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Posts posted by Jon1982

  1. The Ultimate World Football Manager Save - The Set Up Part 2


          Choosing The Nation & Choosing The Team

    To choose the ten random countries I opened my web browser and found a fantastic online random country generator.  (I cannot link it on here but just type random.country into Google) This website is a beast and in the run up to Boxing Day I had been testing this site to make sure that all countries in the world had an equal chance of being selected. I wasn’t disappointed as places that were not even recognised countries came up such as Guernsey and Northern Cyprus. The site even showed you where it was in the world and a little bit of information about it. I guess this site is perhaps used by travellers who cannot decide where to go on their next exciting expedition. I also think this site must not have been used much recently as travelling had just about come to a standstill in 2020.

    I had to generate ten random countries by pressing the ‘next random country’ button on the site. It’s dead simple, have a go its fun!  The full ten countries are shown below in the order they came up in.

     1. Hong Kong

    2.  Namibia

    3.  North Korea

    4.   The Maldives

    5.   Gibraltar

    6.   Cambodia

    7.   Bolivia

    8.   El Salvador

    9.   Fiji

    10. Lithuania


    A good variety of countries were drawn and they are dotted around the globe. Two European, Gibraltar and Lithuania, one African, Namibia, three Asian, Cambodia, The Maldives and North Korea, one South American, Bolivia, one Central America, El Salvador and one from Oceania in the shape of Fiji.

    I then found an online random number generator to determine which country I would start the game in. This came out as number four which meant the game started in the Maldives  in July 2020 (There’s worse places in the world to start and it could have been North Korea at the end of the day)

    Managerial Ability and Reputation

    In order to maximise the amount of clubs available to possibly join I decided that I would put myself somewhere around the middle in terms of coaching badges and reputation. Now admittedly none of the ten nations selected are hardly powerhouses of world football and to my knowledge only two out the ten, Bolivia and North Korea have ever qualified for The World Cup. I started the game with a National A License coaching badge and a Regional Professional Footballer reputation. My managerial stats are as below which gives me something to work with at least on the training field wherever I end up.

    Attacking 10                                                                                    Adaptability 10 (important for this game)

    Defending 8                                                                                    Determination 3

    Fitness 1                                                                                          Player Knowledge 5

    All Goalkeeping Stats 1                                                                  Youngster Knowledge 10

    Tactical 6                                                                                         Man Management 8

    Mental 6                                                                                          Level of Discipline 8

    Technical 10                                                                                   Motivating 10

    Working with Youngsters 12


    Job Centre and Applying for Jobs

    I went into the Job Centre and filtered on each individual nation, starting with 1- Hong Kong. Unfortunately there were no jobs available in Hong Kong, probably because it is a default nation on the game and there are only eight teams in the league, so I started with country 2, Namibia. Every club in Namibia was in the Job Centre, so I ahd to find a way of determining which clubs I applied to in each nation. The rules were that I could apply to two clubs per country. To determine which clubs I applied for I found a random letter generator on the Internet. From here I chose a random letter which the clubs I applied to must begin with. If there was more than two clubs which began with the same letter I would draw a second letter which the club’s name must also contain. I did this if necessary until it was whittled down to two clubs per available nation.

    If there was only one club which started with the chosen letter then I simply drew another letter for the club’s name to begin with, which is why some countries have two letters in the list below. There were no available teams in my first country, Hong Kong


    The second country was Namibia. The letter drawn was C. I applied to two clubs called Chief Santos and Citizens. I repeated this process for the other 8 nations as below.

    North Korea – RY – Ryongaksan & Ryongnongen

    Maldives – T&G – TC Sports & Gaamagu

    Gibraltar (No available teams)

    Cambodia – E & R – Eléctricitié Du Cambodge & Rithy Sen

    Bolivia – V – Vasa Diez & Virgen De Chijipata

    El Salvador – J & I – Juaye & Ilopaneco

    Fiji – R & S – Rewa & Suva FC

    Lithuania – J & N – Juventa 91 & Neptunas


    I then attended each of the job interviews that I was offered from the applied jobs. Only two, TC Sports of the Maldives and Ryongaksam of North Korea did not offer me the job and employed somebody else. All the other clubs I applied to offered me the job. To decide which team I would start the game in, I loaded the first letter of each club who had offered me a job into the random letter generator.


    The letter generator drew the letter E, which meant the club I would be starting the game with was Eléctricitié Du Cambodge of Cambodia… 

    Through the turn of a random country generator and the spin of a letter wheel my footballing journey starts in the South East Asian Kingdom of Cambodia at a club called Electricitie Du Cambodge, who are also known as EDC!

    Let the footballing journey begin.......

    Next time.... In Part 3- I start my world footballing journey with a struggling Cambodian C-League outfit, Electricitie du Cambodge in the middle of the league season, in a completely unknown country. I have already bought my apartment in Phnom Penh, but know not one word of Khmer. How will I get on?







