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  1. A regular signing for me with several low Prem or Championship clubs on this FM and the last. As HHUK said, he's a very technically adept defender but not a physical monster. Turned into a regular England international in more than one save but never became an aerial beast.
  2. This is just... confusing. Partway thru the 2nd season with Luton. After a successful first season, the board agreed to upgrade the youth and training facilities. I can't go back and check the email from the board now, but the youth facilities upgrade was supposed to cost a couple of millions. And then the chairman says this... 38m loan. We have 26m in the bank, no debt except transfer debt, a new stadium underway that isn't incurring debt (at least not yet), and somehow, covering a couple of million for the training facilities requires a loan that is ten times the size of the actual cost? A loan which will end up costing the club 50m after interest. The bank balance is still the same. So where did this money go? Does FM24 include financial fraud now? Because I smell some embezzlement going on...
  3. Don't think this is something anyone can definitely answer, as its a combo of preference and future-proofing. But I figure I'll ask anyway, in case anyone has a perspective I haven't considered. I FM on a gaming desktop I built a bit less than a year ago. Wasn't top end at the time, but it runs FM23 wonderfully. So FM24 should be fine and I'm moderately hopeful it will do well with the great unknown of FM25. My "backup" for FM was an MSI gaming laptop I bought in around 2016. It could run FM nicely, as well as some other games I play, but in truth, it was mostly used for web surfing, streaming, and playing some low-requirement text sim games. So it was overkill most of the time. Great when I travelled but that's not frequently. Its being retired and I'm stuck in an indecisive loop between a "regular" laptop and a gaming one. A regular laptop makes sense in most ways. Less expensive, lighter, better battery life, etc. Yet I keep looping back around to the idea of a gaming one, partly because relying on integrated graphics might be fine for FM24 and not workable at all for FM25. Don't think I'm looking for anything too crazy - Ryzen 7 (or i7 but I kinda prefer AMD) would be nice, 14 to 16 inch screen, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD (though 1GB would be lovely). Don't need touchscreen, 2-in-1 or anything like that. I'm in Canada and it would be nice to keep the cost closer to $1000 but can go closer to $2000 if needed. After an initial round of research and digging, I was kinda liking the Acer Swift X AMD (link) which is $1360 but only available on Amazon. Waiting to see if it goes on sale and looking around, and I stumble into something like this Lenovo (which seem to make a really solid laptop) Legion 5 for not THAT much more with the current sale. Bigger screen, better GPU, even a newer R7 processor. By the time I make up my mind and make a purchase, that particular Legion 5 probably won't be on that deal, but it will be closer to Black Friday sales so I'm sure I can find something relatively similar. Part of what keeps me looping is is also that looking at non-gaming laptops with relatively similar specs (Ryzen 7, 32GB RAM) aren't that much cheaper than that Acer, not unless I look at CPUs that are less recent. So its not necessarily about narrowing it to EXACTLY what I want to buy, but deciding whether its better to save a few hundred and get a lighter laptop with better battery life that relies on integrated graphics, knowing it may not be usable for FM25 and beyond (as well as very limited on what other games I could potentially play)....?
  4. It was pre-patch but he wasn't any worse at that point... bought Mr. Washington on a whim after getting Luton promoted in teh first season. In the summer of 2023, I missed on a few promising strikers and ended up buying him for 3m almost entirely because he could get a Work Permit. He did pretty solid in our first season in the Prem but not amazing... but one was one of those players who was constantly improving. Was shocked when he was top ten on the Next Gen list. Never went further with the save but definitely someone I would target again in a save if possible.
  5. I figured the money was already considered "accounted for" which is why nothing came thru, but it definitely should be reflected in Rosario's financial situation. Not even with higher transfer budget, but just a better bank balance. I believe part of the 6m might be going into club infrastructure so... maybe facilities improvement?
  6. Started a save with Rosario Central. Made it to January 2023. Facundo Buoanette moves to Brighton for 6m. Pre-arranged transfer so that makes sense. Except the 6m for him disappears. Its hard to think it was already accounted for before the save starts as the club starts with the exact same finances as FM22 and no real debt. So its just ghost money. The best prospect in Argentina leaves and the club doesn't actually benefit in the game in any way at all. Is that intentional?
