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Everything posted by Jtomsett11

  1. Training - my first attempt at pre-season and my own schedules First off, I forgot to credit @shaunvamos in my earlier post about attribute analysis. I asked for his templates for my Jersey Bulls save and wasn't going to use them this time as they do take time, but couldn't resist the temptation to analyse my players from that perspective. I've also been reading @_Ben_'s Age of Empires thread and saw a link to @danielgear's pre-season training article, so I've been inspired by both of them to have a go at my own pre-season and training for the season ahead. We'll see how it goes, but I'm borrowing heavily from their approaches. Pre-season I didn't have the 6 weeks advised, so had to fit my schedules into 4 weeks and my assistant arranged 3 friendlies that I couldn't cancel, meaning I couldn't quite have the friendly cup double headers. However, I was still pleased by the outcome, with nearly all 23 of my players match fit, very few injuries and no complaints in training. I probably could have played some tougher teams though! I will definitely be trying this next season, although the pre-season length seemed to be decided for me this year - anyone know which staff responsibility setting that comes under?! Training for the season I've devised two schedules, for 2 games a week (early on we play Wednesday, Sunday) and 1 game a week (most of the season just Sunday games). I'm then adding match reviews manually and altering set piece training each week to cover different aspects. I've picked things I want us to work well on. We usually press teams, have a lot of the ball, exploit the wings and we're pretty crap at finishing. In the first month of the season (I'll eventually get to posting about the actual season) I didn't use match practice, so I've changed that now as I think it was affecting our performances. This second month felt much more fluid without giving away too much.
  2. Transfers June and July 2023 Striker Martin looked really good as an option at DLF and AF, but he went to Cordoba for £14k a week (they pipped us to the title). We nearly got Vydra, but he went to Malaga and was looking quite expensive anyway (£9k a week wages) We did manage to find someone much cheaper in wages on a free from Valencia. Rodrigo wanted just £2k a week and he rates 67.74 for DLF and 72.24 for advanced forward, making him a great option in both positions. Perfect! At LB, we picked up Varela on a free from Alcoyano who play at the same level as us. He scores 70.03 as an inverted wing back despite his lack of right-footedness. He's a solid all-rounder which is perfect. At RB, we picked up Blas, who just happens to be a youth product who never made an appearance for the first team until now! He scores 69.19 at RB, so is just ahead of Trilli, but we'll favour the 20 year old to help his development. Finally, originally of Real Madrid and Villarreal (but B teams in both cases), De La Fuente also joins as a really competent ball playing CB. At 76.20 he's our best player, period. However, we'll still try and favour Barcia to develop him. Transfers out 5 loans for development purposes, Martinez did indeed leave (thus De La Fuenta's arrival) and Svensson leaves as I just don't fancy him ahead of our current wingers and strikers and £100k is quite a lot.
  3. Attribute analysis June 2023 Goalkeepers We've got quite a few goalkeepers, but very few capable of first team football. Mackay and Sousa will be offered new one year deals to continue their roles, with Rios and Suarez in the B team or out on loan, while Vallejo and Angueira will be in the U19s. It's a shame this squad planner doesn't show potential ability and doesn't seem customisable (I'm sure someone has made a skin with it) as you can't see from here that Vallejo is 4.5star potential. LBs Tono is clearly our best option and with Carnero refusing to let us offer him a contract this leaves us pretty short at LB to be honest. Lachevre can play at LB and of course, as an inverted option, having a right footed player isn't a problem, but I'm definitely going to need to strengthen this area. RBs Our best 4 options here won't be here next year or aren't suited to right wing back, leaving Trilli as our best option. Again, this leaves us short. Lachevre and Curras are likely to play in the B team, although if Teijo is promoted from the U19s for being too old, we'll loan Curras out. LCB (ball playing defenders) Most players are better suited to the right centre back non-ball playing role, but this leaves us with two good options and a youngster for the U19s. Retu is being sold simply because he wants £2k a week to stay and we need to watch our wage budget. Granero doesn't want to renew, and Bergantinos is retiring. On paper this leaves us weaker, but we've been playing Barcia anyway as first choice and he's done well. He also has 4.5 star potential. RCB Lapena is a good player and Sanchez is a decent backup with good pace (15). Puerto has 4.5 star potential but needs to go on loan really, while the others want too much to stay or are asking to leave. BWM Villares was superb last season and Val really improved in the second half of the season. Mendes needs to go out on loan, leaving Lopez in the B team. RPM Villares is top of the attribute analysis, but Olabe did brilliantly last year so will still start ahead of Isi, who has accepted a new deal. We've got loads of players for this role so we've got quite the competition for B and U19 team places. Yusuf and Padilla have 5 and 4.5 star potential