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Everything posted by ludak

  1. ND Dravinja Slovenske Konjice Season XIII Squad I Transfers I Finances Ok, so this has to be one of the weirder seasons I've had playing FM. If we look at the XG they should have 10 points less, and I should have 10 points more. What's worse is that we had a run of 20 games unbeaten in which Olimpija won 12 points more than us. We dominated the cup and won it with ease really! The qualifying path was more or less easy and we went on to the league phase which was really our goal. We almost had an all-Slovenian final, but Mura just couldn't beat Leicester. We sure are helping Slovenian football develop. Jevšenak Pavel Ribaljčenko Štrukelj Kocić Papež The star of our save has improved a lot in the last year, and should see at least 30 games next season. I love that he chose San Marino already and that Italy is out of the picture. That's all lads, now we have to try and fight in the Europa League which I think is a lot for us to take, but we'll see.
  2. ND Dravinja Slovenske Konjice Season XII Squad I Transfers I Finances We had 3 seasons in which we had 68, 67 and 67 points, so you could say that we play consistently. We did lose to Maribor 3 times and 4 times to Bravo, which beat us only once in all the past years. Olimpija kicked us out in second round of the cup, so I won't cover that. It was a sorry sight, but we did reach the ECL league phase which was kind of our goal. We were really, really good in the group phase, and it seemed that we could go far. They were lucky. This has to be the highlight of my save so far. Getting a Sammarinese player in my team is a dream come true, and him being a player that could play in the future is insane. Dolinar Markovič Velič Belec Kotnik These are some really good prospects, and I look forward to see them play when they turn 17, but the future star of our save has to be one and only: I know he seems bad now, but with a few years of first team football he'll certainly become good. Ok, that's it for this one, see ya lads at the end of next season!
  3. ND Dravinja Slovenske Konjice Season XI Squad I Transfers I Finances We played a similar season as the last one, only this time two teams had more points than us at the end, as we had 68 last year and 67 this year. We did win the cup this year though. We were defeated heavily in the third round of qualifiers for the CL against Sparta which saw us go down to EL Playoffs in which we won without trouble. The group phase itself wasn't our best showing, but we did snatch a win and 3 draws in our debut in Europe. Neiva Rožman Rozman Jankovič Kelenc A good intake really. That's all for this one, see ya at the end of next one mates.
  4. ND Dravinja Slovenske Konjice Squad I Transfers I Finances This was the best news we got this entire save. Total money that we got for him was just over 9m which should help us improve everything. We weren't great in Europe I have to admit. I expected a bit more, but it is what it is. We were so close. but we were a man short from the 15th minute as our right back got a red card and we were holding on barely till the 116th minute when our other right back gave away a stupid penalty and that was it for the cup. I really, really wasn't that good. But the league is equal, and it mostly takes around 70 points to win the title. This year Maribor did a bit worse than most years, and it was another chance for someone else to win it. This time it was us. The title itself felt good, but what felt even better is the fact that we will probably reach the group phase of a European competition. So far Mlinarič seams as our top prospect, and I hope to see an improvement in our intakes which seems crazy because we had 15 elite prospects in our last intake, but from those 15 maybe 2 will be players of some quality. Krajnc Furlan Well, Pušnik retired and it was to be expected that no man can replace him. This is our first intake without him and it's ***** compared to the ones we had with him in charge, but the future looks bright as we improve our facilities more and more. That's all for now lads! It has been a great run so far, and I know we are going places from here. Till the next one!
  5. ND Dravinja Slovenske Konjice Season IX Squad I Transfers I Finances OK, so there obviously is a bug, because a team from the second league signed two of my youth players and payed a nice fee to us for them. We almost had second place, but we lost the last game of the season which saw Olimpija rise up and overtake us. Vodopivec and Vajda had great seasons, and I have them to thank for European football next season. We won 4 times against Gorica in the league, but lost the cup game against them. So, Marijan Pušnik decided to retire, and that's ok. He is the reason for all of the great intakes, and I have to say, his best is his last one. 15 elite talents, I know that 80 percent of them will be *****, but still pretty amazing We finally got our European debut upcoming! I just hope to make some money out of it. I wouldn't really care if we finished 8th in the league again, only that we reach the group phase and get ourselves some much needed cash to improve the facilities some more. Till the next one lads!
