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This Game is So Damn Hard

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Plain and simple. What the hell am i doing wrong? I am managing Farsley Celtic, and i cannot seem to get any form at all. Everything i tweek, (tactic wise) does nothing at all. Morale is bad, lost 4 games in a row now (3 of those at home and inferior teams), and drawing 1 against Hyde. I'm using a 4-4-2, one away and one home ( home team setting set to attacking and vise versa). Every "decent" signing performs poorly, WTF am I doing wrong??? I have read TT&F and that did not help me at all. I hate reading through long and complicated documents as i generally start to loose interest. Help would be much appreciated, as i love this game, ever since the first installment of FM and i would hate to throw it away. Again, help will be much appreciated.

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I couldn't agree more with you..and yew I am moaning..and no I am not moaning because of the 40 euros I spent..I am moaning just because of the game beeing annoyingly time consuming..sear SI it's just a game cm00/01 (don't have 01/02) needed aprox. 1 hour-1,5 hours to finish one season..this needs more than 5-6 hours,tactic tweaking,scouting even phychology..ok you've done it very realistic..and?It's just a game..realise it..you've done a great job and I (just like everyone else does) recognize it..but..this game has become too time consuming..why?because it's complicated!If I need 5 minutes to tweak before every game and check the players and all this stuff..then watch the game to see what's going wrong and not on highlights,but in a more time consuming mode..then..sorry,but I can warm up for 15 minutes in real life instead,meet up with my friends and play real football..I buy this game to win..just like most of the people that buy it..I want to take Braintree(e.g.) to win the World Club Cup..or get near it after back to back promotions and no I don't have to achieve it by winning every game I play for 5-6 years..but I also don't want to read any more and analyze everything!It's just..I don't know..ok so you want me to think like a real manager because of all the stuff you give me..have a basic knowledge not only from tactics(which I don't but I'm sick of reading anymore,I have other jobs,more important to my REAL life to do nowadays),but also think of psuchology,pitch size and..and..and..why the hell should I do all this stuff?For reality?Ok fine..do I get paid in reality for doing this?No..so..do give me a favour and make this game playable for everyone either by introducing again a supertactic(just to be there to use it whenever one needs it..whoever doesn't want to use it well done,but I think it has to be one there in any case..it's a game) or enhance this game by introducing levels(v.easy,easy,medium,hard,v.hard)..The third choise left to you is..just characterise this topic as a moaner topic(yes it is as far as I'm concerned,if it's in the wrong place,plz move it elsewhere or tell me where to post my complaints) and close it just like every other topic like this one..

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if its too hard for you dont play..........but in my mind there is no such thing as too hard............if it is for you think of it as a huge challenge and keep telling yaself your goin to beat the game and not let it beat you my friend............good luck

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i can't agree more that this one is the hardest version I've ever played..but still...I would say..it's the tactic..

so..how many games in the season have you played?

did you watch the games in full length? if yes, you would eventually find out that your players were doing things they don't suppose to do..whatever the reason is...but you can simply try to apply different tactic, and you'll see you players would eventually do something else..yes, I know..easy to say, but hard to prove..unfortunately I can't say more what you could do for tweaking..because I'm also struggling with it..

I've been restarting my games 4 times because I always get sacked in mid of the season..

my tip: try to use the tactic which is recommended at most in the forum (maybe with some changes based on your players ability)..and try to stick with it for several games...its been said that your players need at least 10-15 games to get accustomed with the tactic..and also try to play a bit defensively..and you would also find many tips in the forum on how to counter different conditions.

just like geol13..I still don't want to give up...still do tweaking here and there..and I think you should do this too...may luck be with us :)

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Hi TT,

I feel your pain..... honestly I do. The game is tough and even though I am getting to grips with it, I can still get thrown a massive curve ball which leaves me wondering where I went wrong.

For me, I am finding that unless you have managed to break down the game completely and understand every minute detail...... you have to keep it simple.

A good start would be to use the default formations. They DO work with a little tweaking.

Move the DC mentalities to the highest defence (5 clicks I think). Then adjust your passing depending on the pitch you are on. Large or long = direct. small or short = short.

Then adjust the tempo (not alot though). lowest normal for short and highest normal for direct.

Then adjust the DLine. Be carefull with this one. If you have superior DC's than the oppo go for a slightly higher Dline (13 clicks. working on the basis that the exact middle is 11). If you DC's are inferiour or the oppo have turbo strikers, then drop it two clicks to 9.

