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The Lost Season 4 thread *for episodes aired in the US/abc.com* *season 3 spoilers and a mid-season cut-off guranteed*


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Originally posted by Andy Jordan:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by bolton1987:

Hurley bought it for her?

$150,000,000 isn't going to buy a controlling interest in a large conglomerate. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm aware of that, but as far as we know Sun doesn't know anyone, apart from Hurley, with that amount of money...it might be an oversight by the writers, but I guess it'll be explained at some stage.

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Originally posted by The_Fish:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Jongi:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by theboydonegood:

i think the manner in which jack said kate wasnt related to aaron suggested he knows that he is.

how would he possibly know that? unless there was a need to do some dna testing on the baby which would involve him. nothing suggests that thus far.


Indeed, but when I was watching the way he said 'you're not even related' it made me think he knew. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

This one has been answered.

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Did you guys think the Oceanic Six were TOLD not to say much to anyone else outside the island? Personally I got a feeling that they were more ashamed of something that possibly happened, like the way Sun answered her question in the interview thing.

Maybe someone cuts a deal so these 6 can go, but there's a betrayal along the line? But in a way they all seem to be amicable afterwards to maybe not

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Originally posted by Jongi:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by theboydonegood:

i think the manner in which jack said kate wasnt related to aaron suggested he knows that he is.

how would he possibly know that? unless there was a need to do some dna testing on the baby which would involve him. nothing suggests that thus far.



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the funeral parlour couldn't have been in a more black area if they tried.

Either Michael, scary eyes dude who came to see Hurley/Locke or possibly Sayid at a push. Everyone else would have someone who went to the funeral.

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Excellent ep this week. I'm guessing Ben was communicating with the others with the mirror, probably for some rescue mission to get him back? Like he said, he always has a plan, he wouldn't give himself up for no reason, and we know that he escapes from the meeting with Whidmore.

I'd never really thought about Jack being Erin's uncle before this either, even knowing him and Claire were sisters, could explain why he refuses to go and see him after Kate's trial, feeling of guilt perhaps?

The moving of the island could also explain the polar bears I suppose, depending on what context the 'moving' is.

Anyway, awesome ep, how many more have we got this season, 2 or 3?

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Originally posted by champa:

Did you guys think the Oceanic Six were TOLD not to say much to anyone else outside the island? Personally I got a feeling that they were more ashamed of something that possibly happened, like the way Sun answered her question in the interview thing.

Maybe someone cuts a deal so these 6 can go, but there's a betrayal along the line? But in a way they all seem to be amicable afterwards to maybe not

Huh, we know thats the way it is. it's a deal, they have to tell this story.

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it'll be Michael imo. the two out of the 8 are Michael and Walt? meaning that neither one can be bothered ever again? Walt to live free and Michael to be buried under a different name (when in fact it's meant to be him in the coffin but infact it's empty!)

I suppose it stems from Adam and Eva in S1 and Jack saying to Kate saying feels like we've been here a hundred years. I know some people believe the losties are reliving this journey over and over. I found the conversation when Saywer/Miles met with Jack/Kate to be an implication of this theory

"maybe this is deja vu"

"what's with you and getting off this island, you sound like a broken record"

This could obviously be natural banter but it seems to me it's a small hint

(not that i'm a believer!)

Anyone else get the feeling from Suns rant she may end up finding more than she bargained for about the Island when she gets serious about the business?

Obviously the "multiple accounts" could be about Ben.

I feel Sun may become a main character in the revealing of who's behind what

Also i believe Christian is trying to replace Jacob on the island, taking over him

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So many people used to wonder why Dharma drops were still coming onto the island years after Dharma had stopped functioning on the island, is it possible that the drops left saying in 1993 and hit the wrong bearing meaning that they arrived in 2003...2004 etc??

This seems to be pretty likely? Only argument against i would say is surely Dharma would of been aware of the bearings?

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Originally posted by theboydonegood:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Jongi:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by theboydonegood:

i think the manner in which jack said kate wasnt related to aaron suggested he knows that he is.

how would he possibly know that? unless there was a need to do some dna testing on the baby which would involve him. nothing suggests that thus far.


icon_cool.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

as soon as she started about Christian's reason for being in Oz I thought well there you go.

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Not sure about this Sun buying the controlling stake in her fathers company.

I guess she would get compensation for being on the island, and then extra for her husband's death.

Obviously we have no idea how much the company is worth, but it might be possible. In the terms of the controlling stake, does that mean 51%, or just a bigger stake than the next biggest stokeholder?

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Originally posted by Francis Cole:

Not sure about this Sun buying the controlling stake in her fathers company.

I guess she would get compensation for being on the island, and then extra for her husband's death.

Obviously we have no idea how much the company is worth, but it might be possible. In the terms of the controlling stake, does that mean 51%, or just a bigger stake than the next biggest stokeholder?

