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The Lost Season 4 thread *for episodes aired in the US/abc.com* *season 3 spoilers and a mid-season cut-off guranteed*


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Originally posted by Santa, look at my pert arse!:

And am I the only person that didn't realise that Jin's were flashbacks? icon_biggrin.gif

That suicide was a bit disturbing. Thought it was Libby for a second.

mmm...Jeniffer Love-Hewitt is hot.

Nah I didn't realise either. Makes sense now though...

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Originally posted by artest:

I thought Sun killed Jin and married Hurley.

lol that would be great woudn't it.

Originally posted by Stephen Wilson:

Jin was obviously flashback, Sun flashforward. I suspect the folk with more knowledge about the 'year of x' will have picked that up quite quickly.

More importantly, it's not exactly 100% that Jin's dead. I'm leaning more toward he's been left on the island. His grave said Sept 22 2004, the date of the crash, so obviously he didn't get off the island for one reason or another. More inclined to believe he's still alive as he's supremely cool even if his story has kinda ran its course now he's a changed man.

Yes Jin's was a flashback. Since the store man said its the year of the dragon. Then Jin said he's only been married for 2 months to the nurse.

But why would Sun grieve and 2. She called for Jin during the birth which makes me think Jin was still around when the baby was being born. But then again not sure why the tombstone said 2004? If Jin is on the island wouldn't Sun know about this and therefore wouldn't grieve and wouldn't call out for him during the birth? The 2004 thing might not mean he died on Sept 2004 it could be just a few words representing the date of the famouse 815 fight on 2004.

Originally posted by artest: rosslarkin

What's more baffling is what sequence of events would cause Claire to give up the baby (assuming she didn't die), Sund to leave Jin behind and Kate to leave Sawyer (and maybe Jack to leave Juliet assuming she isn't one of the '6')

Juliet wouldn't be one of the Oceanic 6 since she's not part of the 815 flight.

Im not buying into the committing suicide thing when that lady jumped off the ship. Think there is more to that.

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Quite a slow episode. The only highlight being that Michael is now confirmed on the boat. The flash forward and back seemed fine to me. Especially saying 'I've only been married two months'.

Anyway I didn't really get or have time to think about the captain's rant. I though that the plane wreckage bit was quite confusing. Just thinking of Ben's involvment in it all. It's also interesting to think about how Michael has got onto the boat and is now basically a janitor which is probably the lowest job on the ship. Maybe he was played dumb and they have just took him and possilby Walt onboard and put him to use. The doctor seemed to shout at him so it appears he commands little respect on the ship. But the doctor also bad mouthed Faraday in a previous episode.

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IMO it implied that Ben was the one behind the fake plane reckage so Im thinking that its actually Ben who they do a deal with to get off the Island. Would explain why only Six get off as it would be implausable if suddenly 40 people actually turned up alive, why they are covering it up and why Sayid is now working for him.

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Yes would make sense Ben is the one behind the fake plance crash. Rememeber Miles said he wantd 3.2 million and he knows Ben can get that sort of money no problem. I mean Ben has a submarine ffs. How he got that is anyone's guess. But you can't just go out and buy those. As for the 40 dead people. Those were probably all those pregnant dead women that died on the island and Ben planeted them on the plane to dispose of them. This would mean rescuers would stop looking for the survivors and therfore stop looking for the island. Would explain why he is so keen in preventing people leaving the island and exposing his work and the mystery of the island.

I think Ben in the end comes out a hero rather then a villain. The audeince will eventually understand Ben's position more and the reasons behind protecting the island and protecting its powers.

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Originally posted by rosslarkin:

Dharma for me tbf, they obviously want to keep the island a secret and would do anything to ensure it stays that way. By the simple fact that Widmores solitary (crappy by his wealth) boat is the only one in the vicinity makes you think that he's the only one who has knowledge of the island anyway (probably from the journal)

And if the time travel thing is accurate and the island is consistently in 1996 then Michael would've been off the island for 8 years and therefore never on the manifest in the first place enabling him to get home (in the past???) knowing about the island and then waiting for the opportunity to work on the boat, he could have the same connection that Faraday has to Des (wouldn't explain his uber-cool new name though)

I'm completely baffled tbh, but the Sun/Jin scenes did bring a tear to my eyes, and he quite clearly isn't dead.

What's more baffling is what sequence of events would cause Claire to give up the baby (assuming she didn't die), Sund to leave Jin behind and Kate to leave Sawyer (and maybe Jack to leave Juliet assuming she isn't one of the '6')

there is no time travel issue on the island.

it's only when leaving the island when people can become unstuck in time.

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Originally posted by Fred_the_Red:

But why would Sun grieve and 2. She called for Jin during the birth which makes me think Jin was still around when the baby was being born. But then again not sure why the tombstone said 2004? If Jin is on the island wouldn't Sun know about this and therefore wouldn't grieve and wouldn't call out for him during the birth? The 2004 thing might not mean he died on Sept 2004 it could be just a few words representing the date of the famouse 815 fight on 2004.

1. have you ever been around women giving birth?? they dont exactly make sense, my missus asked me to check her case for her spare pair of arms as the ones she was wearing where sore. so from that perspective it is feasible that Jin is dead and she was calling out for him due to the birth drugs etc

2. if jin is on the island, then sun and hurley would be aware of it but we all know that they are 'hiding' something and that the oceanic six have some sort of pact, maybe with that in mind they are just keeping up the pretence, perhaps people are suspiscious and watching them.

