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Everything posted by Micho21

  1. Many thanks! I've been playing since 2008, but I never used this option.
  2. Hi everybody, Not exactly a "how to do" thing", but kinda similar. Anyone knows what's the time span of banned transfers when you chose that option ar the beggining of the save? It lasts until the winter or it is possible to sign free players after the summer window?? Thanks all!!
  3. During the beta, Soton, certainly, they have plenty of things to fix an a pair of charismatic players, seems great for a mid-term save. Later on, most probably Vaduz (only with Liechtenstenians and U17 players that could be selected by the national team after a few years; this is my current save and it still gots me hooked in 2027), but it could be also a similar challenge in Denmark with a Feroese fantasy team (and Feroeses players exclusively, of course), or any other alike that comes to my mind (maybe a Brixton team in PL with Jamaicans only ). Finally, a save with my custom Galician football DB.
  4. I've managed to solve it about a month ago or so. You have to re-extract Continental competitions with the Editor (there's a link below that shows you how to do it), delete the previous continental competitions and to join both files (it is more easy to import your custom DB within the new international competitions).
  5. Hi, I've experienced a new issue when editing my custom DB. This DB incluudes a new country with its own competitions and rules, and also with international competitions in order to allow this country to be part of World Championship and European Championship (it has been edited 2022 and 2026 European World Championsihp Qualifying). It should be pointed out that everything works correctly in previous versions (including 22.3). However, at the time that I have been verifying rules in this version, and without any changes made, that error emerged (see Image 1): "Number of teams in competition (0) doesn't match expected number of teams from rankings (53)". I've tried different things but I didn't found anything that works. I suppose that's related with some actualization of hardcoded results in order to preserve real teams already qualified. Anyway, I would like to confirm it and to know how to solve it or what changes I need to allow verification. Thanks four your attention! G2022-4.fmf
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