51% I would have thought, because if she had less than that her dad could just form partnerships with other big shareholders and out-percent her.

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I assumed Ben was signalling Richard, but when he said to Locke 'who do you think', would Locke have thought of Richard?

Awesome to see everyone marching towards the orchid and the losties and the others basically on the same side now.

have the flashforwards been generally in reverse order this season? ie, the furthest away was the one at the end of s3, and they've been gradually coming closer and closer? so that would make sense if 'realtime' and the flashforwards converge at the end of the season with the oceanic six leaving being the finale.

nice to see another Lost/24 crossover with michelle forbes btw

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A controlling stake is also dependent on how fractured the balance of the shareholders are. So it is not necessarily a 51% interest in the company. Although it means it surely has to be a number north of 25-30%.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just watching the last episode again and it occured to me that the behaviour of the pilots at the start was strange - the co-pilot seemed to believe the 'cargo' was bad luck. That suggests to me that they know something we have yet to see as surely anyone who encountered the survivors would think it was incredible good fortune that they survived...

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Originally posted by DodgeeD:

Just watching the last episode again and it occured to me that the behaviour of the pilots at the start was strange - the co-pilot seemed to believe the 'cargo' was bad luck. That suggests to me that they know something we have yet to see as surely anyone who encountered the survivors would think it was incredible good fortune that they survived...

I think when he said the 'cargo' was bad luck he meant that he believed the plane may crash again.

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Any thoughts (but not spoilers icon_wink.gif) on how the season will end tonight?

I'm expecting Locke to find Marvin Candle/wickman/whatever-his-name-is in the Orchid, Jin and Michael to die when the boat explodes and some kind of wierd mind-blowing cliffhanger. icon14.gif

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So, can the finale be watched live on ABC.com then?

Not that I know of.

If not, how long after?

Well, there are various 'ways' of getting it just after it's aired, with it being a 2 hour finale, it'll probably be around the net about 40 minutes after finishing.

And what time(UK time) is it airing?

It comes on at 9 eastern time, which is 3am afaik. As it's 2 hours, it won't be readily available until just before 6

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no idea how we will end up with the six leaving, i ill be waking up early tmw and lay back in bed with pop tarts for breakfast. cant wait.

perfect timing being inbetween jobs this week!

i contemplated buying the first season box set today, and gradualy rewatch it all over the next few months. £60, in hmv, come on, thats some cheek. even £30 online is stretching it

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Originally posted by jasnip1:

and i btw i rate this series alot, only that jack operation episode seemed fillerish

I felt the same, pointless storyline considering we knew he got off the island

I still feel at that this season has brought up just as much new questions as it has provided answers.

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im already fascinated to find out how they approach the next season, will we just focus on the 6 going back, or will we still see action on the island, because i persume if they move the island in terms of time, then they cannot show events in relation to eachother. thinking to far ahead, who knows

they wouldnt just give half the cast a season off though surely

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Wow, what a great finale. The perfect combination of reveals and new mysteries. Overall a great season. The most consistently good since season 1.

After finale last season I thought the funeral was for Locke, but they faked me out and I thought it would be Jack's father seconds before it was revealed.

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Great finale. Was so glad that Desmond survived! I wonder if Jin and Michael are dead for sure, considering the island wouldn't let Michael kill himself (though Jacob did appear to Michael, which leads me to believe they're all dead).

Also surprised that Locke was the guy in the coffin, I was expecting Walt or something.

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A lot to digest there.

The only thing I'm fairly certain of is that Charlotte = Annie (Ben's childhood friend on the island). And what's with all the philosophers? Did Locke just choose another British philosopher when he needed a new name or does it have significance?

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I'm hppy and annoyed Michael died.

First of all, I depsised him for being a turncoat but I knew he would be made out to be a saviour in the end, really ****es me off.

****ing hell, how can they kill Locke /o\

Just because he is dead though, doesnt mean he doesnt play a role. I still think he or Sawyer will be the overall hero in the whole thing.

I knew the way this season was going from the off, I just didnt know how, it was afill in the blanks season for me.

***** killed Jin too /o\ Although, he may possibly have jumped off the boat before it exploded, there was a few moments where he could have off camera before it exploded.

Happy to see Desmond get off, very likeable character, but dont think its happy trails for him and Grace Kelly, he will have to go back to the island along with Franbk, like Ben says icon_smile.gif

Great finale, kind of didnt want it to end.

Btw, I may have had a poor stream, but was Sawyer's words to Kate deliberately muffled by the camera or did he say something?

Next season will be all about getting the Oceanic Six back to the island, the struggles they have to go through to make it happen, and culminating in them actually going there. Meanwhile, on the island, we will see what develops between the others, Sawyer, the smoke monster etc and how Locke gets on with being the leader, and perhaps subsequently how he goes off the island and then gets killed.

Last season they will go back to the island and have all the questions answered, and there will be a big climax.

ps. Mr.Eko being mentioned icon_cool.gif

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