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Everything posted by Overmars

  1. From memory, something like: 10th then 6th then 2nd then 2nd.
  2. Individual player form is still overpowered. I have had this 21 year old striker playing the same system for four seasons in Serie A, but he can't do anything positive in the latest season. No amount of targets or reprimands has motivated him to play better. I have benched him and played him against terrible opponents in cup matches, but he refuses to score goals. I understand players can drop off suddenly in real life, but usually not at age 21 -- especially when their morale is "excellent" and their physical, mental, and technical attributes are stronger than ever. The game has essentially destroyed this player for 6 months and counting, with no mechanism to revive him and no indication of what is causing the struggle.
  3. I'm going to assume you are using inverted wingbacks and a holding DM in between them, while giving your two central midfielders attacking roles (ex. MEZ(a) or CM(a)). If that is the case then you will need a lot of quality from the wingbacks and be very deliberate with how they can help. Are they just going to sit back and ping through balls? If so then they need to have passing, vision, and technique (not common for fullbacks). Are you going to give one of them an IWB(a) role? If so then they better have strong off the ball, acceleration, and finishing/long shots attributes (also not common). Personally, I only occasionally see inverted wingbacks contribute in meaningful ways -- and generally those are IWB(a) roles. The IWB(s) and IWB(d) I have tried do very little, which is disappointing because they aren't always in the best position defensively either. For your wingers, I would consider using the IW role (with stay wider instruction) so you can customize the players a bit more than if they were wingers. You might need your wide players to hold up the ball more to allow your midfielders time to attack the box. Conventional wingers don't do that.
  4. To me, focus play through the middle, work ball into the box, and shorter passing conflict with the winger roles. I feel like wingers are adept at dribbling, crossing, and fast/direct play -- essentially the opposite of the team instructions you are providing. I think an inside forward on the left would make a lot more sense and pair well with Shaw as a WB.
  5. I think the necessary changes to make FM24 international management less frustrating were minor. SI had to fix the fatigue issue and expand training options, which don't sound especially complicated to change. Those minor changes "fix" that side of the game, but you can only improve it so much. International management is never going to be amazing. It just isn't a big enough job for a daily simulation game. I think most people playing FM would still keep a club job while taking an international job because they know international management is only exciting once every two years.
  6. I agree with you, and yet in spite of this, there were several managers who seemed to think that each manager had control over their outcome. In my opinion, almost everything came down to luck because it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how to game the FM AI.
  7. My green ring is fully filled with an "Accomplished" label. I attribute most of my set piece effectiveness to having two central defenders with 18 and 19 jumping. We scored 21 goals from corners in Serie A. I also schedule a set piece routines training session each week.
  8. Yes, this is a fundamental problem with the game. It's probably impossible to "fix," but if they ever did then the game would be a lot more fun. I feel this issue most when thinking of using a support duty striker. No matter what I try, if it's a TF(s), DLF(s), or F9(s), these roles simply don't produce overall team results on par with an AF(a). In FM, you simply need an attack duty striker to make the most of the match engine. And let's not even go down the road of using two attack duty strikers in a 4-2-4, which also seems to produce great results despite no one using two AF(a)'s in real life. I get that you don't have to try to game the match engine to succeed in FM, but when you're losing 2-1 late in a cup game, are you really going to ignore what works best in the game and stick with something else? That's the problem. We know there is a better option out there, so there is an inexorable push to use it.
  9. I share you frustration. That 4-3-3 works well in FM, but it isn't the most aggressive for pressing purposes. The lone striker is inadequate to disrupt those annoying AI teams who just want to pass between the CDs and DMs all game long. If you are eager to disrupt that sort of thing then a formation change can help. Some formations that I find better in this regard are: 4-2-4 (2 ST + 1 AML + 1 AMR) 4-2-2-2 (2 ST + 2 AMC) 4-2-3-1 Narrow (1 ST + 3 AMC) 4-3-1-2 Narrow (2 ST + 1 AMC) 4-2-3-1 (1 ST + 1 AML + 1 AMC + 1 AMR) Any of the crazy 3 ST formations (ex. 4-3-3 Narrow), but I don't like using those because they feel a bit cheat-y. I find these work better because they overload the central areas, forcing opponents to move the ball wide or give it away. That might not always be a good thing, though, considering you can get countered down the flanks fairly quickly. Nevertheless, if you are desperate to push the intensity and press your opponent then get another man forward in your formation. Adding "tackle harder" in player instructions and "Get stuck in" in team instructions will also make your players more combative and can lead to turnovers (and plenty of fouls/cards).
