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70 "Houston, we have a problem"

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  • Biography
    Played management sims since the days of Football Director on Spectrum. Coached and managed at Conference level. Best football memory... winning the League with some very young talented players at Burnham FC first season.

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    Sandiacre, Derbyshire

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  1. Clan Name: MoTu Network Game Game: FM24 Times: 6.30-10pm UK Monday and Tuesdays Leagues: Initially the Dutch Eredivisie with leagues being unlocked by managers. Additional Info: Game save started recently (19th February 2024). Dedicated players wanted. Real trophies to be won!
  2. I feel your pain - second season 9 games played, 31 yellows and 4 reds. My tactic has no PI or TI instructions for tackle hard or get stuck in.
  3. Playing as Santander B manager and cannot appoint any staff willing to accept a wage below £2k a week
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