respectively, but Padilla has the better personality so he may be the better prospect in the long term. AML winger I've kept the attributes for both right and left footed players on both sides in case we switch sides of the winger. Gomez is leaving and Quiles plays up front, but after that this makes quite interesting reading, with our U19 winger Guerrero rating very highly (but as a right footed right winger). To be honest, we have so many options here. The top four are in the main team, as is Kevin who will be a striker backup this year, while Gomez will be our B team winger and Crespo our U19 winger. AMR IF The problem for quite a few players is while we play a winger on the left and an inside forward on the right, we really only want left footers or both footed players. Guerrero won't be getting games in the first team with this rating for example. Top 5 are essentially the 5 players we will have for the two wing positions. Padin and Ares (who does have 4 star potential) B Team or loan, with the remainders in the U19s. DLF Lots of players capable of playing DLF but not many good ones except for Narro (a surprise) and Santamaria (not a surprise - he played there last season). (Pedro Martin is on trial and competition is hot). We need an extra player here, Diez is a good option for the future. AF Martinez didn't really do much this season and if Martin doesn't sign, we're a bit short as many of the players at the top are wingers. I've decided to include Kevin here, although his lack of acceleration (8) worries me. Lets see how he does as he has 3.5 star potential and 15 finishing. Transfer plans We definitely need a LB, a RB and a DLF. Otherwise, I'm pretty happy. There's a lot of interest in Martinez (the CB, not the loan striker) and he's on £9.5k a week and he's 34, so if we receive an offer and can find a replacement who is younger, better and cheaper, I'd take a CB too.
  4. End of season report 2022/23 This made me laugh! I'm not sure it was a superb season considering we didn't get promoted! I am content overall due to our second half of the season. We've changed formation now, so this isn't really accurate but I'd probably only substitute Sanchez for Santamaria as a DLF. Tono was a really good signing and has played well both as a wing back and now an inverted wing back. He'll be first choice DL next year. I can't disagree with any of these awards really. Goalkeeper goals - 8 for the season. We didn't have them on free kicks this season so I'll consider that next season. Player performances GK Mackay has the better average rating and points per game ratio. Interestingly they have exactly the same expected save ratio and save ratio so I'm not sure if these stats are working as intended? CBs Ignore Trilli and Bergantinos who didn't play as CBs. It's interesting that Martinez and Granero, who didn't play much in the second half of the season, had the 2nd and 3rd best average rating. Apart from Granero's key header success, Barcia and Lapena come out really well, particularly for presses complete, interceptions and key tackles. It suggests our new tactic is better at allowing the centre backs to press and pick up the ball with the other side under pressure to complete passes. Barcia won the most points for his games played. Puerto should have had more game time for his potential but I never really trusted him. WB/IWBs Ignore Barcia and Martinez. Antonito actually did better than Trilli by most measures (pressed, crosses, interceptions, dribbles and points won) but I did prefer the younger wing back and he did pick up 6 assists in 29 games. I don't think Carnero or Antonito want to stay which is a shame as they'd be good backups. Tono comes out top for interceptions and progressive passes, perhaps indicating his slightly different role to Carnero. CMs Ignore Granero. Interestingly, I think Val is the best ball winning midfielder, with the highest interceptions, solid presses completed, blocks and clearances. Bergantinos and Villares were the other two to play there. Olabe contributed the most goals and assists although it's clear Isi should have got more than 0 assists and 2 goals from his XA/90 and XG. AML/R Zalazar was the best on the right with 13 goal contributions, while on the left Mella was my favourite despite just 5 goals contributions. His dribbling really created problems towards the end of the season before his injury and he's the highest for dribbles completed/90. Narro made a decent impact on both sides, but I preferred Soriano who scored quite a few goals towards the end of the season. Peke saw game time limited and his average rating is the lowest of the wingers. ST Quiles, Martinez and Santamaria are the three to look at here. 10 assists and 7 goals in 36 games for Santamaria after a dreadful start means he's now one of my favourite players. Quiles also improved to score 20 goals in 40 appearances and I think he could improve on that next year. Martinez was poor and as you can see I've got Martin on a trial as we need 4 strikers next year. Kevin is someone already in the B team who I'm taking a look at. Plans ahead of next season. I've got three jobs on my list ahead of next season. Attribute analysis of each role to help me assess squad depth and update the squad planner, with a plan for each player in the U19, B and first team. From that identify any areas we need reinforcement. Early thoughts are 1-2 strikers, a LB and a RB due to players leaving. Set up training for next season to suit our tactic and build familiarity and squad cohesion - something that really cost us last year.
