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347 "Greed, for lack of a better word, is good"

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  1. Individual Player Targets and Interaction Logic | Football Manager 2024 "fixed"
  2. Shouts dont work properly, so they were removed. Fine. Promises and player interactions havent worked properly for years though, but no word on that (yet)? Cutting down on the MP stuff doesnt really bother me, as the figures show, the percentage is miniscule. My worry about this is that its gonna be introduced again in like 2years time and sold as a completly new feature. Also FM e-sports? Ive never hear anyone say "they should make a sports out of fm" not really impressed by the UI. Looks way too console like. But its in process i guess
  3. now I wont disagree that content creators are often over the top and honestly thats one of the reasons zealand isnt one of mine go to ones. But going 'the burden of proof' is on them is dismissive and unconstructive, and again, something (at least what my experience is) you run into a lot in this forum. Its not like its being plucked out of thin air. They set up an experiment §which might have flaws), they explained it and showed the results. Starting with the view of "well they fixed it for clicks probably" isnt exactly helpfull either. Its like having Caroll Beer around.. 'well we could look into it, but....*shrugs shoulders*" Where there is smoke there is a fire. PS: I had also opened a support ticket about player promises not being fulfilled (promise to loan out a player that didnt receive any offers and the player claimed I had), which didnt get resolved.... weird that you didnt find that one.
  4. And there is the copout answer I had expected, similar to "we dont have those issues in our saves/tests" and "well if you dont like the game, why are you here?". Well I wasnt refering to that particular issue I had, I'll admit "last time" was more a way of speaking than 100% facevalue accurate. I know, the shame... Huh look at that, an hour has passed since your first reply in this topic. You know, you could have used that time to run the experiment yourself, but offcours it was more productive to shut down any criticism.... And before you ask, I dont have the IGE and refuse to pay for something that should come free with the game
  5. Well we cant relieve any SI staff member of crucial duties like designing more face paint or manager costumes now, can we..... btw, last time I opened a ticket and provided a save file, nothing was done with it. probably the same reason that a lot of people think that Q&A at SI is pretty bad if you see some stuff that makes it in? Player get injured for 8 months and complains about playing time is not exactly something that is rare or only happens in extremely specific conditions only in latvian 2nd division...
  6. Ngl, first thing I thought of was someone going "well we need the files so we can properly take a look at this" as a copout answer. Why do you need save files when he specificly adresses that anyone who has the ingame editor can set this up in less than an hour....
  7. We're getting a new engine, so if it doesnt get rectified now, it wont be ever. And thats a really sad state of affairs. No proper competition is a death sentence for the quality of a series. It happened with FIFA, it happened with TW... etc But if im brutally honest/crude here, I dont hold high hopes. This year, player interactions were supposed to be better. they arent. AI squad building was worked on. Doesnt really looks like it. Even one of the sale features, J-League, was/is a complete mess. Even regen faces have never looked worse... Now I dont really expect anyone of SI to comment on the video, I just hope the discussion can be civil and openminded, which again, I dont have good experiences with here.
  8. Imagine talking about an echo chamber when you still havent provided a decent answer the the OP's question, or any followup question for that matter, and flatout refused to do any effort of reading so other people have to put it in bold. I would ask if you see the irony in that, but you'll probably ignore that question as well.....
