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The Lost Season 4 thread *for episodes aired in the US/abc.com* *season 3 spoilers and a mid-season cut-off guranteed*


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Originally posted by smirky:

Slightly dissapointed by it all.

The whole cold wheel was cheesey and pretty lame. Jin stopping Desmond cutting wires and Desmond shouting "im just not good enough!" was equally as bad.

Ben loosing it and killing Keamy also annoyed me because Ben isnt suposed to do things like that. But, truth be told, he said himself he didnt care about the people on the boat. It was nice to see Locke want to 'help' everyone off the island even if they were going against what he believed.

Also surely they would have taken a guess on which wire to cut in the hope 1 working?

Jack said that Sun blamed him for something, which i assume would be Jin's death but i see no way as to how it could be Jack's fault?

Did Kate saying im sorry over and over again after Claire had appeared mean that she wants to go back?

Lastly im pretty sure Ben will get back to the island somehow and will become the leader again.

Yeah Desmond shouting "I just don't know" was pretty poor icon_biggrin.gif Ben killing the guy s understandable though, and Sun blaming Jack is completely believable as well, he was the 'leader,' made the decisions, it's easy to understand she would blame him.

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Originally posted by Vidmar14:

I though with Jin Meeting Widmore at the end meant that she blamed him for Jins death, se he had sent Keamey et al to pursue the island and kill the inhabitants?

I interpreted that as shes found out from Locke that Ben is responsible for Jins death.

She is now trying to kill Ben icon_smile.gif

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On the Charlotte/Annie thing; it's definitely possible seeing how Richard Alpert hasn't aged from Locke's birth. She could have left the island and shifted in time.

I forsee a showdown between Desmond and Sayid as Ben will most likely send Sayid to kill Penny and Desmond will be standing in his way.

It seems that Ben jumped about a 10 months into the future when he shifted the Island too....

The main thing I'M trying to figure out is why did Christian appear to Michael just before the boat exploded? icon_confused.gif

Plus, I reckon all the hints were there for Sawyer and Juliet to get it on next season! icon_biggrin.gif

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Originally posted by Sheer Class:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Vidmar14:

I though with Jin Meeting Widmore at the end meant that she blamed him for Jins death, se he had sent Keamey et al to pursue the island and kill the inhabitants?

I interpreted that as shes found out from Locke that Ben is responsible for Jins death.

She is now trying to kill Ben icon_smile.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sun said to her father that she blamed two people for Jin's death (one being the loveable Mr. Paik himself). I thought the other person she blamed would be Michael but in the final scene, Jack told Ben that 'Sun blames me for....' so I'd say the other person she hods responsible is Jack himself.

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The main thing I'M trying to figure out is why did Christian appear to Michael just before the boat exploded?

It was the island letting him go, remember earlier in the series michael tried to kill himself but the island would not let him because it needed him. Christain came to let him know that he had served his purpose and it let him go.

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Originally posted by H.O.V.I:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">The main thing I'M trying to figure out is why did Christian appear to Michael just before the boat exploded?

It was the island letting him go, remember earlier in the series michael tried to kill himself but the island would not let him because it needed him. Christain came to let him know that he had served his purpose and it let him go. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Of course! You are a smarter man than me sir. icon_wink.gif Though I'm sure Michael must be wishing his final words were something more profound than 'Who are you?' icon_biggrin.gif

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Sun blames Jack because Jack was the one who ordered the pilot to go back to the island.

I'm glad Desmond survived, for me he's the best character on there.

As for screaming for someone to reach out the helicopter and just stick their finger over the hole, count me in for that too.

I'm pleased that I guessed it was Locke in the coffin, but only when I saw Ben was in the room. Before that, as Jack was breaking in, I thought it was Desmond. Not sure why as there was nothing to indicate it could be him.

