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Posts posted by Champlain85

  1. @Lucas

    Thank you for showing and trying to help my situation out.

    * Did I update to a new OS since I first played the game? I did 'upgrade' to El Capitan OS, but I don't remember when I did that. Whether it was before or after I had played the game. Is there a way to find out on my computer when the last OS upgrade was?

    I have to ask this question. Why would that matter anyway, because I have since uninstalled and reinstalled the game. Shouldn't the game work with this OS?

    I will be glad to take screenshots of anything you need to help me solve this puzzle. 

    This is my computer.

    * I had downloaded the Claasen megapack to utilize the massive amount of playable countries. But I had never used it. When my game wouldn't finish loading, I uninstalled it, deleted all files, then installed it again. The exact same thing happens upon start up. The game gets stuck on the picture below with the song "This Is The Moment" playing to conclusion, then playing over and over. Mouse clicks do nothing, keyboard keys do nothing. It's just stuck. Let me know if you need more pictures. Of maybe the files?


    * Am I running the game on an Administrator account? I don't even know How I would find that out. I bought it on Steam on Dec 31, 2018. I don't know what the possible 'accounts' are. Are there different ones other than 'Administrator' accounts?

    Your help is certainly appreciated.


    Screen Shot 2020-04-16 at 8.59.31 AM.png

  2. I have also verified the integrity of the game files close to a dozen times as this has been mentioned before. I used the game for about 12 hours total at the very beginning when I bought it. Then did not have the time to immerse myself, so I didn't use it again. So, could the final update have been done after I had used the game? If so, could that final update have screwed something up.


    Are there any Mac users or Mac specialists out there that can help. Clearly there has to be a Mac user using El Capitan OS that is able to use this game?

  3. I certainly appreciate any help I can get. I promise. Your badge says Sport Interactive and sigames.com. That led me to believe that you work for SI. Doesn't SI make this game? That's where I put 2+2 together to think you work for the maker of the game.

    Being a Mac there isn't really a need for antivirus software as it's built in. So no anitivirus software running. I've tried with both Firewall 'On' and 'Off'. Neither work. it always used to work  with Firewall 'On.'

    I'm running the most up to date game as I have the setting on steam to update always. 

    For what it's worth, I decided to see if an old game would work - FM 2012. I hadn't played it in so long I had to download it. So I did. It started right up and is completely playable. So there is definitely something wrong with my FM 2018. I don't have time to download the FM 2015 today, but I will another day, just to see if that works as well.

    I'm not trying to be harsh. There has clearly been a LOT of problems with FM 2018 based on the sheer amount of technical problems threads. I just want to get this running.

  4. Okay. I've already told you that I deleted the entire game and uninstalled it. Then installed it again. By deleting everything, there is no cache or preferences to clear upon re-install. Those folders don't even exist when I look at all the folders in the "Football Manager 2018" file.

    I have seen that canned answer to clear the cache and preferences too many times. After re-installing, how would you NOT know that there is nothing to clear??

    When I first bought this game it worked. I barely played it. Now that I want to use the game, it is not operational. I saw someone state that it has to do with one of the updates?

  5. I have uninstalled FM 2018, deleted all files. 

    Installed it again and the same thing happens. When I click the green 'play' button on steam it jumps to full screen on my Mac. The song "This Is The Moment" starts playing. I see a semi blurred view from above looking down at a digital football pitch. This view never goes away and nothing happens when I click the mouse or hit any keyboard keys. The song just plays on and on in a loop.

    This is the the first time I have played this game in over a year and I was/am looking forward to it. Why did it work on my computer before? And more importantly, why does the same game not work on my computer anymore??? I see others have complained about this as I look around. I'm not asking for a lot. I'm just asking to play my game I spent good money on. It should work.

    Please supply a reasonable solution...

  6. I'm operating on a Mac. I tried all those delete files steps. That has already been brought to my attention a couple times.


    Is my last shot at this to uninstall, then install again?

    I have no problem doing that. I just need to know that if I uninstall from steam, is it easy to install it again? Will it still show up in my games as purchased and I just click on "install?"