  2. The Ultimate World Football Manager Save– The Set Up Part 1


    Saturday 26th December 2020 (in real life)

    Boxing Day is arguably the most important day in the world sporting calendar. Traditionally and in a normal year it was the day when men would ‘escape’ after spending the previous day with family and loved ones. This year was different and one where we were advised to be ‘jolly careful’ by our Prime Minister, Boris Johnson and I only had one day to see my parents on Christmas Day.

    My original plans for Boxing Day 2020 had been kyboshed by the tightening of restrictions just days before. My Dad though has a saying, ‘Preparation meeting opportunity’ Sat in my living room with just my laptop, a can of coke and some background Christmas telly, Boxing Day 2020 was the perfect day to start my epic footballing journey. The one I had been planning for the past three months…

    Back in October and with a second lockdown in the UK looming I had an idea. Having relegated my Football manager fix from FM18 to Football Manager Mobile 2019 and 2020 over the past couple of years due to family reasons I was ready to make a comeback to the full fat FM. As a trial I downloaded a free version of FM20 from Epic in September 2020 and started messing around on it, starting random saves, but not really settling on one. Then the beta version of FM21 came out on 14th November 2020 and so I downloaded this from Steam, loaded England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales and started Unemployed with not many badges or reputation. I ended up at Brechin City and then probably wished I hadn’t. (Their club vision was to qualify for the Relegation Play Off in Scottish League 2). While I could not help but admire the pragmatism of the Brechin board, nor could I ever accuse them of being overambitious, which was in line with the pretty weak squad that I had inherited, the seeds of an idea started forming in my head.

    What if I could download or create on the editor every league in the World and find a way of choosing any team at random and take them on, regardless of the country and their standing in the football world.  

    In other words, the ULTIMATE world journeyman save which could take me to any country in the world, manage any club, in any situation and in any league.

    Collecting Every League In The World – November/December 2020 (in real life)


    So where do you start in collecting the leagues from all the countries in the world on FM? The rule was that I must have a representation of every country in the FIFA World Rankings, plus any others which were available, such as Greenland, The North Mariana Islands and Kiribati for example. I would really have to find my inner Richard Osman here!

    Football Manager already gives you 52 default nations, including all the major European and South American countries, you know the ones. However, there’s only one African nation, South Africa, only Australia in Oceania and Mexico is the only default representation in Central America and The Carribbean.

    I did have a few things in my favour though, one I have had previous experience and a working knowledge of the Pre Game Editor in creating new leagues, which I have used on previous versions. Secondly, despite having never travelled beyond Italy, my world geography is pretty good, although I did have to look up where on earth Mayotte was? Turns out it’s a beautiful island in the Indian Ocean in case you didn’t know...

    From the 24th November, the official release date for FM21 onwards I was on the Steam Workshop every night hastily subscribing to any created league that appeared. I don’t know who you are but @Timo, you are the man! This guy must sit in his bedroom morning, noon and night churning out these extra league files and uploading them to Steam, from Kiribati and Angola to The Cape Verde Islands and French Guiana @Timo (and a few others) cover the lot and in a matter of just weeks.

    By mid-December my collection of editor files was getting close to my target of every league in the FIFA World Rankings. I was determined to get the lot. I also expanded some of the larger nations, for example the ubiquitous ‘England leagues down to Level 10’ file was included and Holland down to Level 8 (every square inch of this small country must have a football team) and other major nations.

    Just one week before Christmas I had downloaded most of them, except for a few outstanding countries dotted around the globe. Jamaica was an obvious missing country, El Salvador was another, while I nearly left out Kyrgyzstan because I almost forgot this country even existed, let alone spell it! The missing countries were filled by my own basic FM editor skills which can just about join a few leagues together with promotion and relegation, along with a cup competition if available to a reasonable standard of realism.

    By around the 21st Dec I was ready with all leagues sat squashed like sardines in my editor data folder on my laptop. After a couple of test runs, to make sure by loading every league in the world at the start of the game didn’t result in steam coming out of the side of my laptop and that I wasn’t waiting two hours for the game to load I was ready to go. Boris’ last minute change of rules meant I was game on for Boxing Day night to start the ultimate footballing journey.

    The Aim Of The World Football Manager Challenge

    The aim of this was to manage a team picked at random from any of the 200+ nations and leagues in the world. How was I to determine the country and the club that I would take over and become my first team on the save?

    Boxing Day night and I switch on my laptop and load Football Manager 2021, select start new career game and load up all the leagues. I then made a cup of tea because this may take a while. In fact it took around 10-15 minutes to get to the 'Choose Nations To Manage In' screen, which listed each country by Continent and a nice little flag next to them. Which country, league and club will I end up in?



