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17 "You're a bum, Rock"


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    Meteorologist, Economist, part time powerlifter

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    Thetford Forest


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    weather, beer, coffee, cooking, footie

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  1. They moved it I believe — it's still there. I randomly found it the other day when doing a staff comparison between two possible staff members.
  2. Mind you I don't know the answer to this definitively and I am merely speculating, however, maybe look to get a HOYD that has a playing style of Route One, Wing Play or something similar?
  3. Just kicked off the 2026-27 season with Strasbourg. The last three seasons we've finished second to PSG each season. It's an interesting save. Ligue 1 seems to be in a bit of turmoil at the moment with most teams struggling to compete. Lyon has finished 10th, 12th, and 7th. Thus far it's been Nice, OM and Strasbourg all fighting for second every year, with everyone else lagging far behind. The Strasbourg board, however, is not helpful in the least. The money was there and then they decided to build a new stadium which killed a lot of our momentum. I'm over my salary budget due to having to extend a few contracts for key players, but now I'm over budget and the board won't let me move the 3 million in transfer funds I have to the salary budget. I'm struggling to raise funds for players and my wage budget is very restrictive. I managed to hold onto Emegha thus far, but I may have to sell him this summer otherwise I risk sliding backwards. I'm honestly not that upset since he's not playing to the level that his backup Max Morestedt is (31 goals and 9 assists in 33 matches). I've done as well as I have thanks to some players like Bakwa, Sylla and Emegha all developing into leading Ligue 1 talents and making use of my link with Chelsea who are more than happy to send their players to me on loan. We finally won our first trophy this season, the Trophée Des Champions against PSG. They had a plethora of injuries but I'll take what I can get at this point. PSG has been so dominant this save that it's nice to FINALLY pull one over on them.
  4. I have a few suggestions but I wouldn't say I'm by any means an authority on tactics. It looks like you're probably getting overrun in the midfield, which probably seems counterintuitive based on your formations and roles but it's probably happening. -You have have three central mids but only one who is doing the dirty work — you have a CM on attack with "roam from position" and an AP on attack. I would maybe take off the "roam from position" and possibly change the AP to a role that will provide more bite in the midfield. Maybe a BBM, a DLP on support, or even a BWM on support or even defense. -You passing is focused down the flanks because you have an IW on both flanks but they can't really cut inside because your midfielders are already taking up those spaces by drifting wide. Combine this with the IWB and IFB who are supposed to sit inside and help the midfield but instead have to provide width because you have inverted wingers ahead of them. This leaves you woefully exposed in the middle.
  5. Well done @MattyLewis11. I want to get mine up and running this evening or tomorrow possibly — I'm still playing my Beta save with Strasbourg. I look forward to hearing more about your plans utilizing DNA data. I think for a club like Ajax this would be especially useful in identifying "Ajax" players. Random question, but what skin are you using?
  6. Cheers @MattyLewis11. I'm in the same boat as you, waiting for the the full release before starting my Ajax save due to the licensing issues you mentioned. I'll be utilizing a 3-4-3 in the vein of Van Gaal - but also utilizing a 4-3-3 - and the principles Cruyff laid out in numerous videos and interviews. I wanted to sign only staff who have the 3-4-3 as their preferred formation to try and simulate the club having one identity, but when you try and filter staff by preferred formation, you can't select 3-4-3.
  7. Not just you. I'm having a huge issue finding and hiring Set Piece Coaches. I even tried signing regular coaches as set piece coaches but no one will accept an offer.
  8. I'm trying a save where I only sign staff with my preferred formation, a 3-4-3. However, when I try and filter by preferred formation, I'm unable to select any formation with a back three.
  9. I'm pretty confident that the way I play today is heavily based on Cleon's Ajax articles over the years.
  10. I am ashamed to say that I have been playing this game for decades and had no idea this was the fix. Thank you. Take a bow.
  11. Nice! I honestly haven't seen much of De Gea in action since signing him. He was injured in the first match he played.
  12. My current tactic has me 4th in the league after 10 games. @Ronaldo Beckham I know you said you've tinkered with yours a bit but ours are fairly similar. The only real moves I've made thus far is getting De Gea signed on as my keeper, getting Nathaniel Nwosu to agree to join us in Jan 2024, and then signing Victor Andersson from AIK.
  13. Hoping so, the transfer budgets for the next two seasons are projected to be £6.5 million each season - likely because our bank balance is so low, £14 million, with no real big sponsorship deals in place. Makes me wonder if they didn't code the ownership by the Chelsea group properly. RB Salzburg has a general 10 yr/£200 million dollar sponsorship deal which seems to reflect the ownership by the RB group.
  14. I actually started a save on the Beta with Strasbourg, your starting transfer budget is quite limited comparatively. I believe I got just over £1 million and my wage budget is near the bottom of the league, but you have to consider that they bought Sylla and Emegha in the summer which explains the low budget. To be honest I wasn't fully up to speed on the Chelsea-Strasbourg connection until after choosing to go with Strasbourg a few months ago as a my first save. It'll be interesting to see how finances carry on over the seasons.
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