I tend to start with the 442 normal. But if you have a far superior team at home, then give the attacking one a go.

Please note that the above comments are simply mean to 'get you going'. You will need to make other changes dependany up on your team quality.

Also....... I would highly recomend that you read the two following posts:



PLease note that they are very long and you will need to take an hour out just to read it, then it willl take you another hour to implement the stuff.

I've never had much success with the TT&F on this game, but thats not to say you wont, but it did give me a huge insight into the tactic side of the game.


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thanks for your reply mate, and the other person above (sorry forgot your name). I will try this. I have currently deleted my farsley save (sacked half way through.... and surprised they didn't do it sooner). I will take all this on board. Keep the advice coming guys, I am not done yet!! ;)

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Dont tweak your tactics too much mate

Ill give you some advice on what should work in Lower League

Stick to 4-4-2

Have one of the CM on defensive mentality, along with the two CB

Have the DR, AND DL on mentality normal, but on the last one before defensive telling them not to run with bal, no long shots, but closing down halfway

Have one of your forwards as a creative role, or a target man

Try that and see hw it goes

And oh yeah play normal mentality passing with normal tempo

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I couldn't agree more with you..and yew I am moaning..and no I am not moaning because of the 40 euros I spent..I am moaning just because of the game beeing annoyingly time consuming..sear SI it's just a game cm00/01 (don't have 01/02) needed aprox. 1 hour-1,5 hours to finish one season..this needs more than 5-6 hours,tactic tweaking,scouting even phychology..ok you've done it very realistic..and?It's just a game..realise it..you've done a great job and I (just like everyone else does) recognize it..but..this game has become too time consuming..why?because it's complicated!If I need 5 minutes to tweak before every game and check the players and all this stuff..then watch the game to see what's going wrong and not on highlights,but in a more time consuming mode..then..sorry,but I can warm up for 15 minutes in real life instead,meet up with my friends and play real football..I buy this game to win..just like most of the people that buy it..I want to take Braintree(e.g.) to win the World Club Cup..or get near it after back to back promotions and no I don't have to achieve it by winning every game I play for 5-6 years..but I also don't want to read any more and analyze everything!It's just..I don't know..ok so you want me to think like a real manager because of all the stuff you give me..have a basic knowledge not only from tactics(which I don't but I'm sick of reading anymore,I have other jobs,more important to my REAL life to do nowadays),but also think of psuchology,pitch size and..and..and..why the hell should I do all this stuff?For reality?Ok fine..do I get paid in reality for doing this?No..so..do give me a favour and make this game playable for everyone either by introducing again a supertactic(just to be there to use it whenever one needs it..whoever doesn't want to use it well done,but I think it has to be one there in any case..it's a game) or enhance this game by introducing levels(v.easy,easy,medium,hard,v.hard)..The third choise left to you is..just characterise this topic as a moaner topic(yes it is as far as I'm concerned,if it's in the wrong place,plz move it elsewhere or tell me where to post my complaints) and close it just like every other topic like this one..

why dont they just have a I win button which if your losing 3-0 you press it and you score 4 goals from nowhere. Honestly

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i know what you mean. its hard to have the time these days to fully get to grips with the game, i had only got to grips with fm 08 and fm 09 came out. i don't wish the game was easy just easier instructions to players and less clicks on the sliders.

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Hi timmytiger69 - have a read through my thread FM09 Heathxxx Management Approach (Lower League Edition), as it may be some help to you managing a lower league club. The team I'm managing at the moment in the save game I discuss in this thread is Altrincham, who are possibly one of the weakest teams to start with in the BSP.

What I and others who have contributed in the thread discuss, is the idea of building a team of players around a tactic, rather than trying too hard to continually tinker with tactics around players who may be unsuitable. If you have players who simply don't suit the tactics you prefer, in all likelyhood, no matter how much you tweek things, you may never be successful. It's partly about understanding what players ideally suit certain positions and roles. This approach can work with virtually any sensible tactic and generally keeps things more simple.

In the discussion I have given examples of the tactic I am using and how I've built my team around it. So long as you understand the basics of the tactic I've built, other people's tactics, or one you've made yourself, you will soon understand what attributes players need to work with it.

Generally I find much of the trouble people have is often they download or make a tactic without understanding it. They then expect it to work regardless of how suitable the players are. It can be a bit like trying to bang a square peg into a round hole! My approach is more about keeping the round hole, but getting the round pegs that fit! ;)

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