  10. The most frustrating manifestation of this in FM is with how overpowered player form is. The "match rating last 5 games" statistic has far too much predictive value. Both players and teams are too streaky. Performances should have much more random scatter than what we see in the game.
  11. You have everyone narrow -- two IFs and two IWBs -- and a narrow width. You could use overlapping wingbacks or wingers in the mix (I prefer the former and TAA/AR are both excellent for that role). If you want a traditional 4-3-3 with goalscoring AML/AMR players then use a F9 in the middle and have the IF(a) attack towards the middle. They will produce goals, but your striker will probably disappoint. I find they get punished by harsh match ratings and then sink into performance-induced "poor form."
  12. Agreed. I use the Tato skin to get around this limitation. The player statistics and analytics are key to giving me a view of what is happening in the game. Like you, I have no desire to play out a computer game in real time.
  13. Despite the illogical AI player development strategies, there ends up being more excellent players after 5-10 seasons of a save than there are at the start of a save. My theory as to why the amount of top talent increases is: The game floods the world with an overwhelming number of high PA teenagers. A huge amount of them don't reach their potential, but there are just so many with high PA (170+) that we end up with more and more 160+ CA players as the seasons pass. Any good young player at the start of the game who has playing time will develop to their full potential.
  14. In summary, you really have to watch the match highlights and see what is and is not working for you. I think your AMR playing as an IW(s) will still stay wider if you give him that instruction. As for your DMs, use the highlights to see how they position. You can afford a bit more aggression if you are keeping three defenders back. If you are using two attacking fullbacks then you will want one defensive duty DM. Schjelderup looks great. If only he had more speed he would be unstoppable, but he will still score plenty for you if you unleash him into the box and have your wide players feeding passes into the middle. WB and IF are great together. Having both on attack duty works in FM. If you only wanted one on attack, I would pick the WB. Then you would have the WB(a) and support duty AML/AMRs feeding an attacking ST/AMC combo in the middle.
  15. Nice post. I agree with the choice of 4-2-3-1 because of how flexible it is. There seem to be endless combinations of player roles that can work in this formation. My comments on your team and choices: Your fullbacks are short. You will be killed by far post crosses in this match engine. I don't think Aarons is good enough. You need height for all defenders in FM24. Maybe you could make an exception for truly amazing attacking fullbacks, but you don't have those. Also, it's nice to have at least three giants for defending set pieces. I like your idea of having one fullback attacking and one more conservative. An IFB(d) role on one side and WB(a) on the other would do that. The IFB(d) also allows you to be a little more bold with the DM on the same side, potentially freeing him up to be a SV. Your attackers are short, and this will be tricky in terms of earning good match ratings. They will get crushed by missed headers, even with "low crosses" chosen. The AF(a) is probably the right role for your striker, given how you want to use at least 1-2 of your other attacking players in purely support roles. For your AMR, I would pick an IW on the right side rather than a winger. The IW role is more flexible, you can customize it with player instructions exactly how you want depending on the game, and your players trained to be IW will always be familiar with the role. For your AML, I would pick an IF(a). I would want a second player seeking to get on the end of attacking moves. Alternatively, if you wanted to change your AMC to a more attacking role (as detailed below), You could pick a support duty AML who focuses on feeding the other three attackers. For your AMC, I find the AM(a) is a great role in FM24. Support duties in this spot can work too, but I find it much harder to get them contributing this way. One of the best patterns of play in FM24 is when the AMC runs into the box and finishes a quick low cross from a wide player. This happens so frequently that I would want to encourage it by using an AM(a). I have seasons where my AMC outscores my ST all because of this move. I love high tempo in FM24. I think it produces far more scoring chances. Lower tempo is fine if you have a game under control, but as soon as you need to score, I would raise the tempo much higher.
  16. A similar thing happened to me. Half of my team wants a <100% wage increase after winning the Europa League. I have regular starters asking for almost 10% of the total wage budget. I can't keep a full squad if I give them that money. I would actually be fine with this scenario if we could react appropriately and avoid a purely adversarial interaction. We should be able to reject the wage increase with the reasoning, "The club cannot afford it." The player should understand but still want to leave the club. You then work on an exit plan (waiting for the end of the contract or pursuing an immediate transfer). Teammates should stay out of it. I feel like FM pushes us into these unavoidable hostile interactions which produce unrealistic outcomes. If the player wants to leave the club, fine, but spare us the vitriol because our hands are tied when it comes to what the Board gives us.
