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58 "Houston, we have a problem"


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    Hungary & Germany Assistant Researcher

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    Honvéd Pénzügyőr Haching

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  1. And even if you have kit textures, the colour of numbering is still (technically, as the above example shows) drawn from the db data.
  2. Yup it does, have a look at the home kit of Schifflange and Belval Belvaux in Luxembourg in the PGE / IGE and in the ME in the 24.3 DB.
  3. Is there any way to change it from the black / white the program unfortunately started using? Also - is there a way to avoid the autocorrect on kit numbering colours as well? It seems if the program deems there would be a colour clash, it automatically changes kit number colours in the ME in spite of the actual settings. Or this, where it switches it to white to make it actually more illegible. Thumb up!
  4. Yep, it seems to be a skin issue, smooth on the default skin.
  5. My issue is very odd and has been rather persistent - if I want to watch a game I am not involved in, it is extremely stuttery - or more like a slideshow, it feels like 10 FPS. I have no issues with games that I run, and also in these uninvolved games with the issue set out above, the replays are smooth as can be, it is just the match proper that is unwatchable. Also the steam FPS counter says 60 FPS at any point during these games. I play on an external monitor, in 4K via an HDMI cable. I am at a loss to find any dials I can turn / settings I can set to improve this performance. Any insight into where I should look? Also it should be noted the highlights are smooth also in any replay after the match. I have set other teams' matches speed to fast / less responsive for quicker progression in the game. Does this need tinkering?
  6. This is a bug that has been reported on in multiple instances that is known by / acknowledged / being worked on by SI. Though it's their job to say whether and when a fix is coming. Tho I find it funny how some people here defend it as 'realistic'. Pls close this topic.
  7. Compare values before & after. And remember a week has passed. You can handily jump back and forth between the two images with the arrows left and right if you enlarge them, that makes it easier.
  8. Nothing to see, everything normal and works as expected 22 May 2038 2 June 2038
  9. The computer as the loan-taking club treats changing their offer by ticking the clause "can play against own team" and removing preferred position / role in loan negotiations by the user as negative / burdensome, and may "compensate" for them with money or withdraw completely from loan negotiations. Pls fix.
  10. I don't know what you mean. Sending shady men to the training grounds at ASEC Mimosas, Generation Foot and Coton Sport and letting them ogle underage kids, approach and then promise them a better life in Europe and subsequently ship 100 of them off in a container to a 2nd division Eastern European club is surely the most accurate representation of real life.
  11. It is well annyoing, but important / star players will expect to play 70-90 % of ALL games, irrespective of fixture congestion and fitness status. So if you have a calender full of weekday / weekend matches, you have the options: a) do not promise playing time above regular starter b) be prepared for unhappy first-team quality players c) be prepared for their fitness levels being the equivalent of having their knees bashed with baseball bats, even with heavy rotation. Altho having these players start and taking them off at half-time alleviates the issue somewhat.
  12. On the other hand, City has just offered a deal 2,5 M up to potentially 9 M for this guy
  13. How long were they 5th on the coefficient ranking for? I think the current rep system is fine as it is, as the Greek league would not be considered equal to France / Portugal / Netherlands after two or three standout seasons, but if it does ot recognize European competitiveness after 15-20 years of dominance, then this is definitively an issue. This is also valid in the other direction, for instance in the parallel lull period of the big Northern clubs in Italy ~ 5 years ago, there was a noticeable halt in the flux of top players to Serie A IRL.
  14. Small detail: could please newly generated staff also have knowledge that RL staff and players have access to according to the editor settings? (Example: all Danes know all of Scandinavia instantly the moment they turn into a staff member - I would not like to judge how realistic this is, but if it is already so, let newgen Danish staff members also have this knowledge - all newgen staff are objectively worse due to this anomaly. Ranting: However, in a truly ideal World you should adopt my previous idea about scouting knowledge correlating with staff reputation and career path, which would let them have scouting knowledge in ever increasing radii around their places of activity. So a local rep person would have scouting knowledge say in a 50 km radius around the cities he has worked in, in the next bracket a 250 km radius to the national borders and 50 km beyond the national borders in case of the cities being that close to the border, and so on.)
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