Ben killing what's-his-face and supposedly dooming the freighter survivors was, IMO, a deliberate act by Ben. Deliberate in his intentions to kill the freighter suvivors, that is. Or at least to sink the freighter, which he sees as a massive threat to the island. His words to Locke afterwards about being overcome by emotion due to his daughter's death just didn't ring true to me, I thought it was a cold, calculated move.

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Superb ending to the season, IMO. So many questions answered, but new ones asked too and we'll have to wait for the next one. I'm in the camp that Locke isn't dead - perhaps when (and if) they all make it back to the island, he'll somehow be resurrected. Good to see Desmond meeting up with Penny again, but I feel gutted for Jin. This being Lost though, we may not have seen the last of him. As for Michael.... icon13.gificon_biggrin.gif

So Jan/Feb next year for Season 5 then? :-/ Gonna be a long wait.

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simply brilliant. my first thoughts were charlotte=annie, then woah age difference so daughter?

jeez at the end with the coffin, I was saying it's Ben, no it's Richard, no it's Locke.

could have been anyone.

they could take this anywhere now.

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Originally posted by smirky:

Slightly dissapointed by it all.

The whole cold wheel was cheesey and pretty lame. Jin stopping Desmond cutting wires and Desmond shouting "im just not good enough!" was equally as bad.

Ben loosing it and killing Keamy also annoyed me because Ben isnt suposed to do things like that. But, truth be told, he said himself he didnt care about the people on the boat. It was nice to see Locke want to 'help' everyone off the island even if they were going against what he believed.

Also surely they would have taken a guess on which wire to cut in the hope 1 working?

Jack said that Sun blamed him for something, which i assume would be Jin's death but i see no way as to how it could be Jack's fault?

Did Kate saying im sorry over and over again after Claire had appeared mean that she wants to go back?

Lastly im pretty sure Ben will get back to the island somehow and will become the leader again.

you see, this is the character's brilliance.

He doesnt just make the losties believbe he isnt in chagre, he makes the VIEWERS believe this also.

Ben will always be in charge, until he dies.

He may seem to be exiles right now, but it wouldnt suprise me one bit if it was revealed he is just letting Lock believe he is in charge, jsut so he can ultimately get what he wants.

Brilliant character is Ben.

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Originally posted by Stan petrov:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by tony_cfc:

Sawyers names for people are hillarious. Calling both Jin and Miles Bruce, calling Eko Shaft. Theres a few more im sure, cant remember then off the top of my head


Utter brilliance.

Sawyer > * </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

laughed out loud at some of them there.

Small things like this make Lost all the better

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I just love the way Lost attracts loads of different types of people (i have 40yo admin women in my office who have prob never watched any sci-fi in their lives who love it)

..and the way it makes everyone believe what's going on.

i mean ffs, they literally just vanished claired and gave no explanation icon_biggrin.gif

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Originally posted by Stan petrov:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by smirky:

Slightly dissapointed by it all.

The whole cold wheel was cheesey and pretty lame. Jin stopping Desmond cutting wires and Desmond shouting "im just not good enough!" was equally as bad.

Ben loosing it and killing Keamy also annoyed me because Ben isnt suposed to do things like that. But, truth be told, he said himself he didnt care about the people on the boat. It was nice to see Locke want to 'help' everyone off the island even if they were going against what he believed.

Also surely they would have taken a guess on which wire to cut in the hope 1 working?

Jack said that Sun blamed him for something, which i assume would be Jin's death but i see no way as to how it could be Jack's fault?

Did Kate saying im sorry over and over again after Claire had appeared mean that she wants to go back?

Lastly im pretty sure Ben will get back to the island somehow and will become the leader again.

you see, this is the character's brilliance.

He doesnt just make the losties believbe he isnt in chagre, he makes the VIEWERS believe this also.

Ben will always be in charge, until he dies.

He may seem to be exiles right now, but it wouldnt suprise me one bit if it was revealed he is just letting Lock believe he is in charge, jsut so he can ultimately get what he wants.