  6. ND Dravinja Slovenske Konjice Season VIII Squad I Transfers I Finances Ok, allow me to explain the finances. I sold the clause that we held for the sale of Chambers-Holmes for 4.68m which got us the money that was much needed. I don't really care if they sell him for 50m now. The money that we got from that was put to good use with us getting improvements on all of our facilities. Somehow I lost the training facilities screenshot, but that's also getting improved. This is great news, as we were playing on a 400 seat stadium these 2 seasons. We managed to stay up easier than last year, and it looks like it will be even easier next year, but we'll see. Vajda played a great season for us, alongside Zajc, who played a little worse than last year. We reached the second round of the cup, and that still remains an unimportant competition for us. Plesec Žižek Mlinarič Pirc With the influx of strikers and wingers in my team, and no good central midfielder in the team I was forced to switch from the 451DM tactic that won it for me with OFK Beograd to a 424 with 2 defensive midfielders. With that information I have to tell ya, Mlinarič will certainly make a switch to DM, and that's what I'll train him for. As for the other 12 players, they mostly have a bad personality, and I don't really like them that much. I guess that's all for this season, I hope that we can finish above 8th next season. I don't hope to go to a European competition but I don't wanna be 8th anymore. Till the next one boys!
  7. ND Dravinja Slovenske Konjice Season VII Squad I Transfers I Finances Ok, so the Englishman left. It felt like I had to let him leave because I was running low on money, and he wanted to leave already. This is the most important moment of my save. Should I sell it and get the money now, or wait for them to sell him not knowing if they will, and how much money could I make that way. Aluminij had a terrible streak, losing 17 in a row, and that is the only reason why I don't have to play the play off. I really don't care about the cup as long as we don't win it. I know I had some good intakes, and that this is already a trend that I'm becoming used to, but this was the ''real'' golden generation as you'll se underneath: A lot of players with a good CA that are gonna make an immediate impact on our team(as soon as they turn 17). Petrović and Kolar are my favorite players to come out of this intake. Although everyone looks great and I can't wait for them to play. That should do it for this one, the goal is still the same, survive!
  8. @WhiteCat33 It's a lot of fun, I was lucky with Dravinja having 30 players at the start. What's 'trial free agents' strategy? You bring a lot of players on trial so that others can scout them?
  9. ND Dravinja Slovenske Konjice Season VI Squad I Transfers I Finances Oh man what a season this was! We started the league with 5-1-1 score, and it seemed it was our time to finish in the top for the first time in 6 seasons, but in the spring part we we're starting to drop slowly, and I was already set for a 7th place finish and was OK with it, but as luck would have it we turned it around and managed a high second place finish! The second place leads to a playoff with the 9th team in the first league, which was Radomlje this year, and they have a better team. I wouldn't have been mad if we stayed in this league. When they scored the goal in the first game I was worried that we wont make it, but a solid performance from our goalie is what kept us alive and we got it! I guess this is the year I could finally post some of the players, as they are becoming good. Fekonja Pučko Zajc Curk Chambers-Holmes The Englishman is looking better and better. I do hope that a championship team comes to pick him up! And we're up for our favorite part of the season: Another Golden Generation, I know that the quality of the team is poor, and that that is the only reason why we have so much golden generations but still, I love to see it! There are a few good ones that will likely play as soon as they turn 17. The goal remains the same as in the second league, stay up and make some money. Till the next one!
  10. ND Dravinja Slovenske Konjice Season V Squad I Transfers I Finances Some players had to be sold to earn some money, and we also sold two of the percentages for 111k and 151k, and we managed to stay afloat. We were terrible really, but that doesn't matter, as we only wanted to stay in the league. It came as a surprise but I was happy, it's our biggest achievement so far! As our recruitment got improved again I guess we're up for another golden generation next year. The goals remain the same, sell some players, earn cash and stay in the league. Till the next one!