  7. Not sure this is a bug, so I guess its a comment / complaint... Last few FMs, I tend to do a save in Argentina with Rosario Central. Like most clubs in Argentina, their finances are not great and its hard to become a financial power without big player sales. Central have a decent youth system so its a fun save. Looking at starting the FM23 save with them and I noticed a couple things that don't quite make sense to me... First is that the club finances are almost exactly what they were on FM22. Just shy of 1.5m Euros in the bank, 150K transfer budget, around 200K wage budget. There is a pre-arranged transfer of wonderkid Facundo Buonanotte for 6m to Brighton. But in watching the club in another save, when Buonanotte moves to Bright in January 2013, the club finances don't seem to move. Which means that 6m was already "accounted for" in the database in the starting finances. But since the finances are the same as a year prior, its not at all. Not thinking Central should have a 6m starting transfer budget, but at least the bank balance should reflect that income. The club starts without significant debt so it doesn't even seem like that could be where the money has gone. Have no heard anything at all from Argentina football media about the club not owning the player's rights or anything like that. Just quite frustrating to have wonderkid on the books and have him pre-sold but set up in a way that the human user won't see any benefit in any way at all. Second concern... Finished the first season in another save where I had Argentina active. Was keeping an eye on Central, which is where I noted that Buonanotte moving didn't seem to provide any financial gain. Then in the summer of 2023, Central sold another key young player - Mateo Tanlongo - to Liverpool for 3m plus another 3-4m in bonuses. And then another - Gino Infantino to West Ham for 5.75m. So with over 10m in player sales, I figured their finances would look sweet. Nope. 1.5m in the bank. I looked at a previous copy of the save (from September 2022) and they had -1.3m in the bank. In August 2023... after those 10m in sales plus the ghost 6m from Buonanotte... bank balance is 1.39m. That's a lot of money to disappear. If FM replicating dodgy club finances now?
  8. Is there any limit to how many players will come and ask for the same thing within a given period? I've now had 8 players ask for new contracts in a two month period. I'm pretty sure I read that accommodating requests will lead to more players asking, but does turning multiple players down have an impact on the next player asking for the same thing 3 days later? I gave new deals to the first couple, because I had a tiny bit of budget room and they were players I wanted to extend. But I haven't since because I flat out can't. There is no wage budget. I'm in the first season with Luton and we have something like the 3rd lowest wage budget in the league. But player after player is asking for a new deal. And its not like we are talking about minor increases. One player wanted to go from 3.5K per week to 35K per week. If the idea of having a positive outcome influence the next player, why isn't a negative outcome influencing the next? One player that got upset and had the squad about to revolt has inspired four more players to do the same thing. Our budget hasn't changed in the past 3 weeks, kids. It feels really unrealistic and its honestly ruining a fun save.
  9. As others have mentioned, its drop in but definitely make sure you have updated your BIOS. Easier to do on the current CPU unless you have BIOS FlashBack function on the board. The newest BIOS MSI have available for your board will be sure to support the 5900X. Upgrading your board would offer some advantages. Better VRMs, PCIe improvements, more NVMe slots, probably more USB connections. You would be making full use of the graphics card you have because the board only has PCIe generation 3 and a 6700XT uses PCIe generation 4. Is that worth the cost and effort of a B550 board and the swap? No absolute answer on that, but like Bigpole says, the CPU alone will offer significant performance gains. One other factor to consider... the 5900X is a 142 watt CPU, which will run hotter than what you have. Make sure you have decent CPU cooling.
  10. It definitely tends to help. I usually go with England, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and Portugal. The Netherlands if you can afford it. Austria isn't a bad shout either, because of how predatory the Red Bull empire is. Really good option outside of Europe is Mexico.
  11. Been looking forward to this as well. The MF22 thread helped me settle on some components for my new build. Still a few weeks away but might finally have a rig worthy of running a benchmark test on.
  12. I used this approach for the entirely of FM22. Tremendous work, Gah Rii. Curious if anyone has adopted it yet for FM23? I toyed around with it, added PIs for Mark Tigher, and ran a test sim with Atalanta. Finished 8th - not amazing lol
  13. New file is Cesare Valerio Robles - Rosario Central 4.5 Player to check is Enzo Mera in the Rosario U20s.
  14. Don't know when it occurred, but spotted a newgen who has from 11 Determination, 17 ambition, and 13 Professionalism to 11 Determination, 13 Ambition, 9 Professionalism. Not quite as dramatic as some of the others I spotted, but haven't edited him back. Generated in the previous year's youth intake and never moved out of the U20s squad. Can upload the save if it will help.
  15. I recently uploaded a save file from that game for another issue. Under the name Cesare Valerio Robles - Rosario Central 4. Unfortunately I didn't save it right before or after one of these happened. I just reset them. If it happens again, I will make multiple versions of the save file and upload them.
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