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Posts posted by marcolmo

  1. Hi Fenech

    Game when there was still Championship Manager 97/98, as far as my experience I would say that I think I have a little 'if only for my age that is 57 years, but unfortunately I can not take commitments because of cancer with What a fight for 6 years, but I will be happy to give you a hand if you want and let me know if you need other images, look forward to the results of your work.
    How do you know how much I know about football knowing something.
    I greet you, if I can send you something in general, and in particular the Grande Torino (because it is so, that you will have to call it ... I am kidding).
    However you need to know that in Italy the older ones when they speak of Turin, always say the Grande Torino (Great Turin).


  2. Hi Fenech
    I appreciate your skillful and competent Fenech job when I was a little younger I went crazy for Dave Sexton (QPR) loose dogs but especially for Liverpool before Kevin Keegan and then Kenny Dalglish a team and an extraordinary game, television Italian sent a couple black and white movies, but when I saw a goal of Toshack or Fairclough I was excited ... but you did not have time there was internet we knew very little about football and the teams outside Its own national borders, there was only Serie A with only 16 teams.
    The Cursed United movie and David Peace's book about Brian Cluogh's life led me back to those years, English football always impressed me.
    Anyway, congratulations to your job and really great, I tried to do something similar, but with poor results.


  3. Good job Fenech
    I do not want to teach you anything is clear but I do a few web addresses that can help you in your great research work, even though I think you already know them, but I'm sending you the same if you missed someone:





    http://fsaatg.blogspot.it/search/label/***List of collections***


  4. 25 minutes ago, marcolmo said:


    With the latest updates on June 1st, 2017, you're all surprised and completed a great job.
    Congratulations is a must
    Everyone has more to do, but I realize that you can not listen to everyone.
    My old job in Greenland has been exploited by another database (Sangue Blu) to tell me what you think ...


    The next season will be like Nigeria 2nd level and 3rd level Colombia
    And the next Guinness International Champions Cup

    Broach a way to unlock IDs and insert them into db players, as last year?

    Hello and still many compliments for your work that works perfectly.

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