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Everything posted by ToMexico!!

  1. Saxony-Anhalt Players in Intakes Philipp Alsleben & Carsten Peters at Hertha Berlin - Two good defensive options if they become available at the end of their youth contracts Abu Sesay & Jamel Chahad at Magdeburg - Two midfielders with the latter the better option. Ibrahim Coulibaly and Abraham Coulibaly at RB Leipzig - I had hoped they were brothers as they came in the same intake. Ibrahim has a year left on his youth contract. Clement Udeh at Hamburg - Clement has a year left on his deal. Oliver Michael at Hoffenheim - a decent looking LB but has signed a professional deal at Hoffenheim.
  2. Loan - May 2026 The board are clearly unhappy with state of the finances but they could have done something so much earlier. A 25 year loan taken out at £26k per month repayments. I'm pleased they've done something finally.
  3. 2025/26 Season Review Having sat in the nosebleed teritory of 3rd place at the mid-season break I wasn't sure what to expect in the remainder of the season. Up until the last half dozen games of the season we remained in the top three, never really able to take second but comfortably above 4th place unless form took a nosedive. Well, then it did; Dortmund weren't the same beast as previous seasons but stuck four past us thanks to Jhon Duran, the Colombia prospect who was signed from Chicago. Wurzburger (finished 3rd) smashed us, we beat relegated Berliner which was expected then Essen (10th), 1860 (5th) and Duisburg beat us heavily to put a real sour note on a decent season overall. We finished in 6th place which at the beginning of the season would have been totally unexpected. We scored 71 goals which was second highest in the league behind Wurzburger and conceded 59 goals which was way too many for 6th place but that figure was heavily distorted by the above form, 18 goals conceded in the last six games. We had a pretty settled side through the course of the season which I think helped for the majority of the season. Leon Damer top scored from right wing with 11 goals and also contributed eight assists, we also had two other players notch double figures for goals as both Julius Schock and Julius Hoffmann bagged 10 apiece with the latter fracturing his leg in March. Banjamin Girth came back from injury to play 22 games this season and scoring nine goals, a good return for the 34 year old. Marvin Temp made the most assists from left wing with nine. Things go from bad to worse as our net debt has nearly hit £6m. I just don't know what to do, we're over the wage budget which I can do something about. The above players' contracts are due for renewal which if all of them leave, we could save just under £12k per week on wages. Reddemann wants more wage to renew so he's definately off, as are the three players opting to leave. Lindenhahn is 35 years old and his legs have gone. Those five players leaving will get us back on tract with the wage budget.
  4. Thanks! Yeah I realised that in season two, I didn't know that was the case until I googled it. Always thought it was like the FA Cup.
  5. Poached - April 2026 Our first poaching. I always guage poachings as a sign that the players coming through the intakes are becoming increasingly better.
  6. Youth Intake Review - Arpil 2026 I wasn't expecting much from this intake due to the prior ones being so poor but I was pleasantly surprised when it popped up with two elite talents. Ferdinand Frerichmann looks the most likely of the two to get a first team appearance. A central midfield by trade, if we can get his physicals up, we will work on his endurance then we have a decent player on our hands. Oyay Kenyi opertates best as a deep lying forward but its a role we never use. Not quick enough for me but has some attributes in right places to become a bench player. Full Intake | Map I've noticed a lot more clubs are now having the African 2nd nationality "bug" - Magdeburg, Leipzig, Aue, Dresden and Erfurt just in my U19s league alone.
  7. Mid-Season Break - Dec 2025 We've reached the mid-season break in the dizzying heights of 3rd place. No I don't know how either. We've reverted back to a 4-2-4 formation but kept it more simple; shorter passing, higher tempo, countering and with a high press. We're creating an average xG of 1.88 per game and scoring an average of 1.90 goals per game, which means we're taking our chances. We're taking more shots and having more shots on target which is reflecting in the goals scored. We're actually the top scorers in the league with 40 goals (Wurzurger are 2nd with 36 and Saarbrucken have 33 goals) and we've lost to both of those sides. Defensively we could still do better, we're conceding on avergae 1.29 goals per game, that needs to be nearer 1.00 pg. Player wise, Leon Damer is the standout on the wing, his 9 goals in 20 games is a team high whilst on loan striker Hoffman has 6 goals in 12 games. The finances continue to worsen I wonder at what point the board inject more cash, it was at -£5m last time.
  8. Youth Intake Preview - Dec 2025 Lets hope for a better intake than last season.
  9. Another Wage Reduction This reduction puts us £8k over the weekly wage budget. We're already in a position where if we lose any more players then youth players will have to be promoted to fill the gaps.
