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319 "Greed, for lack of a better word, is good"

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    Barnsley Researcher

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  1. Thanks for the input, Matt. Fair assessments overall. On reflection the suggestions for Devante seem fair - he's looked a lot more clinical this season. I haven't seen enough of Cotter's long throws to suggest an attribute as high as 15, but you're much more qualified to comment than I am.
  2. It sounds like the BBC certainly are. It's like the Messi love-in.
  3. Neymar was hoping for the winning fifth penalty. No doubt.
  4. Exactly. If he's done something wrong, the FA aren't going to come out in the press and condemn him midway through a World Cup. The truth will come out after the tournament.
  5. Kalvin Phillips is on pre-match press duty. A sign he's going to start on Saturday?
  6. From what I heard on ITV earlier, Trippier was playing on the left of defence in training, and Walker on the right.
  7. Have you watched Wycombe play? You'd soon be calling for Southgate to come back after watching a Gareth Ainsworth side.
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