  5. IWB(S) vs WB(A) One of the most effective changes I've made recently is to move one wing back to an inverted wing back, via moving them to full back which didn't prove successful in my aim of being less open. At the time we were conceding a lot of goals and having to score 3 or 4 to win games. If you look at the heat map of our players against Castilla (3-0 win on the left)) vs our 2-1 loss to Algeciras (right), you can see our left back is much more tucked in and there's a lot less space to exploit. The gap between our LCB, LB and LCM is also much smaller now and I feel like this is helping us a lot. Our tactic with a BWM on the right of centre midfield means we normally have a lot of cover on the right even with the RB as an attacking wing back, so it was the left that was the problem. Despite 'losing' an attacking outlet, we have improved significantly both offensively and defensively and you can see from the heated areas around the LB that a lot of our play is building from this area now. It's obviously not perfect - we didn't get promoted - but I'm really pleased with this overall. I also like how 17 tucks in the space between our AF (9) and BWM (5) enabling exploitation of the space. I've been seeing the effect of the change to an inverted wing back in games, but thought the above illustrates it quite nicely too.
  6. I agree, I'm much better positioned now to push on with the team. I'm definitely now 'in' to the save too, and have gone much deeper on analysis and started my attribute analysis again to help me get to grips with the three squads and renewing contracts. I think my next move is to do my own training before the start of pre-season as well to try and give us another edge next year.
  7. June 2023 Another season in the third tier beckons. Can only blame ourselves really. We go again next season (as I haven't been sacked!) Makes it more interesting doesn't it, that I haven't easily gone up in season 1? That's what I'm telling myself Interestingly, 3 teams from our division go up. This is probably good news for us, with Castilla being very capable. These are the teams relegated from LaLiga Smartbank. I think we should be favourites next season...again! This time hopefully I can make sure of automatic promotion! Famous last words!
  8. End of May 2023 Well, we had a perfect month, but it wasn't enough to win automatic promotion. We end up second, just 3 points off top and we end up ruing our early season experimentation with 3 at the back. We've got Gimnastic in the play-offs, so we'll see if we still end up going up. The board aren't happy, but they haven't sacked me. Crucially, I'm gaining some support and have managed to start my next coaching qualification. Nobody is unhappy about me directly anymore which bodes well for next season, regardless of where we are playing. Tactical progress I think this sums up some of our recent success. We're creating very good chances from through balls, cut backs and generally excellent play, while defending very well. The left wing issue may be due to a slight shift from using our left back as a full back to an inverted wing back to try and allow for more cover in midfield. The only instructions we generally change now are altering our press to a mid-block and adjusting the defensive line back or forth one notch depending on the opposition, while dropping our mentality to balanced when we're nicely ahead and want to take fewer risks. It seems to be working well judging by recent form. We've been by far the form team of the second half of the season. Just a shame about the first half! Before we get to the playoffs, one player has signalled he's retiring. He wasn't getting game time anyway, so we'll try and sign him as a coach and see how he develops.
  9. Game day 37 May 2023 We did our bit convincingly. Compared to how we played earlier this season against them, we're now so much more fluid and convincing. Cordoba were away against Linares. Damn! We left ourselves too much to do!
  10. Mid-May 2023 Things are getting tasty! Just before the Cordoba game, Mella got ruled out for 5-7 weeks, a huge blow as he's been great on the left wing. I used Narro there Zalazar on the right, both played really well and we won convincingly. We were solid against Ceuta, with Quiles and Soriano getting the goals. Importantly, both Castilla and Cordoba dropped points. We now need to beat Castilla and Pontevedra and hope Cordoba don't take more than a point from their last two games. A very small chance I appreciate, but I can't quite believe we've managed to pull the gap back to just 5 points.
