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Everything posted by triggerluke

  1. Hi @StewG, Just wanna say a big thanks for this Save Energy tweak. I used it for England and walked my way to winning the Euros. I started all matches with it and only switched to Knaps original FM24.4 ME24.2 EF 4231 SLO V2 P MC P109 ALL CUPS tactic when I was behind or wanted to be more attacking...which wasn't very often. The lower intensity is just what I needed to keep the players fresh and be able to have almost the same starting XI every match. The semifinal against Serbia (5:4) and final against Norway (3:2) were not very close matches. The scoreline doesn't reflect how much we dominated and they only scored their goals near the end when the results was already decided.
  2. @knap Do you have a 451 or 4231 tactic with a DLF Support or CF Support role e.g. a tactic which suits a striker with the trait "comes deep to get the ball".
  3. Hi @knap, Do you have a tactic which has a lower intensity and is better suited to international management in FM? Your gegenpress tactics tactics are amazing but they're max intensity and there is no option in international management to rest players between matches. Unless I sub someone around the 60 minute mark, they are not really fit enough to start the next match 3 to 4 days later. It"s a big flaw in FM (and has been for years). Just wondered if you had a tactic, or could create one? Thanks
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