    If it's that easy, that seems to be the best way for me to start fresh. But I need to know for sure before I delete the game...

  7. I hope this a really easy situation. This is a great game, but I've not been playing it. I now have time (you guessed it) and I really want to get back into it by randomly selecting a team to take to Euro 2020.

    However, when I click to start on steam, the game starts loading up and you see a pitch from above a stadium with the "This Is The Moment" song playing. The problem is - it never moves on from here. The song ends, then starts over again. I've let it run for 10 minutes with no progress. I look on steam and it says the game is running. I can't get it to do anything. 

    Can I simply just uninstall the game and reinstall it? Will steam remember my product key? I ask about the install thing because I had only started a game back in early 2018 and didn't really even get it going. I don't care if I lose that game that I had started. So my game has been sitting there idol. Now that I have time I want to get in!

    If the install thing is not an option, can someone PLEASE help me figure out quickly how to get this game running. I have never had a problem with any Football Manager game. I've got 2012 and 2015 as well. I'm not that adept at computers, but if given clear instructions I can probably pull off whatever instructions I'm given. The only thing I can think is that I downloaded a claasen file that enabled a lot more countries to be played. I had never tried playing the game after I downloaded that file. So after this game wouldn't start up I went into the Football Manager 2018 file and deleted the claasen files from the "editor data" file. I don't think that was the problem because the game is still stuck in the same loading phase upon start up.

    There HAS to be a way for me to get this game running again. I need someone's help please. And thank you.

  8. Sooo...I am clearly no expert at this game. But I'm real curious. How on Earth do you stroll into every competition and just steamroll it? Is there an "easy" setting on difficulty or something? Do you always get the job at the best team?

    I'm getting ready to start playing FM18. I want the game to be realistic. Not too easy. You are either Sir Alex tactically or there's an EZ button I don't know about. Inquiring Minds want to know...

  9. Now here's the big one. I would like to create a game that has some unique features. It would be High School age. Is it possible to:

    - Have all of the players from one State? I guess that would be the "Nation?" How would I go about setting that up? I would like every player to be from Vermont.

    - Have all the players be within a certain age range? Basically age 14/15 to 17/18. After "Senior" season they would have to move on or "retire"

    - I will have 4 Divisions. Each Division will have their own Playoffs. I would like to to have a relegation/promotion system, but would be glad to do it manually at the end of the season after all Championships. 

    - I would like to be able to have the teams in different Divisions be able to play each other during the regular season and have it count towards overall record. With that being said, would the Division records (games against own Division) be kept separate? And I would be glad to manually make the schedule every year. 

    - How do new players come into the game? Would they just automatically generate onto the teams that lose players because of the age limitation? Would/could I have an annual draft of new player talent and be able to manually set the draft order for each round?


    Yes, I know, not asking for much, huh?  I'm trying to learn what the possibilities are and if this could be done...then how to do it. Any help is very appreciated.

  10. If I were to make an edit and say, add a new league with new teams. Will this new league and teams be in every game I start/play?

    Or will I be able to select the default database when I start a game?

    I'm also curious about this as to whether I were to download say, the claasen additions. Would I be able to choose between the default setup that comes with the game and the claasen additions?

  11. THANKS for your answer! It is clearly a ton of work. And with all of the others I appreciate your commitment and efforts.

    This gives me an idea of when the entire thing will be done. I think it will be fun to dive way deep into some obscurity when it's all done. 

    For now I will utilize what is available and enjoy it thoroughly! Thank you for all that you are doing.


  12. I realize this is a question from a new guy that may be annoying to some. I am curious how this works. 

    If I download and install this World Pack...start a game, say, playing in the Peru 2nd Division (or anywhere). Will I be able to download a new updated one (let's say in a week with all the Asia countries) and add it to my current game I am playing? Opening up the new updated countries and divisions to play in my current game? Or is that game stuck with the countries and divisions that I started with?


    Also claasen, when do you think you will be done with all of your updates?

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