  10. Transfers from Summer 2025 With so many players leaving we needed bodies through the door but choice and quality is starting to decline quicker now. Leon Schmokel was first through the door, born in Bitterfeld-Wolfen, he came through at the RB Leipzig academy before leaving after a year for our own U19s but then moved a season later for Magdeburg. He is more comfortable at CB but has been playing mainly at RB for us. I said we needed bodies and Marvin Temp epitomises that, whilst not a good player though he has made plenty of appearances so far this season from LW. He was born in Magdeburg and came through their academy in the 16/17 season, he dropped down the leagues in 22/23 season joining Fortuna Magdeburg. We then paid £60k for Lennart Jauck from Carl Zeiss Jena, born in Merseburg he joined the Jena academy in 2019/20. Primarily he has been playing centre back for us but can also play at RB and DM. We were then struck by the 6 month lay-off of talisman Benjamin Girth who damaged his achilles tendon in the fourth game of the season so we opted to loan in Julius Hoffman from Dynamo Dresden. The young striker was on my shortlist anyway but previously hadn't been available for loan to us and too expensive to buy. Hopefully he can replicate the goals we will lose from Benjamin.
  11. Looked more into the finances on my save with Hallesher and we're making repayments and interest on a loan that doesn't exist. £518k so far this season and £774k last season. Our net bebt is out current balance
  12. Cash Injection - Nov 2025 The board have finally acted and invested a sum of money into the club. However, it hasn't done much to improve the situation Looking at the expenditure; We're making repayments on a loan that doesn't exist, half a million so far this season and three quarters of a million last season. I can't find anything in the bug forum so will make a post.
  13. Good start with promotion, its a shock to see Hallescher so far up the table in season one though!
  14. Its a real revolving problem. Although stop the league. Nothing else other than its a known issue at the moment.
  15. Beginning of the End - July 2025 The contract end date rolled around and the below players all left, not even wanting to hang around, none of them, well the ones from Saxony-Anhalt want to renew which is understandable. We're really getting into a pickle, this is our first team, all 17 of them. We'll have to move youth players up to the first team to fill the voids left by the players that have left but they aren't good enough. Ideally we need a RB, a LB, a CM, and a LM to stand still. Fingers crossed everyone for a takeover.
  16. New Budgets - June 2025 £55k per week wages is actually an increase on the reduction from last season and despite being £4m in the hole they've given me £80k to spend, which I probably will do. Some initial renewals has reduced the wage expenditure enough to drop us under the budget.
  17. 2024/25 Season Review With things becoming ever increasingly bad off the field I just wanted to get through the season as quickly as possible. We managed to match last seasons 10th place finish but improved on a couple of metrics; goals scored was 75 (+11 on last season) and points total of 55 (+2 on last season). However, we conceded more (74) which needs addressing, whether we go more cautious in our approach or we turn a blind eye and put it down to poor individual results against better teams like Bayern II who scored six against on the last day of the season, which saw them crowned as Champions as a result. I think the positives outweigh the negatives at this stage but we have to mindful that the board have already slashed the wage budget and probably could do so again. Things may get worse before they improve further. I managed to re-sign Benjamin Girth on a new deal which, despite his age, was necessary due to lack of options able to come into the club. He repaid my faith with 24 goals from 35 games which is a new club record in a season at Hallescher. Other players contributed too, Elias Loder (8), Timur Gayret (9) and Dominik Steczyk (7) the pick of the bunch. Two players reached double figures for assists too, Loder and Gayret both making 10. We have a small problem in that Loder, Gayret and left back Hackenthal are all opting to run down their contracts and see what available to them and with the limitations to the wage budget we could lose one or two of them if an offer comes their way. The youth intake was pretty poor, not worth even showing it as we didn't have a single elite talent and we only signed half a dozen of them for U19 depth purposes. Financially we're screwed and the club is starting to be affected in more ways that one now.
  18. Wage Budget - Jan 2025 I knew it was coming. It now means we're nearly £10k over the weekly wage budget. We have a 2nd team that aren't playing fixtures so I'm going to offer all of them out and try and reduce the wage expenditure that way first.
  19. Elections - Dec 2024 Third elections in as many seasons brings a new board. But no new financial backing which is worrying. They have added new objectives though. Work towards repairing the clubs financial damage is unachievable in my eyes, we have no saleable assets to even attempt to. And the season after repair the clubs financial damage, I can that the board will impose reductions on the wage budget unless we can make some sort of attempt to get promoted.
  20. At least I'm not alone then. I had a reply on the bug and they know its an issue at least.
  21. Attacking Analysis - Dec 2024 This is the first time we've featured in the defensive/attacking team analysis so its shows how far we've come. I'm not one for looking into stats too much but there are a couple of things to work on at least from this; shots on target ratio but at 41% thats two in five on target which is decent enough and pass completion ratio at under 80% which is less than the average. We already use much shorter passing within our tactic so we should be finding players more often than 80% of the time. Options to improve in midfielder are quite poor with the limitations we have in signing players from the region.
  22. Youth Player International Call-Up James Dzingai becomes the first youth player to receive a call up to a senior national side. The newgen technical progression bug has probably stopped him from making it to the first team but the improvements in mental and physicals are probably overcompensating for the lack of technical development, so more CA is being moved into those areas.
  23. I think so too and hope so. However, I think it will take me more than four seasons due to the limitations I have imposed on myself.
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