  11. Youth intake 2023 This was what the preview said. Ignoring the two non-green players, this is what we got. Yusuf looks the best, but his personality suggests he isn't going to develop much. He could make a decent roaming playmaker if he does develop, but 3 determination and unambitious...
  12. April 2023 So close to the perfect month! This is more impressive when considering that between the Sanse and Alcorcon game, we lost both of our roaming playmakers to injury. Olabe has been excellent this season which 13 contributions from 34 appearances. He's regularly creating chances and succeeding in the tackle too. He's a real miss. Isi is less of a miss as he's just been a backup option, but his injury coinciding with Olabe's means I'll push Villares from BWM to RPM and bring in 20 year old Val, who's been getting some game time but not enough considering he's got 5 star potential. This is the first time I've won this, which shows you how average we've been. We're 10 points behind, but that 0-0 draw against Cultural Leonesa is one I think we might regret, as we'd have closed the gap to 8 points and we still have Cordoba to play. We really should have won it as well! Expectations and finances I'm starting to think I may keep my job even if we don't go up, we're still at a 'C' for board performance even though we're unlikely to win the league. I have one year left on my contract and recently gained a coaching badge which has boosted my reputation from 0.5 to 1 star which seems to have helped the players like me a little more. Another season in the third tier might be a little painful financially, but we're still above water and likely will be at the end of the season. 4 games to go If we win our next 4 games I think we'll be close to automatic promotion. Cordoba lost their last game 4-0 so it's the perfect time to play them and put some pressure on!
  13. Thanks both. I think I'm going to miss out on automatic this year for sure, and then it's the lottery of the play-offs. To be honest, it's taken me a while to get used to the game and find a tactic, so I'm hopeful we'll get automatic next year if we miss out and the board honour the last year of my deal!
  14. March 2023 Okay, we're a little dodgy in defence, but this is overall, much better. Quiles has been in really good form recently, scoring a hat-trick against Rayo and one against Merida as well as 4 last month. Our entire team was 'complacent' against Algeciras, including Quiles and it was our worst performance for ages. We've got a good gap to 6th and with 8 games to go it's just about adjusting our tactic to make us more secure without losing our goal-scoring ability that we've only recently found. This is what we've been using, although I've been experimenting with one or more of: pushing the winger and inside forward back; dropping the mentality to positive; and dropping the high line back. Goalkeeper goals After our dreadful penalty taking of the early season, our keepers have been having much better success. Mackay has 3 from 4 attempts, while Sousa has 2 from 2.
  15. February 2023 It feels like two steps forward and one (or more) back at the moment. We started out too offensively against Celta Vigo and were 3-0 down at half time. What followed was a great half and in the end we were unlucky not to pick up a point. Two great victories followed, both games us benefiting from early penalty goals which set us nicely on our way. I was sure we'd end the month with another win, but we couldn't find a way past San Fernando. Two players having a role recently are Mella and Barcia, a CB promoted from the B team when we were struggling for numbers. Mella's overall stats don't look great, but as you can see from his form, his last 5 games have had an average rating of 7.10 with 1 goal and an assist and his overall game play has been really positive. Barcia's introduction has coincided with some of our better displays and I like the way he plays as a ball-playing centre back. He's got significant development to do, but he's having an impact. We're up to third, and although we're really not doing well enough, 10 points from 5 games is much better than we were doing mid-season. I think the best we can hope for is a play-off place and going up that way and hoping it's enough to keep my job.
  16. January 2023 We started out with a great cup win against Lugo, who are in LaLiga Smartbank (the league above us). We came back from 3-1 down and won, utilising our 4-2-4 formation for the first time. The draw for the third round gave us a brilliant tie. We actually did really well, keeping them to 1-1 at half time, but we ran out a steam in the second half and lost 4-1. Still, that was welcome relief from the league, where we played a lot better in our new formation, but just cannot score the goals. We're creating more, hitting the target more, but missing some absolute howlers. Confidence is low. We followed that result up by losing to Badajoz in our worst performance for a while. However, in the final game of the month we did win and Mella became our youngest goalscorer with a really nice finish. This victory was fortunate, as the fans were starting to turn on us. I forgot to take a screenshot of the table, but at this point we were still in 4th.
