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Everything posted by ollie_davis

  1. Good point - shame the planner isn’t there. I was more than happy with FMT21, the main issue being the bug re youth intake which meant the game was literally unplayable After a few seasons. in addition to this obviously being fixed, I just hope we can still add custom graphics to the game - I’ll take that over any new feature.
  2. Honestly, because there was no FMT 22, I would just be grateful for a relatively bug-free FMT 23! Obviously the licensing still will be included; and I quite like the squad planner and agent interactions so hope / assume they’ll make their way into the game.
  3. Totally appreciate this and understand completely. I guess the argument is that for £5 a month, you get access to all of the Arcade games (I have zero interest in them but I guess I’ll explore). Also, it just means the lifespan of the game will be less for me - I’ll play from November until the summer, so about £30 (which I think is a fair price) and then I’ll cancel until the next one. Again, I’m just happy they’re releasing a new game on iPad again. If this is financially the only way for them to make the game, then it’ll have to be. Would’ve stuck with the FM21 on iPad but it was too buggy and major flaws making it impossible to play.
  4. Don’t think we’ll know until the game comes out. In theory, we should be able to, as long as you can see the game in the file sharing part of iTunes on Apple Arcade games. I wonder if anyone with Arcade can check this out? Just a guess though as I’m not very techy! would be a big shame if we couldn’t as it makes a big difference for my experience but equally I’m just grateful the game is back on iOS which I totally didn’t expect!
  5. Ah okay had no idea Xbox was 5 - would be amazing if iPad was that, but doubt it. im genuinely so excited for this to return. I bought a new iPad last year ahead of FMT and when they said they weren’t doing FMT 22 on iPad I was gutted.
  6. No news yet - sounds like we’ll have to wait for October feature announcement. Imagine 3 on each, but that’s not official!
  7. Stupid question as I’ve never played Apple Arcade before… once downloaded, can you play (and load saves) offline?
  8. So excited for this maybe a stupid question, with it being on Apple Arcade rather than a game through App Store, do you think we’ll still be able to access the game via iTunes to make graphic changes (ie kits, facepack etc)
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