these numbers mean and how FM uses them. Thanks for any help you can provide.



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If you don't get an answer I'd recommend experimenting with it. You can get a general idea by picking a specific club, using those numbers and starting a couple of new saves comparing finances. In terms of then comparing that to other clubs in the division, scroll through the other clubs and you should get a (vague) idea.

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Yes, I had thought about that, but since I'm in the middle of a current save and spending my available time on that, I was hoping that I might get an answer here, rather than have to conduct a bunch of experiments. But, if no one responds, I'll give it a try. I've asked this question in multiple places and even tried sending an email to SI, but no one has responded anywhere. So maybe people just don't know. 

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On 16/09/2024 at 22:10, Fredrik said:

I'm pretty sure 0 means random and 1 means 1. 

Random doesn't necessarily mean Man City though or even possible to. 

This really. 0 is random and is probably taking partly reputation into account, but will also depend on the nation. 1 is exactly that, 1, but pretty much means a budget of zero.

-1 shouldn't happen, but could be something from previous FMs and never adjusted.

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