  17. Transfer window I've decided to bring in another forward and a left back, as Simao is upset at game time and refusing to accept my promises of coming on as a sub, so we're going to let him go. Ibai Gomez is similarly upset and despite his qualities, I've moved him to the B team as nobody wants him and we're going to utilise Mella from the left wing as more of a winger to try and add some width, with our right winger as an inverted winger. I don't need upset players in the squad considering how little the squad thinks of me! Only the bottom two, Tono and Martinez are mine, while only Svensson and Simao are outgoings I've been responsible for. Martinez comes in for his pace and his ability to be another striker, allowing us to play with 2 up front. He'll either be brilliant or just a decent fall-back option. Tono comes in for free, is a significant upgrade on Simao and is better even than loan LWB Carnero. He's on a hefty wage, but we still have £6 million in the bank and my policy of sticking with the squad we had hasn't worked so far!
  18. December 2022 December has been a tough month for injuries. Our keeper is out for a while, while we've had both of our right wingers injured, although Narro's is a short-term injury. Results wise, this has not been the month we needed following our excellent result against Cordoba. Scoring has become a huge problem again, and I'm not convinced I can get the 3 at the back working with the players disgruntled at me and knowing I'm going to need to win promotion to avoid a sacking. We've actually set a couple of records despite poor form. Most of these have been draws! He played really well in the cup, so hopefully this is the start of him contributing more for us. I'm not sure whether to stick or twist tactically. I'm starting to think that I may be sacked regardless at the end of the season, so what I need by then is a tactic I can use in the do-over, as I'd like to stick to getting Deportivo back to their best regardless of the outcome of this attempt. I have a 4-2-4 and 4-4-2 I've developed, but we're going to need an extra striker if we're to play 2 up front, seeing as we only have Quiles and Santamaria.
  19. Bloody well deserved! Thought you might avoid relegation there in the end but at least you weren't disgraced at all. Seems the whole board confidence is still not quite working as intended, with random results/ decisions the cause of problems rather than overall longer term trends etc.
  20. Nice to see a second win, keeping in touch! What did the board expect from this season, "a fight against relegation?" I'm always nervous about relegation in these scenarios where you massively overachieve as you never quite know if they'll sack you or not.
  21. Just caught up with this, a really good read! I had a few seasons with Tromso on FM21 as part of a journeyman save so this brings me fond memories! Do you think you'll be able to bring Marcus Roos back if he continues to struggle or do you not have the financial power to do that yet?
  22. November 2022 The World Cup may have kicked off, but for us the football continued. Our players are way too old to be called up even if they were good enough! This month nearly broke me. I considered completely ditching the back 3, ditching the save and starting again, downloading a tactic to make life easier. I took an entire week between the Cultural Leonesa and Cordoba game and then spent an hour looking through the statistics and trying to work out a way to break teams down without opening ourselves up. Coruna 2-0 Sanse Against Sanse, I really felt the 3-4-1-2 (or whatever you call my below formation) worked well. We had 7 shots on target, including our first keeper goal of the save, but more importantly those chances felt like bigger chances. We used Olabe as a mezzala (attack) and that definitely added to the overloads and the number of players arriving in the box. Looking at the numbers, non-penalty xG was still pretty low, but it felt much getting shots on target and a win under our belts! Alcorcon 2-2 Coruna Ah, such a frustrating game. In other times, I'd shrug off this draw, as a poor error from CB Granero and a free-kick got them the two goals, while two well worked moves earned ours, with Quiles and Narro getting the goals. However, we're definitely still vulnerable in behind and our mezzala isn't doing much for our protection. Cultural Leonesa 2-2 Coruna And the game that nearly broke me. I moved the attacking mid back so we could play with two mezzalas and a deep lying playmaker who would sit and protect, and we were quickly 2-0 up through two brilliant moves. Poor defending then let them back in, and they adjusted to our tactics in the second half and we barely had a sniff. It worked so well for about 50 minutes offensively, where we've struggled, and then we ruin it all with lapses in concentration! Absolutely to nobody's surprise, the players were not happy. I managed to tell them something (I've forgotten what) and they accepted it. Oh, and Andrade decided to weigh in on me too. I then took some time off, and on resumption of playing, decided to do a little research about the use of wide-centre backs and wing backs, two positions that I've said above I've not used before. The original aims of my tactic were pretty basic - I wanted to use a different formation, but I also said I envisioned building up slowly and creating overloads. However, in creating my tactic, I've also included high pressing and a high line, and I've ended up with lots of