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31 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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    Richmond, London


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    Football, Food, Dogs, Football Manger addict

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    Manchester City

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  1. Worked a treat, thank you I appreciate it
  2. @knap Which 3 at the back tactic would you recommend that I could use with Juventus please?
  3. Are you able to send me the WTCS skin file you have with this updated font please? As I am bit overwhelmed on how to successfully change it for myself, do you mind please?
  4. What's your strongest 3 at the back tactic I could use with Juventus please?
  5. Apologies for the stupid question, is their a way to change the font to Bold easily?
  6. Can you share this version of the tactic please? Apologies if you have already
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