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Rafalution last won the day on March 22 2023

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5,773 "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in"

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About Rafalution

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    The amazing typing duck

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    Kamalas (Khan/Harris)

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  1. i'd rather the latter. i watch football to be entertained. silverware is overrated.
  2. You're moving him back to accommodate another player because that's the best midfield 3 we have. I was for Foden on the left but it's just not working at all.
  3. I used to think Rob was just a southgate shill - now beginning to think he might just be legally blind
  4. im looking forward to getting to enjoy some football that i dont really care about (until we get to the semis anyway)
  5. Not really a big fan of taking Wharton - he's gonna be last choice out of the CMs and I'd rather have an experienced head at that point. Definitely don't want a Wharton/Mainoo pair and I'd rather the latter was getting the minutes.
  6. Definitely don't have any issue with a player leaving at this point - can't be easy with loads more around who know they are going to the Euros and you've been told you're not. Sure you can talk about professionalism and getting on with it and whatever, but its not like its just regular training when you're away at a camp. Probably best for everyone if those players that want to leave are left to do so, and shouldn't impact future choices
  7. The drop in quality of spain squads compared to the 00's/10's is crazy.
  8. its still incredibly important to a whole load of people though. It can still mean the difference between someone achieving a lifes ambition or losing out to a cheat. If you were a professional footballer and you lost a final because someone on the other team dived would you just think 'fair play'?
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