    In Part 2 I will explain how I chose completely at random the club which would become my first team to manage on The Ultimate World Football Manager Save!

  3. The Ultimate Word Football Manager Game – The Set Up Part 1


    Saturday 26th December 2020 (in real life)

    Boxing Day is arguably the most important day in the world sporting calendar. Traditionally and in a normal year it was the day when men would ‘escape’ after spending the previous day with family and loved ones. This year was different, the year we were advised to be ‘jolly careful’ by our Prime Minister, Boris Johnson and it was a year where I only had one day to see my parents on Christmas Day.

    My original plans for Boxing Day 2020 had been kyboshed by the tightening of restrictions just days before. My Dad though has a saying, ‘Preparation meeting opportunity’ Sat in my living room with just my laptop, a can of coke and some background telly, Boxing Day 2020 was the perfect day to start my epic footballing journey. The one I had been planning for the past three months…

    Back in October and with a second lockdown in the UK looming I had an idea. Having relegated my Football manager fix from FM18 to Football Manager Mobile 2019 and 2020 over the past couple of years due to family reasons I was ready to make a comeback to the full fat FM. As a trial I downloaded a free version of FM20 from Epic in September 2020 and started messing around on it, starting random saves, but not really settling on one. Then the beta version of FM21 came out on 14th November 2020 and so I downloaded this from Steam, loaded England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales and started Unemployed with not many badges or reputation. I ended up at Brechin City and then probably wished I hadn’t. (Their club vision was to qualify for the Relegation Play Off in Scottish League 2). While I could not help but admire the pragmatism of the Brechin board, nor could I ever accuse them of being overambitious, which was in line with the pretty weak squad that I had inherited, the seeds of an idea started forming in my head.

    What if I could download or create on the editor every league in the World and find a way of choosing any team at random and take them on, regardless of the country and their standing in the football world.  

    In other words, the ULTIMATE world journeyman save which could take me to any country in the world, manage any club, in any situation and in any league.

    Collecting Every League In The World – November/December 2020 (in real life)


    So where do you start in collecting the leagues from all the countries in the world on FM? The rule was that I must have a representation of every country in the FIFA World Rankings, plus any others which were available, such as Greenland, The North Mariana Islands and Kiribati for example. I would really have to find my inner Richard Osman here!

    Football Manager already gives you 52 default nations, including all the major European and South American countries, you know the ones. However, there’s only one African nation, South Aftrica, only Australia in Oceania and Mexico is the only default representation in Central America and The Carribbean.

    I did have a few things in my favour though, one I have had previous experience and a working knowledge of the Pre Game Editor in creating new leagues, which I have used on previous versions. Secondly, despite having never travelled beyond Italy in my life my world geography is pretty good, although I did have to look up where on earth Mayotte was? Turns out it’s a beautiful island in the Indian Ocean in case you didn’t know. 

    From the 24th November, the official release date for FM21 onwards I was on the Steam Workshop every night hastily subscribing to any created league that appeared. I don’t know who you are but @Timo, you are the man! This guy must sit in his bedroom morning, noon and night churning out these extra league files and uploading them to Steam, from Kiribati and Angola to The Cape Verde Islands and French Guiana @Timo (and a few others) cover the lot and in a matter of just weeks.



    By mid-December my collection of editor files was getting close to my target of every league in the FIFA World Rankings. I was determined to get the lot. I also expanded some of the larger nations, for example the ubiquitous ‘England leagues down to Level 10’ file was included and Holland down to Level 8 (every square inch of this small country must have a football team) and other major nations.

    Just one week before Christmas I had downloaded most of them, except for a few outstanding countries dotted around the globe. Jamaica was an obvious missing country, El Salvador was another, while I nearly left out Kyrgyzstan because I nearly forgot this country even existed, let alone spell it! The missing countries were filled by my own basic FM editor skills which can just about join a few leagues together with promotion and relegation, along with a cup competition if available to a reasonable standard of realism.

    By around the 21st Dec I was ready with all leagues sat squashed like sardines in my editor data folder on my laptop. After a couple of test runs, to make sure by loading every league in the world at the start of the game didn’t result in steam coming out of the side of my laptop and that I wasn’t waiting two hours for the game to load I was ready to go. Boris’ last minute change of rules meant I was game on for Boxing Day night to start the ultimate footballing journey.

    The Aim Of The World Football Manager Challenge

    The aim of this was to manage a team picked at random from any of the 200+ nations and leagues in the world. How was I to determine the country and the club that I would take over and become my first team on the save?

    Boxing Day night and I switch on my laptop and load Football Manager 2021, select start new career game and load up all the leagues. I then made a cup of tea because this may take a while. In fact it took around 10-15 minutes to get to the screen below.image.png


    world leagues.png

    In Part 2 I will explain how I chose completely at random the club which would become my first team to manage on The Ultimate World Football Manager Game!





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