  11. ND Dravinja Slovenske Konjice Golden Generation vol. III The third golden generation in a row, and once again it deserves a post on its own. The true golden generation!
  12. ND Dravinja Slovenske Konjice Season IV Squad I Transfers I Finances This year we were much better than the last. Some of the young players are coming of age and are entering the first team and most certainly making an impact. We're doing something right, as it's a second golden generation in as much seasons. Another good generation, I can't wait to see what Zajc will turn into. That's all for this one, till the end of next one boys!
  13. ND Dravinja Slovenske Konjice Season III Squad I Transfers I Finances I was lucky that there was a worse team than us. A terrible season, but we stayed in the league, and that's all that I wanted again. This is the first time we got out the qualifying round, and we were not terrible against Domžale. I am a bit disappointed that only 160 fans showed up at the game as it was a chance to earn us some money. As you can see in the squad SS we still play with the players from the start, but that should slowly change as the golden generation turns 17 one by one. I really hate the rule. On to the next one with the same goal: Survive!
  14. Well, this is an intake worth a post on it's own. As the preview came along I was just rushing the game to the intake, and when it finally came it was pleasing. I know you guys love to see intakes, as do I, so here's all the players: I like every single one of them except Bojić, who just looks bad.
  15. ND Dravinja Slovenske Konjice Season II Squad I Transfers I Finances We were worse this season, but that's because our older players are leaving, and the players entering the academy are just bad. I was hyped when the preview came, but not so much when the players came in. Balazic Kidric Jevsenak Not one of them has the ability to play and that is what worries me so far. Two intakes, not one solid player that could make the first team. That's all for this one!
  16. ND Dravinja Slovenske Konjice Season I Squad I Transfers I Finances A wild season really, we win a game 6-1, then lose 5 in a row, and it was up and down mostly. But in the end we stayed in the league which was the goal. Baranja Majcen The intake was really bad, I expected much better when I got Pušnik as HOYD. but maybe we'll have more luck next year. I guess that's all for now, until the end of next one!
  17. @The7Striker Did you get Marijan Pušnik as HOYD at the start? The guy is crazy good for the start.
  18. Oh, I read the rules a few times and it said nothing about nations having just one tier. @darren1983 Is it available?
  19. Oh man, what a ride this save has been. I haven't had this much fun playing FM for quite some time. The Invincibles! A great season in the league behind us, the best one so far. The cup win for the fourth double in a row! Right from the start I was sure we could go far if injuries don't stop us. And so it was. One loss, to Monaco at home in the league phase was the sign that I needed that this is it. WE made it, we are a European power now, and it's just a matter of time. Luckily it was on the first try! I was the better team in every single game played. Two loses against Napoli and Leeds were just FM doing FM things. Destroying Liverpool was my favorite part of this season, as they won it last year and Alfred Schreuder had some thigs to say about us both before and after the game. The final game was great on our side, they scored a great goal from a team effort that left their striker alone 3m in front of the goal, and at that point I got scared, but, Durakovic asisted and had a penalty on him which was enough to crow us champions of Europe! The players that made all the difference when it was important, and without them we would still be happy to finish in the top 24 in the league phase. It certainly helped that I had more quality players in rotation for the first team, which made it easy for us to win the league without players getting too tired to play games in the CL. I don't know what else to say. Club World Championship is coming up, so I may also play that before starting a new save.
  20. As I have a lot of free time I managed to play another full season. This update will be short, as we we were a bit worse than last year. We dominated the league again, and got ourselves a 7th in a row. Six cup wins form eight finals is not that bad. We almost had Chelsea away, as we conceded in the 92nd for 3-2 and that was it for this year. Just bad, that's everything I have to say for this years intake. The future does look bright. That's all for this season. I hope I'll finish another one by tomorrow.
  21. @Neo_GeoNah, I tend to play attacking football always. Never knew how to setup a tactic to defend properly in my early years of playing, and then I just gave up a long time ago. Although I know how to play without conceding a lot, I just don't wanna.
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