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74 "Houston, we have a problem"

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  1. Does anyone have any idea how to change the colour of the position text on the icons below (e.g AML) from white to another colour. The panel in question is nation/national pool with pitch positions panel but I can't figure it out
  2. If that colour is not normal I would guess either they made a change in panels/tactics/tactics team strategies in possession. Think the below refers to the button from that panel. <widget class="popup_button" id="cros" height="28" appearance="buttons/custom/tactics/pitch switch/normal/button" alignment="centre"> </widget> or maybe they changed the relevant paper file for the button which should be in the graphics folder where the file path is shown above.
  3. Anyone know how to change the size of the font here - i've tried looking at the inbox panel but can't figure it out Sure it's something to do with this bit of code in the "inbox panel" panel: <widget class="table" id="indx" layout="-1" mode="select_rows, fill_rows, dont_allow_empty_selection" fixed_size_rows="false" auto_size_rows="true" navigation_focus_target="true" default_focus="true"> <record id="shown_event"> <flags id="event_id" value="REQF"/> <flags id="event_target" value="self"/> </record> <list id="column_table_properties"> <record id="0"> <flags id="sort_disabled" value="true"/> <record id="column_widget_properties" > <flags id="auto_size" value="vertical"/> </record> </record> </list> </widget>
  4. Had a little project to see if I could turn my dark skin into a light version. Won't ever be released as plagiarises too much other work, Olas Nick's light skin did all the heavy lifting here, it was used as the base.
  5. Last one of these, think the evolution of this skin has now stopped unless a future update breaks something, have always been a fan of the primary/secondary colours and backgrounds and went the same way again this year. Can't / won't release this as I've taken too many things from too many people and I don't know who should be credited for what and I also wouldn't be able to deal with all the requests and bugs encountered with a public release, but hopefully will provide some inspiration to others. My previous screenshots of the work in progress (which can now be deleted if a mod wants to lessen the no. posts by the same person) seemed to get good feedback so maybe a better skinner than me can take this idea forwards and make it better.
  6. DId you try the code int the panel (\panels\menubar\inbox icon) - maybe the "inset -2" in orange below is causing your problem as the graphic in the file path shows a full circle (this may be completely wrong I don't have time to mess around with it) <!-- the bit with the number of unread news (text) --> <widget class="button" id="ibic" height="20" width="20" size="6" alignment="centre_x, centre_y" appearance="buttons/custom/interface/notification/button" colour="fg"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="-2"/> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="right" inset="20"/> <attachment class="get_global_attachment" get_property="mgru" set_property="text"/> <attachment class="test_global_attachment" get_property="mgru" mode="equal" value="0" set_property="hidn"/> </widget> </panel>
  7. Finished messing around with the titlebar / sidebar / action bar (which for someone who has no idea what they are doing even when being able to use previous skinner's panels is a nightmare) but I think it turned out OK? I made one dark version and one with backgrounds enabled because I don't know which I prefer. As stated before I've just chopped up a multitude of better skinners panels from various sources and put them together through trial and error!
  8. In settings there is a file called FM Colours and in that there is the below - probably you can add these to your skin settings file? <!--Training category calendar colours--> <colour name="general training calendar colour" value="blue 900"/> <colour name="match training calendar colour" value="blue 500"/> <colour name="attacking training calendar colour" value="green 800"/> <colour name="defending training calendar colour" value="purple 800"/> <colour name="technical training calendar colour" value="indigo 400"/> <colour name="tactical training calendar colour" value="light green 400"/> <colour name="goalkeeping training calendar colour" value="brown 500"/> <colour name="setpiece training calendar colour" value="pink 800"/> <colour name="physical training calendar colour" value="blue grey 800"/> <colour name="extra training calendar colour" value="teal 800"/> <colour name="match day training calendar colour" value="light blue 300"/> <colour name="rest training calendar colour" value="blue grey 300"/> <colour name="recovery training calendar colour" value="teal 300"/>
  9. I'm probably being stupid but how do you move the positions of the sidebar icons, in the screenshot below I'd like to move all of them down so there is a blank space at the top of the sidebar. I've had a play around in the sidebar menu table panel but can't work it out
  10. Calling this my skin would be extremely generous as it's essentially bastardised panels from people who are actually good at skinning! Still, relatively happy with how it came out, tried to keep some of the feel of the FM24 base skin as didn't actually think it was terrible this year, some examples below, happy skinning everyone ;)
  11. @Rivanov As far as I could make out the issue is to do with the background pattern bits in the client object panel (towards the top of the XML). I'm by no means an expert but I just deleted these out and it allowed the custom backgrounds to come through, although I was playing around a lot trying to make it work so it may have been something else I did!
  12. No problem with teams with white or black colours (at least to my eyes). I haven't changed the default background colours of the FM22 skin so if a team has a primary black colour it is quite hard to differentiate from the skin's background blue but easily changed by playing around in the skin settings file if you need to. Changing the height of the side bar is not something I have the knowledge to do, I'm happy with it poking out at the top!
  13. Umm I can certainly give it a go but I had to change a number of bits to make it look the way it does, and I am not great at skinning so I may have missed something! Try this and see if it works :) sidebar.zip
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