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Everything posted by TopToffee

  1. I'd love to know the answer to this too, since (off the top of my head) the majority of the adverts are for charities or FM/SI related stuff?
  2. Hopefully someone here can help with this (it may actually be way easier than I realise): Is it possible to export a list of the UIDs of all the clubs (or a subsection of them) in the game?
  3. Wow, you must have an intensive workflow to need a Max w/ 32GB! But yeah, FM will run like butter with a lot more leagues than you're looking for and large DB. I play on my M1 Air (16GB) with 13 nations and ~30ish divisions on a large DB and it's pretty nippy.
  4. Quite possibly very few. Still doesn't make it a subscription game, subject to the expectations of that sort of product.
  5. It's not a subscription based game. It's a game on a subscription service. That's not the same thing.
  6. It’s not “unfair” at all. You’re just not Apple’s target market for Apple Arcade, and FMT wasn’t profitable without Apple’s intervention.
  7. Entitled much? SI Games are a business. They already told us last year that making FM Touch had become economically unviable. signing up with Apple to make the game an exclusive to Apple Arcade made it economically viable again. The options were Touch on Apple Arcade (which by the way also has a number of other excellent games) or no FM Touch at all. There was no secret option C.
  8. Good job no one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to play it then eh?
  9. It’s possible I’m misunderstanding, but from the way you’ve written it, it sounds like you’ve put together a team full of players based on their POTENTIAL, and then been surprised that their CURRENT performance in a top flight league is poor?
  10. Because the people who would be required to code the July/August patch will be neck-deep in working on the following version.
  11. While it's possible (we have no idea what SI/Sega's contract with Apple says) it's by no means either certain or likely. Look at NBA 2k as a comparable yearly "big name" title - the previous AA versions of that game are still available today.
  12. Has the ME version ever NOT changed between beta and full release? I'd be very surprised.
  13. Yes, of course it will be. Will it be the exact flavour of different that any one specific poster on here wants it to be? Almost certainly not.
  14. I’ll check tomorrow to confirm, but I’m pretty sure they’re on either high or very high.
  15. Really? I've got an M1 Air and it's buttery smooth. Smoothest I've ever seen it on a Mac (and last year's was pretty good tbs)
  16. That's fine. People trust people who are completely wrong all the time, you're not alone.
  17. Your son's wrong. Even after just one match, it's pretty clear to anyone paying attention that the match engine (arguably the most important part of the game) is significantly changed.
  18. Curious whether there would be anything stopping them having different numbers of leagues depending on which model you're using.
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