  17. I think 4-3-3 is the right formation for a F9, and you could adapt it to work for a regista by using three DMs: ST = F9(s) AML = IF(a) AMR = IF(a) DMCL = SV(a) DMC = HB(d) DMCR = REG(s) DL = WB(s) DCL = CD(d) DCR = CD(d) DR = WB(a) GK - SW(s) I would play this with shorter passing and higher tempo. I've tried it with lower tempo, but it is far too tame in this match engine. I would use mid-block against an equal or better opponent and high-press against a worse opponent. Either positive or attacking mentality works. The one key issue to using a F9 is that they can run into goalscoring dryspells that affect how FM perceives their form. They do get involved in the action a lot, though, and if they are dribbling wizards then they can make a big impact. I actually find these F9 4-3-3 tactics produce really pleasing football in FM24.
  18. The key issue to me is that it feels unrealistic. What real life team would line up this way on the pitch? It would break immersion for me to use this in-game because the midfield doesn't cover the pitch laterally. The other obvious issue is the use of three advanced playmakers. That seems unbalanced to me. Of course, unbalanced can still work in FM, but it wouldn't feel very realistic either.
  19. My favourites who often ended up on my teams: Martin Odegaard (FM15) Guido Vadala (FM15) Malcom (FM15) Mikael Dorsin (CM3) Kim Kallstrom (CM3) Lorenzo Crisetig (FM11) Matias Kranevitter (FM11) Jack Wilshere (FM11) Jack Rodwell (FM11) Suso (FM11) But Odegaard was the one who I enjoyed the most and then became a big of in real life.
  20. It's not the worst preset out there. The shape and team instructions make sense. The player roles are not great, though: W(a) feels like a more direct tactical choice based around dribbles and crosses rather than controlling possession. The only player attacking the box is the striker. A CM(a) or IF could help. I would consider using a F9(s) and inside forwards with proper wingbacks and a halfback. Inverted wingbacks are a good alternative, but then you need to keep the AML/AMR wider or use mezzalas to maintain enough width. But it's a solid base formation and team instructions to start with. You can adust player roles based on the plays you are seeing and players at your disposal. It's not always easy to find technically skilled players who can make a possession-based system work well. Typically, it's easier to find an advantage in lower levels by focusing on physical attributes and playing fast and direct.
  21. Out of curiosity, I counted the number of players within a certain CA range at the start of my England save in 2023 and later in 2029. The results surprised me, as there were more higher-rated players in 2029 than at the beginning of my save.
  22. I agree with your observations. For FM24, the loan market is the least useful it has ever been. You can still find some clubs willing to pay and play your youngsters, but you have to endure the AI spamming you with free loan offers. The biggest change is the difficulty in finding any loans for yourself where you don't have to pay fees on top of wages. I think this has made building a competitive squad with a newly promoted team much tougher than in the past. In fairness, it never felt realistic that I could loan in a dozen quality players for very little cost. That exploit is mostly closed now. There are still free loans available for players who aren't atop the footbally pyramid, which makes sense.
  23. I roleplay being offended/annoyed by my board. Some reasons: They pay me the lowest wage of anyone in the league. This almost always happens after promotion, and it winds me up! They block a transfer or force a sale I don't want. Can't wait to speak to the press about that one. They reject my requests. Don't they know who I am? They set ridiculously low wage and transfer budgets. Their lack of ambition is a waste of my time. I also like taking on financially distressed clubs or clubs deep in a relegation battle and in hopeless form. Scraping a point with a terrible team is a different experience from winning games 5-0 with a team of underpaid wonderkids.
  24. The past versions I most enjoyed at the time were: CM3 -- It was text, but it was still fun. It was a lighter version of the current FM series, but it was still easy to get addicted. FM15 -- Lots of fun. The two broken bits were that there were way too many goals and the loan system was easily abused (ex. perpetual free loans of wonderkids). FM11 -- First version that felt "advanced" to me. The main flaws were the ease at which a poacher on attack could dominate and the excessive amount of near post corner goals.
  25. So much gaslighting in this thread. If people aren't seeing gegenpress/high-press tactics performing better than others then I don't know what game they are playing. And yes, defenders in FM really do struggle to follow dribblers. They are like traffic cones out there, and the game doesn't accurately depict how much clutching and grabbing modern defenders are doing in real life in order to slow attacks.
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