players on attacking roles. I think this is resulting in a lack of time and space to build up and allow my wing backs and my wide centre backs to get into decent positions to overload the other teams, resulting in us taking lots of pot-shots. We're also not allowing teams to move forward much, meaning we're working with very limited space in behind. I've quite enjoyed trying to get the mezzalas to work, but wanted to therefore return to my first tactic but without the incessant pressing. We now have a balance of supporting and attacking wing backs, with supporting and attacking inside forwards. A complete forward on support should be less isolated. A mid-block, although I've just realised I left 'trigger press' on 'much more often' which doesn't really fit . We're also going to focus down the right where we have our attacking wide-centre back. I felt a lot better about this going into the Cordoba game. Coruna 5-2 Cordoba Now, the scoreline suggest that this was quite easy. In reality, we were 0-2 down just before half-time. Both goals felt quite unlucky, with our defense just out of position slightly against (so far) the best team in the league). However, even before we got a goal back, I'd been pleased with us creating a few decent chances (+0.3xG). Once we scored, we continued to create fluid team moves and continued to score. The 5 goals scored is the highest we've had in my time here. Does it mean everything is solved? No, of course not, but I do feel a lot more positive about the next months ahead now. After a couple of very indifferent months, we're not in a great place in the league. We're going to have to keep winning games if I'm not going to get sacked! The real focus has to be on developing our approach in the Cordoba game to improve these statistics: December's fixtures I think we probably need 9 points to avoid being in contention to be sacked.
  23. October 2022 This has not been a good month. We've actually missed 4 penalties in the first 4 games, one in each. Three for Gomez and one for LWB Carnero. I'm so frustrated that I've put our keeper on pens. Against Merida, I decided we needed more players getting forward as it simply didn't happen against Algeciras. I ditched the IF's and added two extra strikers, a stretch for our squad with only two players naturally capable of playing there. Both of our goals came either directly, or indirectly from set-pieces, where I think our set up means we've got enough players forward to compete. The 5-2-3 did not come off against Rayo Majadahonda though, as we were outplayed for the first time in almost every way. I dropped a striker back to AMC for the next game, and while we played a lot better, we couldn't find a winner once we'd equalised. AGAIN, the goal came from a knock-on from a set-piece. Cordoba have continued their excellent form, although they did lose their last game. We're going to need to find form, create chances and hope they continue to lose if we're to have hope of winning the league. I'll admit, I'm really struggling to make a back 3 work. We've now tried about 5 different versions to try and work the space more and it's not really working. I don't think this helps. Or this. I believe this is mainly about us taking lots of low quality shots, but also there are some glaring misses and 4 missed penalties in there. Martinez and Quiles are joint top-scorers on 2 goals each. November's fixtures A big month where we face top of the league and fifth.
  24. Staff recruitment goal I said I'd quite like to retain players as staff members over this career, and with that in mind I've started suggesting it to a few players.
  25. October 2022 10 points from 5 games isn't horrendous, but when we're odds on to win the league, it's also not great. Against Linares, my dream of my wide-centre back marauding forward to score came to life, with Martinez getting two goals, one smashed in from the edge of the box after a great move with Antonito providing the perfect cut-back from the wing. However, despite winning, we scored two goals from set pieces and barely edged 1xG despite having 18 shots. Against Racing de Ferrol we reverted to our previous formation, mindful that the two goals we conceded late against Linares were probably due to how little protection the backline had. 2-0, all looks good. However, although ours shots on target ratio was up here, the goals were from a penalty and a rebounded set-piece with the goalkeeper lying on the floor. The Celta Vigo B game was incredibly frustrating. I went back to the more advanced tactic I used against Linares and immediately regretted it, as 3 balls over the top saw them home. The xG match story again tells of my main problem; low quality shots, but lots of them. We're currently failing to create spaces, overlaps, through balls. We scored from a corner again. Talavera: 25 shots. 9 on target. 1 penalty and 1 decent goal. A win, but not a happy one for me (as a team that needs to win the title to retain my job). San Fernando, the worst game yet. 17 shots, just 5 on target. What makes the situation more pressing is that Cordoba have been on fire this season and are taking the league by storm. Currently the chairman is relatively happy, but I'm not sure for how long he will be. October's fixtures 3 home games, we really need to start scoring more fluidly and in mind of that I'm likely to tweak some roles and duties. I am committed to the three-man defense, so it's elsewhere I'll have to tweak.
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