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Everything posted by TopToffee

  1. No announcement yet on Apple Arcade, more information due w/c 30th, and now Apple have announced an event for 30th when they’re due to announce new Macs (and will often have studios at the event announcing new games/apps) coincidence?
  2. I'd question whether simply saying something is "possible" is really a claim that needs a great deal of evidence... but since you asked, given that FM Touch was canned due to being commercially inviable and was only resurrected because a deal was signed with Apple, it's hardly beyond the realm of possibility that there's a similar situation at play with FMM.
  3. Also true of a game that comes as part of a subscription. The choice is not taken away at all.
  4. Piracy of FMM would be pretty negligible on iOS. Not sure whether the same can be said on Android. I know historically there was a lot more, but I’m unsure of current situation.
  5. FMT was “stuck” behind an Apple Arcade subscription because it was financially unviable without the Apple deal. The options weren’t “behind Apple subscription or not behind Apple subscription”, they were “behind Apple subscription or no FMT” No idea whether the same is true of FMM
  6. Really? Surprising, because pretty much every item in the first two panels of the roadmap has been sorely needed.
  7. Love the feature roadmap idea - although disappointed that Touch is so late... hoping that doesn't mean it's an afterthought in terms of new features/improvements etc.
  8. Think we'd all like that. The difficulty is that there's 10's of thousands of clubs.
  9. Almost certainly not. Miles has said repeatedly that the only thing that made FM Touch financially viable again was the partnership with Apple.
  10. Yeahhh, but there's a pretty good reason that he, specifically, said that.
  11. Can't decide whether this thread is heartwarming or depressing... I'm 41, so currently use my actual birthdate. But i remember when I first started playing CM (I guess I would have been about 13 ish at the time) and the game would force me to be older. I swear that was only 5mins ago.
  12. Of course I will*. I’ve played this game for almost 30yrs and haven’t missing a version. I got through CM4. FM23 is a polished gem in comparison. That said, I’m hopeful that player progression will be prioritised in FM24 * And let’s be honest, among friends…. so will you.
  13. Probably that you’ve spent all that time writing a post based on unofficial “overall” ratings on a fan site.
  14. Well there wouldn’t be much point in me providing feedback on an old version 😝
  15. I ran a save to 2032 on FM Touch (which while it's obviously a smaller database, I believe used most of the same logic for stuff like player development etc). The early signs aren't good. Not a single newgen has made it into the top 3 of the GOAL50 awards, with Mbappé having won the last 6, and still holding a pace/acceleration of 18 at the age of 32. Top teams and international sides also seem to still be chock full of 30+ year olds. 14 players in their 30's in the latest England squad (and only 2 players under the age of 24) 20 in the latest France squad (and not a single player under 24). 15 in the latest Italy squad
  16. Have the player development, and regression with age changes been implemented into FMT at all? 2032 here and not a single regen has made it into the top 3 of the GOAL50 awards, with Mbappé having won the last 6, and still holding a pace/acceleration of 18 at the age of 32. Top teams and international sides also seem to still be chock full of 30+ year olds. 14 players in their 30's in the latest England squad (and only 2 players under the age of 24) 20 in the latest France squad (and not a single player under 24). 15 in the latest Italy squad Development of youngsters (and/or regression of older players) was the biggest single issue with the game from the original launch, and from this (admittedly small sample sized) test, it honestly doesn't seem to have gotten much better
  17. No. FMT on iPad wasn’t an economically viable product, and has only become one by SI’s deal with Apple.
  18. Counterpoint: Using ad blockers is astonishingly entitled. ”I know that someone put effort into creating this content, writing this article, making this video etc etc, but I am not on board with them being compensated for doing so” ”slippery slope” is generally a weak argument. The example you used of COD would completely break immersion and take you out of the experience. The ads (particularly limited as they are) if anything do the opposite in FM, as they also appear in the real thing that is being simulated. in fact, the potential future inability to install user generated content on those boards is being lamented here, but those packs (or certainly the vast majority of them) tend to have MORE corporate advertising than the default set (which is much more focused on FM and Charities)
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