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FM Head Researchers
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Everything posted by perpetua

  1. https://ajansspor.com/haber/ozel-altay-bayindir-imzayi-atti-10-milyon-euro-599292 Since Fenerbahce don't announce wages, it's usually some guessing and bits and pieces grabbed from the media. Above is the source for the wages entered in the db.
  2. We already discussed this one in the thread above. To make a long story short, there is no such thing as a nationwide championship definition in the game. We enter which competitions were won by which club in which year and we have done just that.
  3. Club income doesn't rely on social media followers or shirt sale numbers in the game. We actually define clubs' commercial income in the database and the game uses this, rather than using social media followers and shirt sales to calculate club income. The game coders appear to have used some estimation method for social media followers and shirt sales which unfortunately doesn't yield realistic results for Turkish clubs since our clubs are structured differently than most European/English clubs.
  4. I'll re-iterate my comments above. If he takes on a role at a club in the future, we'll be in a position to rate him.
  5. It's a matter of opinion. It's possible for a researcher to want to better reflect a player's strengths so they have to look for players' weaknesses. Sometimes strengths are too strong and weaknesses are too weak. Sometimes strengths are too weak while weaknesses are too strong. I'm sure the Fenerbahce researcher will take on board the comments and make amendments if he deems necessary.
  6. This is a known issue. We have it set as such in the database but the game isn't taking it into account in the beta. I believe there is a fix in place for the final version.
  7. The date set in the database should be correct for the final release.
  8. @Jeroen Thijssen We added the unavailability because he wasn't registered for Basaksehir. Then we realized he was sent back to us by error despite his contract continuing with Sandhausen and shipped him back. So you probably want to remove that.
  9. We typically don't add players on amateur contracts. Something we are looking to review in the future.
  10. Yeah there seems to have been a mixup with respect to job roles for Fenerbahce. We'll get it sorted. We don't enter the number of social media followers in the database. This is game generated and it seems the game is doing a poor job of it. We're going to investigate.
  11. Looks like he has departed anyway. Also it seems that he has more of a role on the player agent side than the club side. On the club side he seems to have positioned himself as a consultant, for which we don't really have a job in FM. We'll revisit adding him if he ends up working at a club in a defined role. Thanks!
  12. This should be fixed for final release. Thanks!
  13. We also request you please adhere to the following three point plan when posting in the data topics: State what you think is specifically wrong with a particular piece of data. State what you think the data should be. State reasons/proof for your suggested corrections/improvements.
  14. This isnt data that we enter in the database. It appears that the game is doing some estimation which is very far off reality. I'll have to investigate how this is determined.
  15. I'll refer you to my second bullet in my answer above. Icardi is earning his income in Turkey so he'll be obligated to pay taxes in Turkey. PSG are not in a position to withhold taxes from Icardi on behalf of the Turkish government. So this amount will have to be handled by Galatasaray. If PSG was paying for that withholding tax as well, Galatasaray would have likely announced that the amount they were receiving was higher. Or they simply would have announced that they will pay 750K Euro to the player net and not mention anything about the 6.75 million Euro salary and PSG covering 6 million of it. In a sense, the extra information is the reason for the interpretation. Also, after the transfer was completed the Galatasaray AR (Sinan Yilmaz) on his podcast with Erinc Bilican described the deal as such with some further information than what was publicly announced. The only thing that I am unsure of is how to handle the 20% tax that players are obligated to pay with a filing on top of the withholding tax. In 2021 (first year that players were obligated to file taxes) very few players actually filed their taxes or paid them. By law they are obligated but almost all of the players are unaware of their need to file their earnings for taxes. So we'll find out what happened in 2022 and how this gets handled/amended in the future. In law the tax is there but if in practice players aren't paying and the government isn't pushing for payment then we may need to rethink.