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Originally posted by Hexhamlad:

Yeah it's a full plane of bodies not just a few dead women. Also the only reason Frank knew it was a fake was because the pilot didn't have a wedding ring on ie- everything else was perfect. How do you find them many bodies then make them look identical to each person on the flight? I'm eagerly awaiting how they explain this one.

If a plane crashed and it had 340 people on it and one was found in the sea with the same markings and 340 dead people inside would you do a DNA test?

Bodies could be identified from seat/ticket numbers so it wouldnt be too hard to make it look convincing. However whoever planted the bodies couldnt know the pilot always wears a wedding ring.

Also Ben had a big pit of bodies where Locke fell into so those he put on the plane were probably just spares. icon_wink.gif

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Yeah it would be quite easy to find a plane get it to the bottom of the sea and somehow fill it with bodies that hadn't been in a pit for years. Dress some of them in none dharma clothes and then at the last minute forget the wedding ring. Because I take it they have a dossier on everyone on the flight. This would include details of him being married.

Obviously when discovering the plane that should of been enough proof but either way it's an elaborate plan.

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Originally posted by theboydonegood:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by theboydonegood:

oh and can someone email the link to foobs forum to theboydonegood1978@hotmail.co.uk, i wiped my c drive recently and lost my bookmarks etc

sorry its theboydonegood@hotmail.co.uk </div></BLOCKQUOTE>sent

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Yeah it would be quite easy to find a plane get it to the bottom of the sea and somehow fill it with bodies that hadn't been in a pit for years. Dress some of them in none dharma clothes and then at the last minute forget the wedding ring. Because I take it they have a dossier on everyone on the flight. This would include details of him being married.

Never said it would be easy to plant the plane. But if you can plant a plane at the bottom of the sea then you can certainly put bodies on the plane.

Only the pilot and crew would need specific outfits. The rest could have anything on.

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The marshall was plain clothes and I cant think of anyone else dressed in specific outfits. They had been in the sea long enough for the outfits to be ruined anyway.

The point is though if you can place a plane at the bottom of the ocean without anyone realising dressing some dead people shouldn't be all that much more effort for you.

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  • SI Staff
Originally posted by Aslan:

I didn't like the Jin flashback, didn't see the point to it other than to lead us down a false path. It added absolutely nothing to the story.

I think it was trying to show that Jin was an angry and sometimes ruthless person in the past, then in island time he has changed and was able to forgive Sun for cheating on him.

I wonder if the black smoke gets him like it got Eko after he became a changed man. Hmmmm.

Must admit it took me a bit by surprise when he was "dead" but I knew as soon as Hurley said "Should we go see him" that they were going to go and visit a grave.

Good episode. Kevin Johnson wtf

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Originally posted by Roj Blake:

Good episode, but no real startling revelations aside from what's happened to Jin. Looking forward to next week's. icon_smile.gif

TBF we don't even know if he's dead. He might just have had to stay on the Island because Ben would only allow 6 to leave (for whatever reason), same as Claire.

One thing I am wondering is, who do they think the father of Ji Yeon is? Clearly conceived on the Island, and Jin allegedly died in the crash.

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  • SI Staff
One thing I am wondering is, who do they think the father of Ji Yeon is? Clearly conceived on the Island, and Jin allegedly died in the crash.

Remember time on the island isn't quite the same as on the outside world.

Mile High club ftw

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Originally posted by Ter:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">One thing I am wondering is, who do they think the father of Ji Yeon is? Clearly conceived on the Island, and Jin allegedly died in the crash.

Remember time on the island isn't quite the same as on the outside world.

Mile High club ftw </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Desmonds episode showed that it is!

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Originally posted by Mardy_Bum:

I knew Ben had something else up his sleeve. that was an awesome episode. so how long to wait till number 9?

Episode 9 screens on the 24th April.

Also, do we even know who the Oceanic 6 are yet? Jack, Kate, Hurley and Sun are definites - whilst Micheal and Sayid don't seem to fit...

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Originally posted by Willigogs:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Mardy_Bum:

I knew Ben had something else up his sleeve. that was an awesome episode. so how long to wait till number 9?

Episode 9 screens on the 24th April.

Also, do we even know who the Oceanic 6 are yet? Jack, Kate, Hurley and Sun are definites - whilst Micheal and Sayid don't seem to fit... </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sayid is confirmed, and even said he was one of the oceanic six in his episode icon14.gif

The 6th is speculated but I think it could be baby Aaron.

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Originally posted by Stan petrov:

Sayid is confirmed, and even said he was one of the oceanic six in his episode icon14.gif

The 6th is speculated but I think it could be baby Aaron.

Ah, that must be my mistake. I obviously need to re-watch Sayid's episode, as I thought Ben said Sayid would have to change his name - something one of the oceanic 6 wouldn't get away with surely? But I guess that's a figment of my imagination...

Looks like Aaron must be the 6th, which I find ridiculous tbh.

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My fav ep of the season. So let me get this straight:

Widmore says he knows where the island is and sent the feighter to go look for it. According to gayboy Tom and Ben Widmore wants to kill everyone on the island. So the "scientific teams" true purpose is to kill everyone on the island. So what we still dont know is why Widmore wants them all dead?

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Originally posted by Sheer Class:

Ben explained that an episode or two back.

So he has the miracle island to himself

i think tom also said the same in the very same episode. a great consolidating episode. and yet another one that confirms that time on the island is not seperate from time off the island.

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