  9. In case you werent paying attention, I wasnt the one who brought up real life examples.... I simply said that my player have values and the AI will rarely match those values even closely. Yet on the flipside, its borderline impossible to buy an AI player for under his listed value. Very simple observation, for which I still have heard a counter example, 20 posts far Likewise, I still dont see a good explanation of the original OP where a board is willing to make a potential 300k loss to squeeze out 10k. While, as the OP mentioned, wages arealready an issue So the only thing frustrating here is the avoiding of legit questions and non-answers that are posted here, like "just dont play", or "i dont have that issue, therefore it doesnt exist" So if you cant provide usefull feedback, just walk away
  10. Yes, its absolutly perfectly modelled after real life. Thats why stuff like this happens:
  11. I litterally said I didnt expect 20m for him 3 times already. I did want more than just 10% of that yes. I know, incredibly unreasonable from me... Or are you now gonna tell me you got josh stones for 12m when he was worth 120? I have a vague idea whats the answer is gonna be. And we still not know whcih club it was... guess why.. And my final point: real life data has zero bearings on this situation. Not only was it 15y into the future but I have also said that worse players went for higher fees in that division during the save So whatever cardiff or huddersfield or bumtown clarinets FC or whoever spent in real life last summer is completly irrelevant to what happens in the FM simulation. its just a strawman argument Again im done, you obviously refuse to read, If you quote people, quote them completly instead of cherrypicking what you're gonna answer and ignore the stuff that doesnt fit your view. Thats just malicious intent (again). The OP also said the board isnt happy with his wage budget handling, but want to lose 300k a year in an effort to get 10k more... Which conveniently you also ignored.....It makes zero logical sense and he has a right to raise this complain Also the last time i opened a bug report i saw the same bug the year after so... forgive me for not having high hopes
  12. Again, I never said I wanted 20m for him, thats the value the game put on him. I just wanted some reasonable offers coming in for a player who has a decent track record. Eventually having to settle to sell him for 10% of his value is ridiculous, and its not that Championship clubs are dirt poor. Likewise that noboy was interested in a player that scored 100 goals in the vanarama is as well. And why? just because the combination of player rep+ club rep is not sufficient in their eyes. Imagine any human manager going "well yes, he scored every other game in the division where playing in, but the club he plays at isnt really known enough, so I'll pass" No wonder AI squad management is so terrible 15y in the future when they mainly look at rep....
  13. well that you didnt reply to my assumption about which club you were makes me guess its correct.... Im finding you trying to shoehorn your findings just to defend SI and the way you do it makes me think you dont really read my points. So I dont really find it worth discussing anymore. I never said I expected 20m from any club. I said thats what the game valued him at, combined with a good track record, yet there was no interest. All because of the reputation number of him and my club wasnt good enough. And this is a persistent theme if you play clubs that arent top shelf if you start. Its unrealistic, frustrating and frankly laziness that they havent touched this archaic system in years No offense, but I find it laughable that you think SI made some hyper realistic transfer market where the AI looks at every little detail, when you have conversations like this in the game: Me: offers player out for 5M Player: boss, you are asking too much for me, that value is too high. No club will want me like that Me: okay, what do you propose as value? Player: How about you ask 7.5m? I fully admit im not a programmer or coder, but I doubt its that hard to make a script where X has to recognise value a is higher than value b. If they cant even get that right, how do you expect me to believe the transfer market is working properly? And to circle back to the OP point. Either the board should just sack him, because he is doing a ****** job with transfers in their eyes. Or they should realise that keeping a player on 300k a year is going to cost them a lot more than missing out on 10k....
  14. Okay tell me if this assumption is wrong: as you could afford josh stones on premier league wages, my guess it that at the time you were a midtable premier league team or maybe top 4 bundesliga or the like. Which means you had a decent reputation already going for you (probably close to continental). And as it is a former man city player, his reputation helps as well when selling him. Now try to make a decent sale when you're working up through the leagues. When I got promoted from the Championship to the prem als chelmsford, after my first season it was clear that Nathan Young Coombes couldnt cut it anymore in the prem. He was valued at that time at aorund 20M. I ended up having to sell him for 10% of that. He was a double championship topscorer on not even 10k a week. In that whole 18y career, I had the AI made offers (where they made the first bid) 5 times. Just because reputation hadnt followed through. Likewise, enock asante, 100 goals in 3 vanarama seasons - couldnt even get him loaned out when promoted to league 2.... All because AI let itself be guided by reputation way too much and not by actual stats or results. Not to mention how dumb some board requests/expectations are
  15. the problem wth this is that the AI rarely puts in decent offers for players. - a rotation player on a long contract? be happy that the AI will match his value - your top player on a tear in the league? eh, how about a 10% on top of his value? - that player who was good in the lower leagues but now promoted he isnt cutting in anymore? although still on league 2 wages? Better give him up for free But my god, dont you ever try to bid below a players value when itbelongs to the AI
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