  16. I think I explained the rest of the stuff. Regarding the quoted bit. Overall ability wise (current ability), Fenerbahce is not overpowered at all. The Fenerbahce researcher wanted to identify players' strengths and weaknesses which often means some attributes look high while others are low. This isn't overrating but rather trying to better reflect players' strengths and weaknesses. One or two attributes being high doesn't make a player better necessarily. It simply means the player is quite skillful in those one or two areas. So imagine this scenario. You have a player who looks to have very good attributes. He looks like he can do a great job. But once you play him, you realize that he doesn't actually perform to those attributes. He's inconsistent in his performances. There are such players in the world. When a researcher tries to rate a player in this fashion, he's immediately criticized very heavily for overrating by opposition team fans. He has two choices, lower some of the attributes of the player and improve his consistency. So this player becomes a less skillful player who is consistent rather than a skillful player who only shows that skill in a few matches. Conversely, a player may not be very skillful but very extremely consistent in his performances. The criticisms arrive that the player is underrated by fans of the player's club. He did this and did that etc. etc. If the researcher gives in to his, the player is improved in attributes (perhaps unfairly so) but is now a less consistent performer. So first reactions to player attributes, in my opinion, are almost always overreactions. Play the game, evaluate the performances, then tell us what you see. That way we can make necessary adjustments. When we follow these first reaction criticisms we just end up with a bunch of players who all resemble each other. Full backs who are good enough to play as a winger even though they can't in reality or defensive midfielders who look like great central defenders even though they are not very good when playing that position. This makes for poorer research and a poorer game enjoyment in my very honest opinion.
  17. @egesagin - The tax rate in France is higher than in Turkey (45% vs. 40%) - Icardi is earning his income in Turkey so he's obligated to pay taxes in Turkey. - Icardi's contract is 6.75 million Euro and he expects to be paid that amount. - If Icardi stayed in France, PSG would have had to pay 6.75 / (1 - %45) = 12.27 million Euro - Since Icardi is playing in Turkey and earning 6.75 million Euro net, his cost in Turkey is 6.75 / (1 - %40) = 11.25 million Euro - KAP announcement says how much the player will be paid and how that is split. - So essentially PSG says to Galatasaray, I will send over 6 million Euro to you in order to help you pay the player. - The rest is up to Galatasaray. - With Icardi's cost being 11.25 million Euro for playing in Turkey, Galatasaray will need to pay the remaining amount (11.25 - 6) If this was structured as Galatsaray pay loan fee of 750K to PSG and does not pay the player then we could have reflected that Galatasaray's obligation was only the 750K and PSG was responsible for the rest. My reading of the KAP announcement is that PSG have capped their obligation with 6 million Euro and Galatasaray are responsible for the rest. Regarding Mertens. His contract is 2.9 million Euro + 1.1 million Euro. Signing on fees also have tax obligations. Typically the primary difference is in when the cashflow occurs. Players in Turkey typically get paid over 10 months so Mertens is likely getting 1.1 upon signing, plus 290K Euro per month. So in the game you see 4 million Euro + tax.
  18. 1. Regarding Icardi's wages I had answered this in another thread. 2. Unfortunately the new TV deal in Turkish football is indeed that low. 3. Most scouts and non-players in Turkey earn a very low wage. Unfortunately our clubs prefer to work with agents rather than scouts. Some first team managers have their own scouts that they pay out of their own pocket/earnings and are only loosely tied to the club. We'll be looking to see how this can get reflected in the game in the future. 4. Regarding U19 teams please refer to the message below.
  19. Fair point. However this isn't something which is easy to reflect but it's something we're looking to remedy with the dynamics of the game and the way we rate staff/clubs.
  20. Any player with Turkish nationality, who has debuted for another nation after June 15, 2015 counts as a foreign player based on the current rules in the Turkish league.
  21. Thanks. This is a known problem. Ross is able to be registered in Turkey because he has played a sufficient amount of league matches in a nation that ranks in the top 20 in the FIFA rankings. However this registration rule based on FIFA rankings is not available in the game currently. So we're looking for a workaround which will hopefully fix the issue.
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