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38 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. OK. More than 60% of them who read this thread will not play womens football. Why canceled si so many features?
  2. And here are now the 5 percent who play the intenational management? That´s a lot of people and not only 5 percent:).
  3. I think they new since years that they want to change the engine. They can´t say they havn´t enough time. They should worked on it until years and not until last year!
  4. I think for me i will not buy the FM25 without coaching the national team. And i don´t know why the weight of players is out. That´s terrible i think. And that only because of women football? I have every FM since FM 2011. That´s what i say to what miles says. Not good information:(.
  5. Same again. Can´t click on it. Day for day. And after a few day it´s not there that i can click on it:
  6. Will try it, but i think it will not work. It was very often that i couldn´t click on it.
  7. It´s done to si cloud service as anonymos upload. Title is xxx (censored) – FortunaDüsseldorf_01.10.2031 2031.10.22.fm
  8. Gerne. Es hat sich aber nichts geändert. Diesen Wunsch kann ich nicht stellen. Same as you see with default skin from si.
  9. Ich kann den im Bild dargestelten Wunsch nicht anklicken. Zumindest wird er nicht angenommen. Das kann ich jeden Tag machen, bis er automatisch verschwindet und ich den Wunsch nicht mehr äußern kann.
  10. OK. I didn´t know. I´m using championsleague skin.
  11. OK, but why? Here is the skin from skinmaker for the fm23, or not?
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