Brilliant character is Ben. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yeah thats what i mean, Ben "always has a plan." So i think he will get back and regain control of the others/island.

However, the way in which he went was just not right. I mean he turned a random wheel and then dissapeared into a yellow flash. I really do expect more from Lost tbh.

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I think Daniel is going to be in the radius of the island that moved simply because we didnt see his reaction to the island moving so from his POV it didnt.

The single reason he is still out on the ocean is to pick up Jinn and the other survivers from Widmores boat IMO.

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Originally posted by JBS:

Another use for Desmond occured to me by the way, he is Daniel's constant so its possible we get to see him through some Faraday flashback/flashforwards.


His main appearance will be when Sayid comes to execute Penny though icon_frown.gif

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Originally posted by sean_oc16:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by MixitupMixitdictator:

Apparently IRL Michaels actor is ****ed at not getting closure

Interview with him here. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Perrineau: Listen, if I'm being really candid, there are all these questions about how they respond to black people on the show. Sayid gets to meet Nadia again, and Desmond and Penny hook up again, but a little black boy and his father hooking up, that wasn't interesting? Instead, Walt just winds up being another fatherless child. It plays into a really big, weird stereotype and, being a black person myself, that wasn't so interesting.


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As fra as Faraday goes, I reckon he was affected by the Island moving somehow but may not have moved 'with' the Island in the same way as the people on the beach. I base all of this on that moment where Juliet says something like 'see you when you get back' and he replies 'yeah, when'... icon_wink.gif

The main concern for me is that he was on the boat with a bunch of redcoats. had he been with another main character, I would have said we will definitely see him again but like this, I'd say the producers are prepared to drop him if necessary (same way there were options to just say Desomond & Mr Eko were dead after the season 2 finale).

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So blatantly that icy cave is where the Polar Bear escaped in season 1. Is it too much to think that maybe the bears were the ones that moved the wheel?

Great ending though, cant wait to see what happens with Locke. icon14.gif

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Originally posted by Sheer Class:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Champo:

Great ending though, cant wait to see what happens with Locke. icon14.gif

He dies, HTH </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Really can't see them killing him off now, too many questions with him unanswered..

Aren't they 3 years in the future in that ending?

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Originally posted by Don Baker:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by sean_oc16:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by MixitupMixitdictator:

Apparently IRL Michaels actor is ****ed at not getting closure

Interview with him here. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Perrineau: Listen, if I'm being really candid, there are all these questions about how they respond to black people on the show. Sayid gets to meet Nadia again, and Desmond and Penny hook up again, but a little black boy and his father hooking up, that wasn't interesting? Instead, Walt just winds up being another fatherless child. It plays into a really big, weird stereotype and, being a black person myself, that wasn't so interesting.



Ridiculous. As if people care more about an Iraqi than a black.

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Awesome episode, so happy for Des.

Oh and I reckon that won't be the end for Locke. After all, the island does produce 'miracles'. What's to say he won't come back to life when they get him over there?

Would like to know about Jack's dads teleportation technique and why Richard can't age at some point next season. Is S5 the last?

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Originally posted by Champo:

Is it too much to think that maybe the bears were the ones that moved the wheel?

well they did have holes in the handles which could attach the collars to them.

anyone else underwhelmed by the finale?

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Originally posted by Don Baker:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by sean_oc16:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by MixitupMixitdictator:

Apparently IRL Michaels actor is ****ed at not getting closure

Interview with him here. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Perrineau: Listen, if I'm being really candid, there are all these questions about how they respond to black people on the show. Sayid gets to meet Nadia again, and Desmond and Penny hook up again, but a little black boy and his father hooking up, that wasn't interesting? Instead, Walt just winds up being another fatherless child. It plays into a really big, weird stereotype and, being a black person myself, that wasn't so interesting.


am i the only one reading that like a Chris Rock Rant?

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